Reel Deal Live (Casino MMO)

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 8, 2016
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Ok, not sure if I posted this in here before or maybe another section. Reel Deal Live (Phantom EFX) was a casino MMO that Phantom EFX ran from late 2007-2015. During that time I unfortunately never got to packet capture from the live server.

I am basically starting from scratch and need to figure out where to go from here. I have collected the last and latest files from the game. Long story short the MMO had a casino floor with multiple levels that players could roam about and create guilds to face off with others. To some it sounds boring but it was rather fun.

I have been trying to brute force this particular IP that they still have going from the old patch server of their's. I realize this isn't exactly legal but it's my only shot at figuring everything out. I unfortunately can't find the IP that the casino server exists on and assume its dead.

Code: (This IP shows up in wireshark when you try to launch the live
client without going through the login window outside of the game)
If someone could help me get past the 401 error that would be great (prelauncher patch server) found in exe, looks to be dead)

These IP's are what I dug up when disassembling the executable's, there existed a file called Prelauncher08 which was basically the route to the patch server to locate anything needed before bringing you to the casino server login screen. From what I've gathered there was a Casino Server, Patch Server, Application Server and password server.

They used to have a site which no longer exists, and I assume was this site which also contained the casino server.

Any and all help is much appreciated, if you're willing to help I can provide compensation. I also have uploaded the client files and ready to send to whoever is willing. On a side note the game was built with the Ogre3D engine.

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