Reasons women r betta than beer

Newbie Spellweaver
20 Happy Years
Aug 9, 2003
Reaction score
poland with my cat
Eight reasons beer is NOT better than women:

1. A beer bottle doesn't look any better with its labels off.
2. Peeling off beer labels isn't as much fun.
3. You can suck a beer at only one spot.
4. Enjoying a beer involves a positive calorie intake.
5. The bottom of a beer can isn't very interesting.
6. You can't buy a beer at 9AM on Sunday in some states.
7. There's a law about driving after having too many beers.
8. You have to be over 21 to enjoy a beer.
nNo. 8 aint tru u can have a beer in your house as long as your parents kno.....
i cant, i had 1 bacardi breezer each nite 4 3 nites and my dad went ape on me. he called me an alcoholic.
harry said:
i cant, i had 1 bacardi breezer each nite 4 3 nites and my dad went ape on me. he called me an alcoholic.
lmao oh nn not a bacardi breezer. Damn u a poper alchy:lol: And u ain't supposed 2 let ur parents know f00 :P
8 reason why beer is better

1) they dont argue abck
2) beer always makes u happy
3) there is no ugly beer
4) u dont have to buy beer gifts
5) beer will never say "is it in yet"
6) you are always in the mood for beer
7) beer doesnt say no
8) with beer u always have a good nite

QuikS said:
8 reason why beer is better

1) they dont argue abck
2) beer always makes u happy
3) there is no ugly beer
4) u dont have to buy beer gifts
5) beer will never say "is it in yet"
6) you are always in the mood for beer
7) beer doesnt say no
8) with beer u always have a good nite


1)it dont ask for money all the time
2) u dont have to marry it and meet it's mother in law.
its only 21 in the states and a few otha gay countries, 16 in good ol britain and 5 for drinking at home with parents
8. You have to be over 21 to enjoy a beer.
I've been drinking since i was little.
In my country they say u have 2 be 18, every time i go out(either to a bar, or a night club) they never ask me for id and i'm 17, but this also happens to 14y olds soo no one carse about that stupid law.
And i've alwais seen more resons why beer is better than women, this is the first time i see why a women is better than a beer.
QuikS said:
8 reason why beer is better

1) they dont argue abck
2) beer always makes u happy
3) there is no ugly beer
4) u dont have to buy beer gifts
5) beer will never say "is it in yet" <- :rofl::rofl: LMFAO
6) you are always in the mood for beer
7) beer doesnt say no
8) with beer u always have a good nite
