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I am looking to gather any client and patches of redmoon that are available. Preferably looking for older versions that were released around the time when gear was based off of attributes instead of level, and there was not any sky, a vends, and etc.
I have a ton of all the patch notes for those earlier times just no active links to the download.
My goal is to recreate a server as redmoon was when it was first released.
If anyone has a CD with the older clients or any digital copies of them send me a message or upload link please.
what i have so far
really need this ftp://download.redmoon.co.kr/pub/sw/game_sw/jcent/RedMoon/DownLoad/RedMoon252e.exe
Patch 2.52e (November, 2000)
Patch 2.65e (February, 2001)
Patch 2.66e (March, 2001)
I have a ton of all the patch notes for those earlier times just no active links to the download.
My goal is to recreate a server as redmoon was when it was first released.
If anyone has a CD with the older clients or any digital copies of them send me a message or upload link please.
what i have so far

really need this ftp://download.redmoon.co.kr/pub/sw/game_sw/jcent/RedMoon/DownLoad/RedMoon252e.exe
Patch 2.52e (November, 2000)
- Updated game messages and item details
- Updated registration panel
- Addition and update of items and shops
- Added Battle Arena
- Added Desert2 and Desert Dungeon1
- Added Himalayan Dungeons1, 2, 3, and 4
- Added remote island Dokdo
- Implementation of honor system
- Added capability for players to bonus reset for every 50 levels up until Level 300, after which they can bonus reset every 100 levels
- Enhanced Monster AI
- Updated background music
Patch 2.65e (February, 2001)
- Updated game messages, NPC chat and item details
- New exciting logon interface, including animation
- New event monsters (such as Santa Clause, who only appears at Christmas)
- Addition of over 150 new items as well as other stat changes
- Added logout control (preventing immediate logoff as a method to avoid combat)
- Added capability to skip the tutorial while you are in the tutorial zone
- Added capability to see current location on the map (while using map items)
- Added capability for Skill Hot Keys (with [CTRL] Q, W, E, R, T, A, S, D, F, Z, X, C, V activating Skills in the order as they appear in the Skills Window)
- Added capability to set move mode on/off (allows you to move in a direction automatically pointed to while you [CLICK] and hold), by typing: ‘movemode
- Added capability to turn background music on/off, by typing ‘music on and ‘music off
- Added capability to turn sound effects on/off, by typing ‘sound on and ‘sound off
- Update of Lunarena's skills so that her attack rate is dependent on Dexterity, with 2.5x more attack power using Drain, Dark Sword, Star Shower, and Assassin
Patch 2.66e (March, 2001)
- Revised game prolog
- Fixes to text truncation in game messages, NPC chat and item details
- Additional GM commands
- PK penalty time reduced to 20 minutes
** The latest available game CD contains Redmoon at release 2.65e, and can be ordered FREE of charge by U.S. residents; see the Download section for further details.
^^This is what I'm looking for.^^
Patch 2.8e (April, 2001)
Patch 2.9e (May, 2001)
Patch 3.03e (July, 2001)
Patch 3.22e (September, 2001)
Patch 3.32e (October, 2001)^^This is what I'm looking for.^^
Patch 2.8e (April, 2001)
- Introduction of new Special Items* that are not limited by character or level
- Selion (Shirt) + Noas (Pants) + Sylphide (Shoes) + Elein (Belt) - which individually increase attack ability 5%, but all together increase attack ability 40%
- Timas (shirt) + Rajas (hat)+ Shotba (shoe), which individually decrease attacks by 20% - but all together decrease attacks by 80%
- Jupiter (armor) + Tears of Ruyter (pants), which individually decrease attacks by 10% - but all together decrease attacks by 80%
- Graupnel (ring of Strength+1) + Topaz (ring of Spirit+1) + Aquarin (ring of Dexterity+1) - when worn together increase the attributes by +2
- War of God (armor) - can only be worn by a clan commander, increases Strength power +500, Spirit power +500, Dexterity power +500, and attack +10,000
- Infrascope (hat) - allows you to see invisible monsters
- Spirit of Minnerema (hat) - offers increased protection
- Nagrepar (glove) - improves accuracy
- Fresh Breeze (shoe) - increase dexterity and moving speed
- Ardne’s yarn (accessory) - can be used to exit a Dungeon (one use only)
- Escape capsule (accessory) - allows escape to a Hospital in an emergency (one use only)Note – these Special Items change color as your character is killed. Starting at dark blue, it changes to lighter blue, then to white, and then to red… at which point the item will eventually disappear!
