[REALSE]Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

Junior Spellweaver
Mar 16, 2007
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Put this in Your Zitem:

<!-- Great Swordsx2 -->
<ITEM id="70005" name="Duel Large Sword" mesh_name="sword01x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="27" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="21" bt_price="12000"
delay="290" damage="16" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="Not one but two!" />
<ITEM id="70006" name="Duel Bright Sword" mesh_name="sword05x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="36" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="23" bt_price="12000"
delay="286" damage="19" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="They are bright!" />
<ITEM id="70007" name="Duel God Slayer" mesh_name="sword04x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="49" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="25" bt_price="12000"
delay="284" damage="21" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="These are said to of killed a god" />
<ITEM id="70008" name="Duel Skull Sword" mesh_name="sword02x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="58" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="27" bt_price="12000"
delay="284" damage="24" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="Scary?" />
<ITEM id="70009" name="Duel Fire-Blast Sword" mesh_name="sword03x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="69" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="26" bt_price="12000"
delay="280" damage="27" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="Ouch they hurt!" />

Try This one Put it in shop Hope it works

<!-- Big Sword x2 -->
<SELL itemid="51" />
<SELL itemid="52" />
<SELL itemid="53" />
<SELL itemid="54" />
<SELL itemid="55" />
<SELL itemid="56" />

if i got the wrong one ill fix it.

Duel prem Dagger

Put this in Shop

<!-- Dual Prem Daggers -->
<SELL itemid="151" />
<SELL itemid="152" />
<SELL itemid="153" />
<SELL itemid="154" />

Put this in Zitem

<!-- Dual Prem Daggers -->
<ITEM id="151" name="Adventurer Dagger (Dual)" mesh_name="dagger06x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="3" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="7" bt_price="5000"
delay="255" damage="11" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_500001" />
<ITEM id="152" name="Koden Knife (Dual)" mesh_name="dagger05x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="10" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="7" bt_price="5000"
delay="242" damage="12" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_500002" />
<ITEM id="153" name="Dark-Sun Martial Dagger (Dual)" mesh_name="dagger04x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="18" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="11" bt_price="5000"
delay="237" damage="13" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_500003" />
<ITEM id="154" name="Ridic Hunter Dagger (Dual)" mesh_name="dagger11x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="3" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="7" bt_price="5000"
delay="233" damage="10" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="6" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_500004" />
Re: Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

dont you need the strings or something ebcause i've put them in Zitem and shop packed my system and everything else but they arent showing in store
Re: Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

get the NA Gunz(ijji) man.mrs and woman.mrs and put them in yours!

dual large sword id`s in shop are wrong !!

<!-- Big Sword x2 -->
<SELL itemid="70005" />
<SELL itemid="70006" />
<SELL itemid="70007" />
<SELL itemid="70008" />
<SELL itemid="70009" />

Re: Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

um.. no links put them in your self
unpack system.mrs
then open zitem.xml put the zitem stuff in
copy zitem.xml put in matchserver files
then (make shure you have copyed not cut) then pack system.mrs
goto matchserver file and open shop.xml
and put shop stuff in and save
Re: Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

matrax don`t post stupid answered!!!
I make this all but when i buy items i don`t see them in my hands !!!
Re: Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

there already have all, he share it already is best guy! so next work is you just copy and adding it in your shop.xml and zitem.xml dont be lazy~
i think this topic must be close>.< already a Perfect Release XD
i like it and thanks soul2k90 to sharing it!
Re: Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

Sorry For Double Post!
I just helping add something~ Not Spam >.<

<!-- Great Swordsx2 -->
<ITEM id="5211" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5211" mesh_name="sword01x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="27" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="21" bt_price="12000"
delay="290" damage="16" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5211" />
<ITEM id="5212" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5212" mesh_name="sword05x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="36" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="23" bt_price="12000"
delay="286" damage="19" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5212" />
<ITEM id="5213" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5213" mesh_name="sword04x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="49" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="25" bt_price="12000"
delay="284" damage="21" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5213" />
<ITEM id="5214" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5214" mesh_name="sword02x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="58" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="27" bt_price="12000"
delay="284" damage="24" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5214" />
<ITEM id="5215" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5215" mesh_name="sword03x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="69" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="26" bt_price="12000"
delay="280" damage="27" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5215" />

<!-- Dual Prem Daggers -->
<ITEM id="5311" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5311" mesh_name="dagger06x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="3" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="7" bt_price="5000"
delay="255" damage="11" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5311" />
<ITEM id="5312" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5312" mesh_name="dagger05x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="10" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="7" bt_price="5000"
delay="242" damage="12" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5312" />
<ITEM id="5313" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5313" mesh_name="dagger04x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="18" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="11" bt_price="5000"
delay="237" damage="13" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5313" />
<ITEM id="5314" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_5314" mesh_name="dagger11x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="3" slot="melee" weapon="dualdagger" weight="7" bt_price="5000"
delay="233" damage="10" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="6" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_5314" />

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5211">Duel Large Sword</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5211">Not one but two!</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5212">Duel Bright Sword</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5212">They are bright!</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5213">Duel God Slayer</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5213">These are said to of killed a god</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5214">Duel Skull Sword</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5214">Scary?</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5215">Duel Fire-Blast Sword</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5215">Ouch they hurt!</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5311">Adventurer Dagger (Dual)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5311">Practical lightweight dagger.</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5312">Koden Knife (Dual)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5312">A dagger designed by a legendary swordsman.</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5313">Dark-Sun Martial Dagger (Dual)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5313">An obscure dagger handed down from the Moon dynasty.</STR>

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_5314">Ridic Hunter Dagger (Dual)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_5314">This strange dagger raises defensive strength.</STR>

<!-- Big Sword x2 -->
<SELL itemid="5211" />
<SELL itemid="5212" />
<SELL itemid="5213" />
<SELL itemid="5214" />
<SELL itemid="5215" />
<SELL itemid="5216" />

<!-- Dual Prem Daggers -->
<SELL itemid="5311" />
<SELL itemid="5312" />
<SELL itemid="5313" />
<SELL itemid="5314" />

I correct it and added strings.xml^^ sorry soul2k90 i change the item code!
becouse i want it list in shop using july server XD:SniperHea
Last edited:
Re: Duel Large Swordx2 + Duel prems Dagger

matrax don`t post stupid answered!!!

I make this all but when i buy items i don`t see them in my hands !!!

copy NA Gunz(ijji) man.mrs and woman.mrs and put it in yours!

much more better!