Do you want to experience a Korean game when it is still in Beta Testing phase? If the answer is "yes", you`d better learn some information about how to register in a Korean game But If you can`t read Korean, it will be difficult to register in the game Beta Test. Please Hold the chance to play in the new game. Below are some common register questions translated from Korean into English. Hope all of them will give you some helps.
there are tons of great MMORPG made in Korean, if you are going to try some of them before the english come out. There's a register guide for ppl to register its CB account. I will keep it update if some of u need these guides.회원ID: User ID:
아이디: Account:
비밀번호: Password:
비밀번호확인: Reenter password to confirm:
비밀번호분실시확인질문: Password hint question:
질문의답: Hint answer:
이름: Name:
회원명: Username:
주민등록번호: Referral:
인증번호: Verification code:
전화번호: Tel:
우편번호: Postal code::
주소: Add:
도/시/구/동: street/city/state
전자우편: E-mail:
주민등록번호: ID No.:
거주국가: Country:
국적: Nationality:
성별: Gender:
여자: Female:
남자: Male:
생년월일: Date of birth:
직업선택: Choose your profession:
경력: Job:
계약: Agree:
거절: Cancel:
등록: Register:
ID중복여부검색: Check if the user ID has been registered:
여권번호(해외한국인,국내거주외국인,해외외국인): Passport No. (overseas Korean, foreigner residing in Korea or foreigner residing overseas):
기타사회보장번호등(해외한국인, 해외외국인): Other Social Security No. (overseas Korean, foreigner residing overseas)
-----------------------------Register by yourself--------------------------------
Useful glossary for registering Korean games
<link edited out by mod> How to get available KSSN through google(pic)
------------------------------specific game register guide-----------------------
Ragnarok II
Master of Fantasy
----------------------------------------new guide has been added-----------------------------------
LaTale Online
WonderKing Online
Aion will available soon, check out the official site AION
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