[REL][LAYOUT] Habbo Royale

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 24, 2007
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I'm trying very hard to make things more Habbo-ish and original!

Habbo Royale

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It's much more nicer than the previous layout you made, and much more habboish looking now. Maybe next time when you code, try making it expandable and stuff, it will make the site look better and also, make your box transparent, it looks weird as the colour is different from the bg colour.
:flag_schw Oh and try removing those weird head pop-ing out stuff and adding in more habbo pixel stuff, that can make your layout looks more habboish~
@Eddeh - the header is from

@INDEPENDENCE-- - I did try with the exapandable DIVs, but it messed up and then i cbb. I'll try a more simple layout for practise with it so I can get the hang of it.

Thanks for commenting.

You're welcome, and also you can try downloading the first layout i uploaded and edit it. It's coded simple and expandable, so you'll probably get something out of it. But yeah, it's just my idea though.

He's on frames, sniffs them all day. INDEPENDENCE-- the Expandable DIVs seems like such hard work lol I cba. The problem is that the way I code is totally different from the way you code. I'm trying to think if there is a way to do it, but keeping my style of coding.
Do you think just adding the styles for the boxes and using that with the DIVs will work? I tried it, looked sorta messed...

Could you show me what you've got with the adding of the styles for the boxes and using that with the DIVs, I can't possibily conclude from here. I'm not that good either. :S
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