- Decreased frequency/increased amount of money from monsters
- Adjusted monster placement and occurrence frequency
- Improved armor weight calculation
- Added weapons
- Added capability of an “exchange bar” that allows characters to exchange items. The feature is invoked by typing: ex ‘player id’
- Added special item that, for a limited time of 5 minutes, allows you to see whether other players have PK ON or PK OFF
- Added special monster (identified by an icon) that when killed gives you 2.5x the experience points
- Increased frequency of random quests by 5x
- Added special items that cumulatively increase your defensive power to a maximum of +40%; however, they are only effective within the Battle Arena and are lost if you are defeated
- Enhancement of the experience point calculation for group kills to take attack skill into account
- Group kills generate an experience bonus of 20%
- When a character reaches level 1000 then a bronze statue of them will be erected around the clock in Street 1
- The PK penalty time will be reduced from 20 minutes to 15 minutes
- Mouse over an item in your inventory displays the item name
- The number of stat resets is displayed when you visit the doctor
- Special item "Heart of Love" gives you 200 Love Points (displayed as a game message) that will come into play later in the game
- Display of PK status when cross between maps (including buildings)
Patch 2.9e (May, 2001)
- Addition of new Spaceship map that allows players (Level 400, with appropriate Quests completed) to travel to Signus
- Addition of new Space Pirate monster, with special stealing skills
- Addition of new Rock Monster that wanders the universe in search of the unwary space traveler
- Enhanced leveling beyond 1000
- Relocation of Banks, Shops and Hospitals to make character recovery after death easier
- Relocation of Vendor, Runaway Girl and Old Woman
- Addition of Arms Shop and General Shop
- Addition of "Exit" signs on Beginner Zone maps to make navigation for beginners easier
- Status Window [F1] redesigned from vertical to horizontal for enhanced playing area visibility
- Addition of self-defense system that allows players to retaliate against other attacking players without PK penalty
- Addition of Boss monster shout ability that lets players know they are in the area
- Addition of "auto item pick up" command (`pickupmode toggles on/off) so that characters can automatically pick up items as they stop on them
- Enhanced Group capability that includes:
- The ability to create and maintain groups with members on different maps
- An indicator that tells members of a group the location of all fellow group members
- Change of map will not disband the entire group
- All Level 400+ characters will be granted 2 attribute stat resets in order to adjust to all the new features and challenges
- Addition of special "Seed" items which allow the player to brighten the world of Redmoon with flowers and trees
- Monsters can now enter Parks (they are no longer "safe" areas)
Patch 3.03e (July, 2001)
- New Level 500 Quest that reveals individual background information for each of the characters
- Updated Spaceship with Level, Honor, and Group member limits to enter
- Added Spaceship events during the trip to Signus
- New Signus maps (AX-1, BX-1, CX-1, and DX-1)
- New Signus monsters (Scout Robot, Security Soldier, Base Guard, Platoon Leader, Spy Plane)
- PK System - characters Level 15 or less cannot no be PK'ed
- PK System - PK no longer affects Honor
- PK System - "Black Tag" penalties are now cumulative and persistent with repeated player kills
- PK System - New character "freeze in place" as additional PK penalty; also cumulative on repeat PK
- PK System - Players can reduce PK penalty times by abstaining from PK behavior
- PK System - PK'ers cannot take Quests
- PK System - Hide/Invisibility skills no longer conceal PK'ers from other players
- PK System - New PRISON added to Boss Spy Dungeon in which no PK'ing (of even Black Tagged PK'ers) or whispering is allowed; PK penalty times last 2x as long here
- PK System - Wardens added to allow access to/from the Prison from Street1
- PK System - Fees added for entry to and exit from Prison (the latter removing outstanding PK penalty time)
- PK System - New automated "Divine Punishment" that will kill characters for continued PK behavior
- Increased defense stats on items with defensive capability
- New Poison Pill (only available from monsters) that replaces Doctor visits for stat resets
- New Amnesia Pill (only available from monsters) that causes loss of Honor points
- Updated monster stats
- Addition of "Legendary Medicine" Quest that allows players > Level 1000 to gain additional bonus points
- Confirmation of mail deletion
Patch 3.22e (September, 2001)
- New commands (3.22e September 25[SUP]th[/SUP], 2001)
- `asktrade refused turns off the ability for other players to enter into a trade with you (the Trade Window is never displayed)
- `asktrade accepted turns on the ability for other players to enter into a trade with you (the Trade Window is displayed)
- `recall refused turns off the ability for other players to Recall you (the Recall Window is never displayed)
- `recall accepted turns on the ability for other players to Recall you (the Recall Window is displayed)
- `chatview on and `chatview off toggle the scrolling chat displays on/off (although all chat is still recorded for review in the History Window)
- `shortkeymode on allows changing of skills in the Quick Bar with the character key only (e.g. [Q] rather than [Ctrl][Q], allows use of items in the Quick Bar with the number key only (e.g. [1] rather than [Ctrl][1], and prevents activation of the Chat Window except by hitting [Enter] first.
