RaGEZONE_Official_C4_Pack_Live Is real Oficial???? L2O 

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 12, 2007
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Well i finally manage to setup my l2 official server with the RaGEZONE_Official_C4_Pack_Live last version. I read all guides to do it. I also read the specifications of this package to know what was working and what wasnt in my server. All is clear to me except for this.
I go to several places in my server world and i see, that mobs arent retail lockated like the oficial lineage 2 c4 server locations. Basically my question is , are all mobs and npc lockeated in the same place like the oficial server????
I went for example to devastated castle and i coudnt found : the Raid Boss Gargoyle, doom knights apears that doesnt exist. I look the npcs distribution in several pages, world maps and i realiced , that npcs in RagEZONE pack arent retail lokeated like the oficial server. Is this server a custom made ???? or its real retail like oficial??? This is not a criticizes, i only want to know details of the server. what are basically the diferences between the official and the RaGeZONE pack databases?!?!?! If they are diferent, where can i get the real retail files???
Another question is relacionated to the lin2db, lin2world and the folder script. Im very sorry because its a very stupid question, but its a doubt
i have. What king of information is located in lin2db and lin2world databases??? is the location of the monsters?? drops?? skills? I see that all accounts are located there, but finaly, whats the diference between the script folder and those 2 databases??!?!!??! Can someone explain me very shortly the functions of databases and scripts????
Thanks a lot and very sorry for my bad english :(