Read this.

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Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I would like to make it clear to the community, I did not leech any work from anyone, all work was made by LegacyGamers and DaemonRing, I give credit to them, and the beginning of the code which was made by emisand, but we've decided not to use her code, and recoded the premium buying, which was made by Buga, the Quests and scenario.xml and such was made by our Developer Advil, along with our zitem, and all the other files

Okay, Keith what about your files is there a emulator?

We're working on our own emulator, yes. We aren't using it at this moment.

How about you releasing your files

We're planning on a release of the files, sometime this year, when the Clan war procs and tables are completed ( score is not showing ingame atm, This will include all our files, shop,zitem,quests,custom items, and our documents on how to make your own server, and etc

emisand is on your back why?

Due to the fact I run a successful server I believe she/he is jealous of our creation, I give credit to those who credit is due. I have yet not to give credit.

Why isnt emisand getting banned yet?

Due to Dan not being on RaGEZONE as much he has not seen what she/he has done and I'm sure she/he will be dealed with.

I don't believe you..

Believe me or don't believe me, It won't hurt me, It's just really annoying, You spam, you get infractions, you get banned, I flammed emisand yes, I admit I was wrong, I banned her/his account, I also admit I was wrong there. But this is the last straw no more playing, Infractions will be giving in +2/+3 If needed and you will be reported.

That is all I have to say,

Thank you for your time,

- LGKeiz, GunZ Moderator.
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