Attachments as follows...
Em -
Item mall
Registration with captcha
Change password
Credits to the owners/Authors :
(Please pm me if your're the owner of one of this files/corrections)
Some posted it in the other websites
So unfair we don't have it here so I need to share.
All in one thread.
For tech support I can only answer few.
CAUTION : use this files in your own risk.
Some have good anti SQL injection some have back doors or anti on this scripts.
Later I will post other scripts since this is the only files on my tab.
Em -
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Item mall
Registration with captcha
Change password
Credits to the owners/Authors :
(Please pm me if your're the owner of one of this files/corrections)
Some posted it in the other websites
So unfair we don't have it here so I need to share.
All in one thread.
For tech support I can only answer few.
CAUTION : use this files in your own risk.
Some have good anti SQL injection some have back doors or anti on this scripts.
Later I will post other scripts since this is the only files on my tab.
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