
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2007
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Hey anyone played wii here i have hehe. The wii sports was good and the boxing was cool but kinda hot a sweatie but the guns games was harder lol and what would you think is best wii or xbox 360 and why?
:2gunsfiring_v1: :rocket:
Wii sports boxing is probally the most unresponsive Wii gave out there. O.O
The punches never go where you want them too. =(

As for which system is the best. It's each to their own. They got both pros and cons and I'll list them.

  • Graphics are the best
  • Higher cost items are optional (HDD, HDDVD, Wireless)
  • Large volume of games
  • Gears of Wars
  • Very good OS and online multiplayer
  • Backwards compatibale with most xbox games and the ones it is the machine upscales the resolution to HD and applies 4xAA
  • Cost is low for HD gaming
  • Fully kitted out x360 is expensive
  • No HDMI
  • No motion detection
  • Runs very hot
  • Runs very loud

  • Extreamly fast 7 core CPU (1 used for OS and 6 used for games)
  • Built in BluRay player for HD movies
  • HDMI supports
  • Very quiet
  • Built in WiFi + memory card reader (60 GB version)
  • Very nice design
  • Free online multiplayer
  • Can be used as a stand alone Linux box
  • Expensive (though cheap for a BluRay player)
  • No HD cables included (only comes with low grade analog cables)
  • Li-On batteries are built into controlers (which after 1-2 years requiers you to buy new controllers)
  • Most accessors uses USB but no USB cables comes with them (you do get 1 with the system though)
  • Poor OS
  • GPU is dated and weak compared to x360 and it's own Cell processor

  • Cheap
  • Great multiplayer (local machine) games
  • Great controller (Wii Remote)
  • Silent and runs very cool
  • GameCube built in
  • Virtual Console, Weather Chanel, New Chanel, etc.
  • Mii's
  • Weak GPU + CPU
  • No DVD play back (will support it latter on with possible HDDVD support)
  • Accessories are expensive
  • Nunchuck motion detection is unresponsive
  • Cool blue light only comes on when the system is off. :cry:

This comes from person experience with each of the systems. For single player and online multiplayer it's a toss up between the PS3 and x360. Both are good in their own aspects. x360 has more games though but the PS3 is free online multiplayer. For having fun with a group of mates then the Wii is the way to go. Minigames are so much fun on it.

NoPeace - out
  • Cheap
  • Great multiplayer (local machine) games
  • Great controller (Wii Remote)
  • Silent and runs very cool
  • GameCube built in
  • Virtual Console, Weather Chanel, New Chanel, etc.
  • Zelda
  • Mii's
  • Weak GPU + CPU
  • No DVD play back (will support it latter on with possible HDDVD support)
  • Accessories are expensive
  • Nunchuck motion detection is unresponsive
  • Cool blue light only comes on when the system is off. :cry:

This comes from person experience with each of the systems. For single player and online multiplayer it's a toss up between the PS3 and x360. Both are good in their own aspects. x360 has more games though but the PS3 is free online multiplayer. For having fun with a group of mates then the Wii is the way to go. Minigames are so much fun on it.

NoPeace - out

You forgot to put Zelda *omg, I think I am going to wet myself : Twilight Princess. O.O
ok thanks dude just seeing your point of view and other peoples view. only played wii so i was seeing what other people say thanks gives me a good idea in the near future. xD
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