README: Dragon Ball Online Development Section Guidelines

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Apr 28, 2007
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Dragon Ball Online Development Section Guidelines
Last updated: August 29th, 2014

Server advertisements belong in the Private Server Ads section.

Team Recruitment must be used for any recruitment purposes.

*** This section is for posting development threads ***

1. Do not request a development
This section is only for developers who are busy with creating something for Dragonball Online. If you would like to request functions, post a request thread in the Help Section.

2. Don't spam threads with short replies
Posting short replies such as "thanks", "awesome", "nice" will be counted as spam. You'll receive an infraction and the post will be deleted. If you would like to thank someone, use the "Thank" button located on the lower left side of the post. Click on this logo to thank someone:
Biesmen - README: Dragon Ball Online Development Section Guidelines - RaGEZONE Forums

3. Do not ask for help in a development thread
If you need help, post it in in the Help Section, or else the moderators will have to clean up every thread to keep it organised and clean.
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