RageZone's Top 10 Funniest....

Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Provoke A Little Bit Of Community Spirit To Discover The True Jesters Among Us.

Mine :)

1. Exclamatio - Day 4, Need I Say More?
2. STEELY - Plain Simple Goom :tp: Should Be In A King's Court Somewhere
3. Morphix - Insult King
4. Capricorn - Creator Of Gay Brother
5. Neosparky - Moments Of Unexpected Genious
6. MentaL - Sarcastic Bastard :tp:
7. Tupac - Spamming King
8. TONTO - Gotta Give The Little Shit Somethign TBH
9. Nik-C - Funny When He Angry
10. Speedhorn666 - Sarcastic Shit
Ye that's my prob, I'm really not funny at all lol. Newayz:

1. MentaL/Morphix- I put the 2 here coz they're both blunt as fuck and I love it.
2. DonTonberry- Perverted weirdo. Good at strange well thought about inults o_O
3. Exclamatio(n)- Daft, just daft :P
4. NeoSparky- Off her fucking head, sounds crazy then suddenly pops out with sum insanly witty comment.
5. Capricorn- Again perverted weirdo with a hot head :P
5. Bahamut- Random bastard.
6. MasterD- Another random loon.
7. Steely- Love is the key 2 his humour :P
8. GohanSSJ- O c'mon, don't look at me like that, u know sum of his comebacks r 1st class :P
9. DarkBahamut- If I was 2 chat 2 her more she'd probs b higher on the list. Some of her insults r amazing.
10. Tupac- Had 2 put him in, every post raises a smile.
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Here's my list, only making comments on what I know, so.......................

1. Exclamatio - Makes every comment even if its not funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
2. STEELY - Sorry don't know much yet
3. Morphix - Sorry don't know much yet
4. Capricorn - Has to make a sexual remark because he's the king of porn!
5. Neosparky - Be careful with her, one reply will cost your account, even if its funny! Posts funny stuff once in blue moon.....
6. MentaL - Will post pictures of his stuff for the hell of it, funny to see some of them. Avoid fucking around with his threads or all hell breaks loose......
7. Tupac - Him and exclam can go back and forth all day and will watch the comedy
8. TONTO - Playboy girl was really hot, huh!!! Dumb fuck....
9. Nik-C - Posts in broken english, when he gets in a fight with his girlfriend or others :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:. Will not take crap from NO ONE!
10. Speedhorn666 - Will COMMENT on ever mother fucking stinking thread possible to get a laugh, I must beat him!!!!!
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1. DTB - Random gay sniz
2. Cap - Quality gay humour
3. Morph - straight to the point humour
4. MD - Random, loony always cracking me up when he sez somthin like "0mg h4x =P"
5. Sic - I like his stuff when he goes "Im having a wank.................. *note: this is a joke*
6. Ex - I am teh win 1!!1111 humour

Tired, all I can think of atm
The humour here's very slapstick Eglish style, wouldn't b suprised if a lot of it was missed by some foreigners.
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How the hell could i not be in the top 10? the amount of jokes i crack, dammit im pissed off.
lol @ ex

Top 10 would be

1. Steely - funnyiest guy i no period lol on the forum and at home, man who loves pink lol
2. Don - lol this guy always cracks me up wiv all the crap he comes out wiv lol fights to prove a point good friend
3. Rage - lol none of u have put him on lol i fink this guy is fuckin funny as lol makes me laugh a lot wiv the crap jokes he comes out wiv lol
4. MasterD - what a guy hes funny, sexy ;) and my b/f what more could ya ask 4 lol
5. Cap - what a gay lol top guy lol i like u cap cos ya funny and ya crazy lol dont change lol
6. morph caps alter ego seems more outgoin the random comments do me sometimes
7. Ex - this sly dog always raises a eyebrow wen readin his random and amusing posts and class poem m8 lol
8. Sic - lol says funny things wen pissed off at some 1 lol
9. lol who can forget his antics he comes in on my funny top 10 at no. 9 lol
10. have to be Bazi aint been on in a bit but this guy is funny as, ya gotta really no him in real life to no dis or be quite old at rz
1500. Gohan - hes here cos he smalls of monkey nuts :)
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1.) Steely - he's just a gay boy, well funny.
2.) Dontonberry - love the way he deals with ppl when he doesnt like them (remembers wot Don did to KingKong on RZ4)
3.) Capricorn - random funny comments and doesn't take shit from any1
4.) Sic - loved his no-nonsense attitude on Mir
5.) SSJGohan - can't stop but laugh AT this loser
6.) Tonto - as above ^
7.) Nik-C - Funny guy when hes pissed off
8.) Tupac - class sense of humour, can always make ya laugh
9.) Strider - One of the funniest ppl to talk to, ever
10.) Neosparky - some classic funny posts make me nearly wet myself