re: monster editing and creation posts

Junior Spellweaver
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
re: monster editing and creation posts

I've looked through quite a few of em .. even printed em out .. and I'm close to figuring this one out .. but still a little fuzzy here .. can anyone link me to something straight forward that has this information ...

I have printed out various postings ... regarding this but I'm paranoid I'll be editing something I shouldn't be .. in the Mopxxx files .. there is the:

monstername: followed by varioius sequences of numbers ... is there an explanation as to what each set is for and if it's modifiable.

in posts i've seen I'm not sure if this is all one line and has been word wrapped by my editor, but the mop files look like 3 lines of numbers following the

the sequence is

Note: Do not use word wrap with your notepad, you'll get disoriented and confuse yourself

;(monster name) (monster number) (top) (left) (bottom) (right) (Drop Count) (Item Index) (Item ID) (Amt) (Pattern) (Qty of Monster) (Respawn time in seconds)

tx .. i figured it was something like that ...
The string you've included is appreciated ..
Now I can do some testing .. w00t :)
oh yeah .. by any chance do you know if I can edit the names in the mopxxx index without it impacting anything .. and anywhere else for that matter ...

tx again
I have not tried editing the monster names yet. I will attempt it this afternoon and report back the results when I have them.
I changed some of the monster's names and it didn't change anything. Just back everything up before you start messing around and go nuts.
Some things I've tried - yet no results

I've edited the monster name into something in english ...
I've tried to change the sprite value on what I was guessing was the sprite value on mosters # 1 &7 in street2 ..
I stop and restart the appropriate map ...
What I have found sometimes is spawn rate will completely disappear .. no monsters on .. sometimes it takes awhile and then a few start popping up and after a few kills more and more spawn .. but searched the whole map on quicks
to only discover the values I've changed in the mopinfo.rsm under that monster do not spawn with the new sprites ...
So gonna keep testing myself ...

Tx katt and some .. appreciate anything you may discover ....

and Some: yup yup .. always good to back em up .. daily and before any editing

Tx again