- Cheap
- Great multiplayer (local machine) games
- Great controller (Wii Remote)
- Silent and runs very cool
- GameCube built in
- Virtual Console, Weather Chanel, New Chanel, etc.
- Zelda
- Mii's
- Weak GPU + CPU
- No DVD play back (will support it latter on with possible HDDVD support)
- Accessories are expensive
- Nunchuck motion detection is unresponsive
- Cool blue light only comes on when the system is off.

This comes from person experience with each of the systems. For single player and online multiplayer it's a toss up between the PS3 and x360. Both are good in their own aspects. x360 has more games though but the PS3 is free online multiplayer. For having fun with a group of mates then the Wii is the way to go. Minigames are so much fun on it.
NoPeace - out