REDEMPTIOnN PristonTale server - BIASED GM/s

Initiate Mage
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
Redemption PT is currently leading other private servers with the latest updates among other private servers.

Jera respec 1-100 , 105 items from kpt, lvl cap of 120 , lvl 85,90 custom items.

It was all good when certain GM/s in game became biased.

He gave several people age + 18 items, which are edited to suit the character's lvl n with no req for stats.

Even donators in the server couldnt get that sort of l33t gear.

There was a uproar in the forums and the GM simply replied he regretted editing those gear and there will be no more of them, But he didnt remove those items he edited and let those players keep it.

A lots of players saw this biased act and left RPT. GM-Sandurr had also been giving out free 105 gears to some "friends" in-game for free while ppl had to donate for them.. USD 45 aint cheap.

There even claim they were the best. MY FOOT

Guys out there, dont support this server. This is no worth ur time n effort nor donations.
Redemption PT is currently leading other private servers with the latest updates among other private servers.

Jera respec 1-100 , 105 items from kpt, lvl cap of 120 , lvl 85,90 custom items.

It was all good when certain GM/s in game became biased.

He gave several people age + 18 items, which are edited to suit the character's lvl n with no req for stats.

Even donators in the server couldnt get that sort of l33t gear.

There was a uproar in the forums and the GM simply replied he regretted editing those gear and there will be no more of them, But he didnt remove those items he edited and let those players keep it.

A lots of players saw this biased act and left RPT. GM-Sandurr had also been giving out free 105 gears to some "friends" in-game for free while ppl had to donate for them.. USD 45 aint cheap.

There even claim they were the best. MY FOOT

Guys out there, dont support this server. This is no worth ur time n effort nor donations.
All items in rPT can be found in-game by normal players, NO player has '1337' gear, NOT EVEN GMs or me
I never gave any free items of any level req. to my friends who play, I let them find them theirselves, the +18 aged items are from donators! rofl owned =) And yes normal players can age to +18 , there are maybe 2 items who have modified lvl req. and those were from 2 months ago, LOL! Really tell me, how many modified req. items did you find? See, get your facts straight asswhore.
I dont need support of this forums for my server, I'm only here to check what's happening and sometimes even help or chit-chat, I work my ass off for my server and obviously you're a little tiny shit who doesn't know shit about server managing

Anyway you probably loved rPT while you played it, but got banned because you did something stupid :) So you're all sad now and got nothing else to do then cry here about rPT, lol! If you were right with all your stupid thoughts, rPT wouldn't have users, dumbass, think! Btw this got discussed on our forums 2 months ago. You know don't know shit about rPT and you only have prejudices about rPT, fool. Oh ya, wrong forum, smarty

PS. you're probably 12 who just got banned from rPT or rejected by it's players, hf at another server :) Because obviously, we don't want you, jaleous crybaby. Your opinion won't do shit, no one gives a crap about you
Don't make such a drama, if one decides to give items to friends, then so what, no big deal. =\
Ah this guy is just a crybaby who lost his char in rPT
He is a customer and is looking for his right. I guess he have tryed pm but some developers has pm box full.
I find it ironic nagging about Ethics while you yourself are playing under a private server... I can see how this could hurt under a business structure, but this isn't any type of business structure, the only money they make are off donations, which it's up to the server owner in the first place to give people rewards for donations. However it's not really a donation if your expecting something in return now is it... where's the ethic in that? Your basically buying whatever you want instead of earning it... ethics. Which you make the choice to buy it anyway.

Either way, donators are getting what they are promised, it's the server owners decision to hand out what else he wants to to whoever he wants to. It's his server, and it's not something he is conerned about because it's not a business... it's just a service. Perhaps if you were telling us paying "customers" were not getting what they are paying for, then that would be a different story.

What it boils down to is that the owners provide an illegal service to you for no cost, no one is holding anyone at gun point telling you must "donate" to play on this server, or get special items. I really don't care who gets what on a server, paid for, given to or earned, I think the majority of us are concerned about the ability of playing with others on a free service, and least those who play on Redemption.

BTW, playing under an illegal service and donating you don't get rights... you get privliages.
It's a private server. You play for free.

The servers owners can even delete you if they don't like you.

Playing on a private server is a privilege, not a right......

Want to have a server where all rules are followed (or should be, anyway), play at an official server.
im gonna have to side with the gms on this one. even if they got leet itemz that normal players cant donate for, (not saying they do) who cares? they are gms, they control the server you play on. so unless ur a gm or u own the server, quit ur whining. don like it? get ur own. if u cant make ur own then stfu and deal with what ya gotz. the gms and admins can do whatever the hell they feel like. as long as the owner of the server approves of it. they could give the whole server 105 itemz if they wanted to. so heres my take on the Privite Server issue. a privite server is like a city. gms and admins are like governments and police. you dont go against what they say or u get banned or kicked. so once again QUIT UR WHINING OR GO TO ANOTHER SERVER
Well taken.... Sandurr put a lot of time in his server and he's not gonna have one fucking noob tell him wat to do..... i dont see anyone else whining about this shit.... if u dont like how he runs his server just make ur own server or deal with it.........