[Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release

Experienced Elementalist
May 19, 2008
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♥ In Your Heart
Im having a donator island on my MS, i dont know if you guys need this. But i hope it would help those MS that needs a donator system.

The npcs check if you're a donator :D

add the following function into your NPCConversationManager.java

public boolean isDonator() {
            return c.getPlayer().isDonator();

Next, open your MapleCharacter.java and add the following underneath "private int gm;"

private boolean donator;

After that find "ret.gm = rs.getInt("gm") == 0 ? false : true;" and add the following underneath it

ret.donator = rs.getInt("donator") == 0 ? false : true;

Lastly, add this boolean

public boolean isDonator() {
        return donator;

Save & Compile. . .

For the entrance npc that checks if you're a donator

	AlcoveMs Donator Island Entrance NPC

function start() {
	status = -1;
	action(1, 0, 0);

function action(mode, type, selection) {
	if (mode == -1) {
	} else {
		if (mode == 0 && status == 0) {
		if (mode == 1)
		if (status == 0) {
			if(cm.getChar().isDonator() == false) {
				cm.sendOk("Hmph! You are not a donater! Please donate to access me :D ");
			} else {
				if(cm.getChar().isDonator() == true) {
					cm.sendSimple("Hello #h # ! I am the donater island NPC warper! Please choose an option. \r\n#L0#Goto donator island#l");
		} else if (status == 1) {
			if (selection == 0 ) {
				cm.warp(<InsertYourDonatorIslandMapIDhere>, 0);

Remember to execute the following scripts into your MYSQL for it to work

alter table characters add donator tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0;

To add donator access to the character execute this in MYSQL

UPDATE characters SET donator='1' where name='CharacterNameHere';

BossRoom NPC that summons monsters of your choice

i allowed donators to have their own bossroom on my MS. I decided to release it as well.

To allow NPC to summon boss, Open up your NPCConversationManager.java and add this

public void spawnMonster(int mobid, int HP, int MP, int level, int EXP, int boss, int undead, int amount, int x, int y) {
                MapleMonsterStats newStats = new MapleMonsterStats();
                Point spawnPos = new Point(x,y);
                if (HP != 0) {
                if (MP != 0) {
                if (level != 0) {
                if (EXP != 0) {
                if (boss == 1) {
                if (undead == 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
                        MapleMonster npcmob = MapleLifeFactory.getMonster(mobid); 
                        getPlayer().getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(npcmob, spawnPos);

and this is the npc file, add it to any npc that you wanna use.

	AlcoveMs BossRoom NPC */

var status = -1;

function start() {
	status = -1;
	action(1, 0, 0);

function action(mode, type, selection) {
	if (mode == -1) {
		cm.sendOk("Are you sure? Scaredy cat :<");
	} else {
		if (mode == 1) {
		} else {

		if (status == 0) {
			cm.sendSimple("Hello #h # ! I am the boss summoner NPC of donator island! Each boss monster that i summon would cost you 3mil mesos because they have more Exp and lesser HP! Would you like to pay me some mesos to spawn some #e Special Boss Monsters #n for you? \r\n Please choose #b\r\n#L1#Papu clock#l\r\n#L2#Pianus#l\r\n#L3#BlackCrow#l\r\n#L4#Anego#l\r\n#L5#BodyGuard A#l\r\n#L6#Bodyguard B#l\r\n#L7#TheBoss!#l#k");
		} else {
			if (selection == 1) {
				if (cm.getMeso() < 3000000) {
					cm.sendOk("You do not have enough mesos.");
				} else {
					cm.spawnMonster(8500001, 20000000, 2000000, 125, 700000, 1, 0, 1, 430, 238);
			} else if (selection == 2) {
				if (cm.getMeso() < 3000000) {
					cm.sendOk("You do not have enough mesos.");
				} else {
					cm.spawnMonster(8510000, 24000000, 3000000, 110, 1500000, 1, 0, 1, 827, 238);
			} else if (selection == 3) {
				if (cm.getMeso() < 3000000) {
					cm.sendOk("You do not have enough mesos.");
				} else {
					cm.spawnMonster(9400014, 30000000, 10000000, 115, 2000000, 1, 0, 1, 430, 238);
			} else if (selection == 4) {
				if (cm.getMeso() < 3000000) {
					cm.sendOk("You do not have enough mesos.");
				} else {
					cm.spawnMonster(9400121, 70000000, 10000, 130, 4500000, 1, 0, 1, 430, 238);
			} else if (selection == 5) {
				if (cm.getMeso() < 3000000) {
					cm.sendOk("You do not have enough mesos.");
				} else {
					cm.spawnMonster(9400112, 350000000, 5000, 152, 15000000, 1, 0, 1, 430, 238);
			} else if (selection == 6) {
				if (cm.getMeso() < 3000000) {
					cm.sendOk("You do not have enough mesos.");
				} else {
					cm.spawnMonster(9400113, 450000000, 50000, 160, 15000000, 1, 0, 1, 430, 238);
			} else if (selection == 7) {
				if (cm.getMeso() < 3000000) {
					cm.sendOk("You do not have enough mesos.");
				} else {
					cm.spawnMonster(9400300, 123000000, 10000, 175, 20000000, 1, 0, 1, 430, 238);
			} else {