- `shortkeymode off toggles the behaviour back to the standard default setting
- New character skills (3.22e September 25[SUP]th[/SUP], 2001)
Character Icon MP Use Description Philar Starlight 600 +650 3000 100% Project a psychic shield to protect multiple people and enhance their attack abilities Soul Crush -650 Disperse positive energies of your opponent and doom them with a dread curse Azlar Holy Shield 600 +600 3000 20,000 Purity of spirit shields you from attack Damned Armor -600 Uses the darkness of your soul to reflect attacks and devastate opponents Sadad Lightning Blade 600 +650 900 600 Ectoplasmic blades strike down a long range target Rabbit's Foot -650 1000 Bend probabilities to your advantage and improve your attack success Destino Silver Arrow 700 +600 650 500 Create an arrow of pure psychic energy that will strike true Chaos -600 A wave of entropy that leaves your opponent unable to control their actions Jarexx Berserker 550 +350 480 1000 Enter a beserk rage for great attack but at the cost of defense MadSpin (Spear Required) -350 Unique psychic focus allows you to speed attacks Canon Dysperse (Gun Required) 700 +650 560 300 Boost the kinetic energy of your ammo to cause scatter damage Chain Reaction (Gun Required) -650 Psychic boost that causes damage chain reaction across multiple targets Lunarena Hope 600 +600 810 300 Mental guide to multiple players allowing recovery of HP and MP Purity of Heart -600 Enhance the sense of danger and tap your special skills more quickly Kitara Zyphyrus 600 +550 1350 5000 Accelerate your actions and those around you God of Death -550 30% Psionic wave that kills distant opponents Lavita Destruction 500 +350 850 700 Destroys the will of your opponents and makes them easier to crush Slow -350 20% Alter time around your opponents and make them sluggish to react
[TH="width: 1%"]Skill Name[/TH]
[TH="colspan: 3"]Character Requirements[/TH]
[TH="width: 1%"]Level[/TH]
[TH="width: 1%"]Honor[/TH]
[TH="width: 1%"]Spirit[/TH]
- New Army System (3.22e September 25[SUP]th[/SUP], 2001)
There are now two "army buildings" referred to as "Camps":
- Camp Liberation (used to be the Street2 Army Building)
- Camp Freedom (new building on Street3)
Each Camp also has a single Army HQ, located on the second floor of the basement, and represents the ultimate army facility.
Army Shops
Armies are now able to control Shops (called Army Shops hereafter) where they can decide the price of items; this applies to any in-game shop.
Army Types
- Free Agent Army
A "wandering army" that has not yet acquired any Army Hall, Army HQ, or Army Shop (i.e. is not affiliated with either Camp) - Regular Forces Army
An army that has acquired an Army Hall but has not yet acquired an Army Shop or an Army HQ - Special Forces Army
An Army that has acquired an Army Hall AND an Army Shop, but as yet has not secured an Army HQ - Elite Forces Army
An Army that has acquired an Army Hall, an Army Shop, AND an Army HQ
Forming An Army
Enter either the Camp Freedom or Camp Liberation building, and use the computer located in the common area to form your army. You will effectively belong to the Camp whose building you use to create your army.
