Realm Loop issue: Two Private IP ranges

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 26, 2007
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Hello, I've done a search on this forum and can't seem to find an answer that works. I'm fairly certain that the problem is router related but I thought I'd put it out there for input.

I've set up Mangos 1.12.1 according to this thread: by Elevenz. I've got the files set up on the server and mangos seems to run fine, with no errors in the logs.

Here's my setup: I have a server on a 192.168.0.x network with a fixed IP (for various reasons I won't go into) this is connected by a Linksys wireless router (flashed with DD-DRT) as the WAN side. I have the rest of my private network on the LAN side of the Router in the 192.168.125.x range. I'm trying to run the WoW client on the 125 range. I'm able to ping the server and browse it. I have the file pointing to the 192.168.0.x address and I have the realmd.conf and mangosd.conf files pointing to (I've also tried the 192.168.0.x address in both), same with MYSQL Realmd setting. Host file edits didn't seem to help either. I'm sure I've got a setting wrong with the router but can't seem to figure it out. I'm successfully logging but when I select the suggested realm, mangos, I just loop back to the realm list again.

TIA for any help people can offer.
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Just asssign DNS names to the servers, and all will be working...

How...well, I allready explained that a milion suggest you hit search ;)
Thanks for the info but DNS names or UNC names or No-ip names don't seem to solve the issue. If I assign anything besides or localhost I get an error saying the host doesn't have permission to connect to MYSql. I've even tried modifying hosts file to show *UNC/DNS/LAN IP/NO-ip, etc* but I always get the host can't connect to MYSql error. If I can fix that problem I think it may work.

As a side note I reinstalled Mangos on a different computer so that my two computers only have a switch between them, no router, and I still can't get the remote machine to connect but I can get a client on the server to log in.

For the record, I have searched, and am continuing to do so but haven't found anything that directly answers this problem but I sure see the question posted a lot. Maybe I need to look at real old posts because all posts from this year and last I've read so far just say to search. :s
the host doesn't have permission to connect to MYSql
Then make a user in MySQL for that IP#/user....

Access to MySQL does not only need a user; you also have to specify from which IP that user connects (navicat, user management)
I don't know what I did but I got it working. I was just going through the motions of setting up my address again and re-editing my host file and I didn't get the host not allowed to connect to MYSql error this time. ??? Not sure why, I hadn't changed anything in SQL yet. Anyway, after I entered the address (ex: in the realmlist in SQL and the two conf files (mangos build) and editing the host file on my server and my remote client to have the address I was able to connect with my second machine. Not sure why this hasn't worked the other two nights. I did have to recopy some of the files back into my mangos directory since I had moved them to the second server I made. Maybe one file was messed up or wasn't being recognized? Wish I had a more definitive answer why it now works to help out others but I'm happy it works.
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