This npc summons, Papuclock,Pianus,BlackCrow,Anego, Bodyguard A/B and the Boss for 3million mesos, it checks if you have 3million before letting you spawn any boss monsters.

and you can allow donators to use # commands by doing this, and player @ commands dont get logged.

replace what you have in your commandprocessor.java with mine ctrl + f this line "public static boolean processCommand(MapleClient c, String line) {"

public static boolean processCommand(MapleClient c, String line) {
		return processCommandInternal(c, new ServernoticeMapleClientMessageCallback(c), c.getPlayer().isGM(), c.getPlayer().isDonator(), line);
	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see net.sf.odinms.client.messages.CommandProcessorMBean#processCommandJMX(int, int, java.lang.String)
	public String processCommandJMX(int cserver, int mapid, String command) {
		ChannelServer cserv = ChannelServer.getInstance(cserver);
		if (cserv == null) {
			return "The specified channel Server does not exist in this serverprocess";
		MapleClient c = new MapleClient(null, null, new MockIOSession());
		MapleCharacter chr = MapleCharacter.getDefault(c, 26023);
		chr.setName("/---------jmxuser-------------\\"); // (name longer than maxmimum length)
		MapleMap map = cserv.getMapFactory().getMap(mapid);
		if (map != null) {
		MessageCallback mc = new StringMessageCallback();
		try {
			processCommandInternal(c, mc, true, true, command);
		} finally {
			if (map != null) {
		return mc.toString();

         private static boolean processCommandInternal(MapleClient c, MessageCallback mc, boolean isGM, boolean donator, String line) {
		MapleCharacter player = c.getPlayer();
		ChannelServer cserv = c.getChannelServer();
                donator = c.getPlayer().isDonator();
                if (line.charAt(0) == '!' && isGM || line.charAt(0) =='@' || line.charAt(0) == '#' && donator) {
                        synchronized (gmlog) {
				gmlog.add(new Pair<MapleCharacter, String>(player, line));
			log.warn("{} used a GM command: {}", c.getPlayer().getName(), line);

allow donators to rebirth without having to look for the Rebirth npc :)

} else if (splitted[0].equals("#rebirth")) {
                            int expfix;
                            if (player.getLevel() >= 200) {
                            expfix = c.getPlayer().getExp();
                                      c.getPlayer().gainExp(-expfix, false, false);
				      player.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, player.getExp()); 
                            } else {
                                mc.dropMessage("Rebirth is only available at level 200+");

credits - alcovems developer 'nejevoli' myself :)
credits - airflow for his boss spawner function
credits - gorgon for his donator commands
credits - localms source

[note] i do not know if this has been release before, i hope it can help someone that needs it. Good day :)

SOME preview, i used valendale for my donator island [credits Davidkun] thanks for the map

i have unlimited hair changer, skill maxer, glove shop, cape shop, pet shop, morph shop, Donator quests npcs, scroll npcs, 6 training grounds with special exp for donators , everything a donator needs =p the exit and entrance npcs check if you're a donator, if you vip rock in , thats it. you get stuck, since its a event map, you cant click 'trade' to fm , or do anything about it :P

here are some screenshots:

nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums

NPC that sents you into the bossroom, checks if you're a donator.

nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums


nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums

The evil guy that spawns monster in the bossRoom for a price ^^ ;D

Had nothing to do , so made a stupid jump quest using forest of patience 1 & 2 :D

nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums

this is the teleporter that sents you in the starts the jump quest

nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums

the npc you speak to after completeing the 1st stage of the quest

nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums

ta da ! the end of the jumping quest

rewards are these super cool cute cash items

nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums

nejevoli - [Release] AlcoveMs Donator functions/Island npcs/Release - RaGEZONE Forums

I'll post more, if any of you guys need my files, just let me know. I have tons of exclusve stuffs that i made/leeched from ragezone, i decided not to continue dev in my server, as all along im the only dev doing everything. Tired Z_Z

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Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

lawl why illegal o: nice release btw :D eventho i dun have a server >_>
Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

Great release! Illegal tho :P

The release is not illegal.
The release is coded for one groups privatley made and released source.
Those files arent supplied with any of nexons owned data :)
Thus you can code what you want for it without any legal obstructions :)
Now what people choose to do with your release is another thing altogether.

Non profit donations are a grey area.
Taking donations and spending them on personal uses is illegal & you can easily get sued. :)
My tip:
If your using you donations to fun server expenses only:
Congrat's your head is on straight and i respect you.
If your using your donations to buy stuff for yourself:
Your disgusting. GTFO!

Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

Thank you,
I'm using it already, And my Donator island has
a new town, Using PartyQuest's maps,
I will release if you want it.
Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

Thank you,
I'm using it already, And my Donator island has
a new town, Using PartyQuest's maps,
I will release if you want it.
PQ maps? ._.
so pretty much useless for any server with PQ's....
There are some maps......
town in the east/west/south/north...
Massive array of unused maps there ;o
Might require you to remove reactors / unscript portals *?possible?* / add npc's tho.
Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

PQ maps? ._.
so pretty much useless for any server with PQ's....
There are some maps......
town in the east/west/south/north...
Massive array of unused maps there ;o
Might require you to remove reactors / unscript portals *?possible?* / add npc's tho.
Uhm, Amoria PQ maps,
Orbis, Herbtown [pirate] and more,
It's so pretty, you gotta see that before you talk like that.
I deleted useless reactors, monsters and all that.
ill release probally like more 3 days b/c im fixing the ludimaze pq.
Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

Uhm, Amoria PQ maps,
Orbis, Herbtown [pirate] and more,
It's so pretty, you gotta see that before you talk like that.
I deleted useless reactors, monsters and all that.
ill release probally like more 3 days b/c im fixing the ludimaze pq.

Talk like that? ;O
Im just saying your maps will get tromped all over when those pq's are coded ;o
I mean im all for the idea till someone codes those pq's but, yer uno what i mean.
Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

Talk like that? ;O
Im just saying your maps will get tromped all over when those pq's are coded ;o
I mean im all for the idea till someone codes those pq's but, yer uno what i mean.
I am using APQ, If there will be released APQ, and weddings,
I'll just back up it.

@ - Mussii, Just kerning, Ludi, LudiMaze, Zakum and guildquest.
APQ, PPQ and such aren't already, And if they will be released,
I will make a bakcu p of the maps.
Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

Can someone help me??
When I compile whiling using the NPC boss summon person. It gives me 6 errors about maplemonsterstats

Can someone help me?
Re: [Release] AlcoveMs Donator Island NPCS, Donator functions.

Can someone help me??
When I compile whiling using the NPC boss summon person. It gives me 6 errors about maplemonsterstats

Can someone help me?
Add to NPCConversionManagar.java this :

public void spawnMonster(int mobid, int HP, int MP, int level, int EXP, int boss, int undead, int amount, int x, int y) {
MapleMonsterStats newStats = new MapleMonsterStats();
Point spawnPos = new Point(x,y);
if (HP != 0) {
if (MP != 0) {
if (level != 0) {
if (EXP != 0) {
if (boss == 1) {
if (undead == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
MapleMonster npcmob = MapleLifeFactory.getMonster(mobid);
getPlayer().getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(npcmob, spawnPos);