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Reduce chance of breast cancer. LOL

really weird O_O,a bit disturbing research XD


btw i have an anti-Shark stone and i have been never attacked by a shark so i think it works,gonna make some nice studies to show how many victims of shark attacks were wearing anti-shark stones.

men cant get breast cancer
he dont have those thingies to produce milk

im still thinking about vaginal cancer in men :P
and prostate cancer in women though :P
men cant get breast cancer
he dont have those thingies to produce milk

im still thinking about vaginal cancer in men :P
and prostate cancer in women though :P

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

Read it and learn boys.

Sure guys don't have breast but they most certainly have breast tissue. That is how guys can have female breasts when have hormones to produce the breasts. They have everything they need just not the hormones.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

Read it and learn boys.

Sure guys don't have breast but they most certainly have breast tissue. That is how guys can have female breasts when have hormones to produce the breasts. They have everything they need just not the hormones.

That's scary. :P
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

Read it and learn boys.

Sure guys don't have breast but they most certainly have breast tissue. That is how guys can have female breasts when have hormones to produce the breasts. They have everything they need just not the hormones.

I wonder if you gave the hormones to a bloke if the resulting breasts would be perminant. That could lead to a hell of a prank....
No, when you stop taking estrogen the breast size will reduce and sooner or later will just turn back to pectoral muscles.

Men can get breast cancer, but it's highly unlikely.

1 out of every 900 million men will get it probably.

However 2 out of every 10 will get prostate cancer...or is it 5 out of 10?... or 1 out of 5?.... hmm...all the numbers are grim.

If you live in the US or Britain you will more than likely die of heart disease anyways :P