[Re-Uploaded] Joymax PK2 Tools and Blowfish finder

Skilled Illusionist
Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
some ragezoners asked me for how to delete some or anything from the Pk2 files
i recommended joymax pk2 tools but sure many peoples can't get the blowfish and convert it so i decided to re-upload
first the rar file contain Joymax pk2 tools and the Blowfish finder v1.0.1.0 made by Chern0byl so all the credits go to him anyway :ott:

i'm working by this tool since he released it and works fine with me
i know it's old and some of you already have it but some people doesn't have yet.


by RevoLand

and here is the gfxfilemgr uploaded by Chern0byl.

i forgot to say that i tested the tool with vsro and works fine but truly i never test it with BlackRogue but i'm pretty sure that it will work fine too :laugh:
so enjoy. :love:
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Every time I launch the joymax pk2 tool it will open then close and delete itself. Nothing else on my machine does this but the joymax tool, anybody have an idea wtf this shit is?

Duh.. I guess with this tool used on windows 7 it requires to have compatibility set to win2k. Works.
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I don't have blowfish finder, sorry.

Untitled - [Re-Uploaded] Joymax PK2 Tools and Blowfish finder - RaGEZONE Forums

this wrong PW
xvi32 hexa editörünü kullanabilir, sro client exe'yi açabilir ve bu adresi arayabilirsiniz

A19432 73

blowfishkey'deki bu 6 karakter

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