- The Army Commander (who forms the army) must be at least Level 400, with +/-400 Honor
- There must initially be at least 10 additional army members of at least Level 300 (no Honor requirement)
- Army formation can either be "Immediate" (all members must be in-game to receive the invitation) or "Pending" (the latter allows 168 hours to find and recruit the required 10 members)
Organizing an Army
- Each Commander can designate up to 5 Lieutenants
- A Commander can also take the position of Lieutenant
- Each Lieutenant is in charge of 1 Unit (capable of seeing their own announcements)
- Each Army Hall can accommodate up to 5 Units (and as each Camp Building has 20 Army Halls this means a maximum of 100 Units per Camp)
- The maximum number of soldiers that an army can have = 50 + (Commander's Level/20)
- Commander new roles and responsibilities include:
- Promoting/demoting soldiers to/from a Unit
- Warping soldiers
- Promoting/demoting a soldier (of any level) to/from Lieutenant
- Allocating Lieutenant powers
- Designating a new commander (who must meet ALL of the requirements detailed above for a Commander)
- An army can form an alliance with up to 4 other armies
- An army accepting an alliance cannot form their own independent alliances
Disbanding an Army
- An army must always have 10 people of at least Level 300 or it will be disbanded
- A disbanded army will have their accommodations (Hall, Shop, HQ) returned to their original unoccupied state
- 48 hours must pass from the last battle before war can be declared again
- 120 hours must pass from the last battle before war can be declared between the same two armies (i.e. they fought the last battle)
- The Camp computer can be accessed to determine information regarding an army's Halls, Shops, etc. as well as the status of a battle
- Once war is declared it must start after 24-100 hours
- A battle lasts 1,2, or 4 hours (and must be selected)
- Armies in battle (excluding alliances) can request "end of war" that if accepted results in no penalties (but once rejected it cannot be made again)
- An army can surrender (and lose the war)
- The new Army Chat system allows effective communication during war
- New BattleDimension (3.22e September 25[SUP]th[/SUP], 2001)
The BattleDimension was created as a virtual arena here on Earth, which will allow you to hone your own character skills or learn how other characters can and will fight (without fear of experience or item loss). You may also find allies to fight with once you return to the normal world. The ultimate goal is to improve your chances in the battle with Aguilas, however, as you will be fighting other players it will also allow us to rank the best among you… and whoever is the best will receive a special item.
Entering the BattleDimension
- Gateways to the BattleDimension have been constructed at piers selected in Street2 and Downtown4.
- Entry is only possible in a 30-minute window, after which you will have to wait 1 hour before being able to try entry again; essentially combat within the BattleDimension is split into 16 x 90-minute sessions per day.
- You can choose to fight as any character type.
- Your new character name will be your existing name prefixed by the first two characters of the server on which you were playing before entering the BattleDimension. So, for example if your normal character name is "azlar99" your BattleDimension character would be "DIazlar99" (as the U.S. server is named DIOSA). The BattleDimension allows players from different "enabled" logical servers to battle against one another. However, at present only DIOSA is included in the U.S. BattleDimension.
- Entry further requires:
(a) You be a character of at least Level 1000
(b) You be an Army Commander or an Army Lieutenant (there is one Commander and five Lieutenants per Army [Please Refer to the New Army Rules])
(c) You purchase a Entry Pass for 20,000,000
(d) You have been mailed an Entry Pass on reaching Level 275, 325, 375, 425, 475, 525, 575, 625, 675, 725, 775, 825, 875, 925, 975. - You are among the first 150 players meeting one of the above requirements (on a first come, first serve basis)
Combat in the BattleDimension
Once in the BattleDimension combat takes place across replicas of what appear to be the Backyard, Street1, Downtown4, Sahara1 and the Himalayas. It is broken into 3 phases:
- Phase 1 - Strategy (30 minutes)
- Enter the BattleDimension
- Find other characters to Group with (if you so choose)
- Plan strategy
- Phase 2 - Monster Combat, PK Mode Off (30 minutes)
- Accelerated Level up to gain bonus points, honor, weapons, armor, items, etc.
- Strategic distribution of bonus points into attributes to make your character as powerful as possible
- Strategic distribution of weapons, armor, items, etc. between group members (if applicable)
- Mistakes made here will be telling in the next phase
- If killed then character is re-spawned in the area death occurred
- Phase 3 - Character Combat, PK Mode ON (30 minutes)
- All out war!
- If you are killed then you are ejected from the BattleDimension, and re-appear in your normal body (unharmed) outside where you first entered.
- At the end of the session all remaining players will also find themselves back in their normal bodies, but at the entry located in Street2 (even if they entered in Downtown 4)
- At the end of Phase 3 your successful kills (PK's) are tallied and a point score calculated.
- Your ranking, character, wins, losses, and total points will be posted on our website.
- After ranking is complete, the player with the most PK's will receive "Power Pellets".
Your actual character gains this item and when consumed it will give you 4 bonus points!
Note that due to the rarity of this special item, and the fact that it serves the battle against Aguilas better to have many players receive one, players can only win it once in any 24-hour period. If a repeat win is made within the 24-hour period then the player receives only a congratulatory system message.
Sky City Maps 3.32e (October 30th, 2001) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Patch 3.36e (December) Introduction of 10 new special items called Boosters:
Also New! Players can now exit prison with a PK tag.
Redmoon v3.8e (January 28[SUP]th[/SUP], 2003) - Updated 01/17/2003 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enhancements: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||