random sig [no tis not my best lol]

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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
deathtilldusk - random sig [no tis not my best lol] - RaGEZONE Forums

there it is. my good ones are in my sig right now

heres another one i made awile back thats sorta the same style.

deathtilldusk - random sig [no tis not my best lol] - RaGEZONE Forums
Im not really into the border, and font, but its alright though. 8/10
It is good..

But I want to tell you that your choice of render if pretty bad. You choose nearly the same colors for the render and teh background. They totally merge and it becomes difficult for people to differentiate between them.

And I feel that it would have been better if you used less of the Smudge tool.

Well, 7.5/10.
its my main style =\ i had one going with a halflife 3 render but the background was horrible and i just didnt like it. the reason i use smudge is to blend the render
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