I think most of you are from other sections and know how the tags and rules work for the development section.
Before even posting here:
-Latale main section rules apply here too.
-Read the forum general rules stated: http://forum.ragezone.com/showthread.php?t=101410/
What goes here:
Development related to Latale,
- Source development
- Server Development
- Website Development
Please use the [DEV] before every thread title to tell the moderation team that you have read these rules and will post accordingly.
Threads without a [Dev] tag will be immediately deleted and an infraction issued
Threads with:
Will be removed also, include as much information about your development as you can.
Misc Information.
-This forum is an English speaking community, please do not post in other languages, translations are not an excuse also.
-Do not spam threads.
-Do not bump dead topics, this only causes confusion and spam.
-If your development does not receive a reply within a month, it shall be closed.
[Thanks to alfon for original rules, edited to fit latale's needs]
If you fail to follow these rules, your threads/posts will be removed and you may be issued with an infraction.
Before even posting here:
-Latale main section rules apply here too.
-Read the forum general rules stated: http://forum.ragezone.com/showthread.php?t=101410/
What goes here:
Development related to Latale,
- Source development
- Server Development
- Website Development
Please use the [DEV] before every thread title to tell the moderation team that you have read these rules and will post accordingly.
Threads without a [Dev] tag will be immediately deleted and an infraction issued
Threads with:
Will be removed also, include as much information about your development as you can.
Misc Information.
-This forum is an English speaking community, please do not post in other languages, translations are not an excuse also.
-Do not spam threads.
-Do not bump dead topics, this only causes confusion and spam.
-If your development does not receive a reply within a month, it shall be closed.
[Thanks to alfon for original rules, edited to fit latale's needs]
If you fail to follow these rules, your threads/posts will be removed and you may be issued with an infraction.