[RELEASE]all items, plus some more!

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Skilled Illusionist
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
ijji based shop(download at bottum)

and here are some add ons!
 <!-- Dual Wield : Katana - Weapon Type is 'dualkatana -->
 <!-- 무게는 통상 1.5배, 데미지는 통상 0.8배, 딜레이는 통상 0.7배 * 0.9배, 가격은 1.4배 -->
 <!-- 철제 소태도의 실제적 비교모델은 군용 장검 -->
 <ITEM id="31" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_31" mesh_name="blade02x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="10" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="18" bt_price="850"
  delay="290" damage="14" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_31" />
 <ITEM id="32" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_32" mesh_name="blade01x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="21" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="14" bt_price="2000"
  delay="280" damage="15" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_32" />
 <ITEM id="33" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_33" mesh_name="blade06x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="32" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="20" bt_price="5000"
  delay="280" damage="16" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_33" />
 <ITEM id="34" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_34" mesh_name="blade05x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="43" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_34" />
        <ITEM id="35" name="MoonWar Kodachi" mesh_name="blade04x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_34" />
        <ITEM id="36" name="Darkness Kodachi" mesh_name="blade03x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_34" />
        <ITEM id="37" name="Ancient Kodachi" mesh_name="blade07x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_34" />
        <ITEM id="38" name="Assasin Kodachi" mesh_name="blade08x2" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="doublekatana" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_34" />
 <!-- 테스트용 대검입니다. 나중에 삭제요망 -->
 <ITEM id="51" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_51" mesh_name="sword01" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="greatsword" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_51" />
 <ITEM id="52" name="Skull Giant Sword" mesh_name="sword02" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="greatsword" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_51" />
 <ITEM id="53" name="Fire-Blast Sword" mesh_name="sword03" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="greatsword" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_51" />
 <ITEM id="54" name="God Slayer" mesh_name="sword04" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="greatsword" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_51" />
 <ITEM id="55" name="Bright Giant Sword" mesh_name="sword05" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="15" slot="melee" weapon="greatsword" weight="18" bt_price="12000"
  delay="260" damage="18" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_51" />
      <!-- SEMI AUTO SHOTGUN : Magazine = 12 ea ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
 <ITEM id="6501" name="Canon 1" mesh_name="shotgun06" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="20" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="18" bt_price="2000"
  delay="400" damage="6" ctrl_ability="110" magazine="10" maxbullet="40" reloadtime="6"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="Canox shocked all with this revolutionary prototype semi-auto shotgun that is fast firing beyond belief, the only drawback is its weight."
  effect_id="5" />
 <ITEM id="6502" name="Ripper III" mesh_name="shotgun08" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="25" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="17" bt_price="6000"
  delay="450" damage="8" ctrl_ability="100" magazine="8" maxbullet="36" reloadtime="6"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="Walcom has also made a semi-auto shotgun, but this version focuses on less weight, and better control. Its drawbacks are its smaller clip."
  effect_id="5" />
 <ITEM id="6503" name="Canon 3" mesh_name="shotgun06" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="25" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="19" bt_price="6000"
  delay="380" damage="7" ctrl_ability="120" magazine="12" maxbullet="48" reloadtime="6"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="The new Canon has a larger clip and fires faster, but has more weight and less control as a result."
  effect_id="5" />
 <ITEM id="6504" name="Ripper VI" mesh_name="shotgun08" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="0" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="18" bt_price="10000"
  delay="430" damage="9" ctrl_ability="100" magazine="8" maxbullet="42" reloadtime="6"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="This new version boasts stonger power and a slighty bigger clip."
  effect_id="5" />
 <ITEM id="6505" name="Canon 5" mesh_name="shotgun06" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="40" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="19" bt_price="10000"
  delay="350" damage="8" ctrl_ability="120" magazine="12" maxbullet="48" reloadtime="6"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="New improvements are more damage and less delay."
  effect_id="5" />
 <ITEM id="6506" name="Ripper VII" mesh_name="shotgun09" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="55" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="18" bt_price="16000"
  delay="410" damage="11" ctrl_ability="90" magazine="8" maxbullet="42" reloadtime="6"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="Completly redone model, with more control and less weight, but more delay."
  effect_id="5" />
 <ITEM id="6507" name="Canon 7" mesh_name="shotgun02" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="55" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="20" bt_price="16000"
  delay="320" damage="9" ctrl_ability="130" magazine="12" maxbullet="48" reloadtime="6"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="Redone model, with even faster firing rate, but less control and weight."
  effect_id="5" />
      <!-- HEAVY MACHINEGUN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
 <ITEM id="8501" name="Old Glory" mesh_name="machinegun01" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="50" slot="range" weapon="machinegun" weight="40" bt_price="40000"
  delay="40" damage="20" ctrl_ability="140" magazine="500" maxbullet="1500" reloadtime="20"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" limitspeed="60" limitwall="1" color="#FFFFFFFE" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0"
  magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_machinegun_reload" snd_fire="we_smg_fire"
  snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="This heavy gun, known as 'Old Glory', is the heaviest and hardest to control gun, but it is the strongest." effect_id="9" />
    <ITEM id="10000023" name="Dagger Premmium 1" mesh_name="dagger_wood" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
        res_sex="a" res_level="10" slot="melee" weapon="dagger" weight="7" bt_price="1000" delay="370"
        damage="6" range="160" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
        gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
        image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="Dagger Premmium 1" />
    <ITEM id="10000048" name="Katana Premmium 3" mesh_name="katana_wood" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
        res_sex="a" res_level="20" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="9" bt_price="20000" delay="360"
        damage="17" range="160" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
        gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
        image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="Katana Premmium 3" />
 <ITEM id="10185" name="Training Sword" mesh_name="katana_wood" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="0" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="10" bt_price="20" delay="349"
  damage="15" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="A katana mesh not used by Maiet, yet provided in the model.mrs" />
 <ITEM id="10194" name="Midnight Blood" mesh_name="MidnightBlood" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="60" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="12" bt_price="20" delay="329"
  damage="33" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="-33" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="The sword of night. The sword of death." />
 <ITEM id="10195" name="Bloody Sword" mesh_name="BloodySword" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="66" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="10" bt_price="666" delay="329"
  damage="24" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="..." />
<!-- luckybag -->
 <ITEM id="400000011" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_400000011" mesh_name="luckybag" totalpoint="0" type="custom"
  res_sex="a" res_level="5" slot="custom" weapon="food" weight="4" bt_price="2000" delay="1000"
  damage="0" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="4" maxbullet="4" reloadtime="10" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="3" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_fire="we_grenade_fire"
  desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400000011" />
<ITEM id="999966" name="Wooden Giant Sword" mesh_name="sword_wood" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
res_sex="a" res_level="5" slot="melee" weapon="greatsword" weight="6" bt_price="100"
delay="160" damage="25" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="made for BDSX-Gunz" />
<ITEM id="50034" name="Walcom SSL" mesh_name="smg02" totalpoint="0" type="range"
        res_sex="a" res_level="60" slot="range" weapon="smg" weight="14" bt_price="40000" delay="65"
        damage="7" ctrl_ability="50" magazine="50" maxbullet="200" reloadtime="5" slug_output="true"
        gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
        image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_smg_reload"
        snd_fire="we_smg_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="blabla"
        effect_id="5" />
    <ITEM id="50035" name="Walcom SSL x2" mesh_name="smg02x2" totalpoint="0" type="range"
        res_sex="a" res_level="64" slot="range" weapon="smgx2" weight="30" bt_price="50000"
        delay="65" damage="14" ctrl_ability="90" magazine="40" maxbullet="200" reloadtime="5"
        slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
        lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_smg_reload"
        snd_fire="we_smg_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="blablaaaa"
        effect_id="6" />
    <ITEM id="50036" name="Walcom XXL" mesh_name="smg03" totalpoint="0" type="range"
        res_sex="a" res_level="80" slot="range" weapon="smg" weight="16" bt_price="80000" delay="100"
        damage="12" ctrl_ability="50" magazine="30" maxbullet="120" reloadtime="5" slug_output="true"
        gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
        image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_smg_reload"
        snd_fire="we_smg_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="blabla"
        effect_id="5" />
    <ITEM id="50037" name="Walcom XXL x2" mesh_name="smg03x2" totalpoint="0" type="range"
        res_sex="a" res_level="85" slot="range" weapon="smgx2" weight="32" bt_price="100000"
        delay="100" damage="25" ctrl_ability="90" magazine="30" maxbullet="120" reloadtime="5"
        slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
        lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_smg_reload"
        snd_fire="we_smg_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="blalbla"
        effect_id="6" />
 <!-- 異붽??꾩갹 -->
 <ITEM id="526001" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_526001" mesh_name="bulletkit" totalpoint="0" type="custom"
  res_sex="a" res_level="0" slot="custom" weapon="bulletkit" weight="4" bt_price="400"
  delay="1000" damage="0" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="2" maxbullet="2" reloadtime="10"
  slug_output="false" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="3" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_fire="we_grenade_fire"
  desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_526001" />
<ITEM id="526002" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_526001" mesh_name="bulletkit" totalpoint="0" type="custom"
res_sex="a" res_level="20" slot="custom" weapon="bulletkit" weight="5" bt_price="5000"
delay="1000" damage="0" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="3" maxbullet="3" reloadtime="10"
slug_output="false" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="3" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_fire="we_grenade_fire"
desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_526001" />
<ITEM id="526003" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_526001" mesh_name="bulletkit" totalpoint="0" type="custom"
res_sex="a" res_level="40" slot="custom" weapon="bulletkit" weight="6" bt_price="20000"
delay="1000" damage="0" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="4" maxbullet="4" reloadtime="10"
slug_output="false" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="3" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_fire="we_grenade_fire"
desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_526001" />

<!-- Double Katanas -->
<SELL itemid="502004" />
<SELL itemid="502005" />
<SELL itemid="502006" />
<SELL itemid="502007" />
<SELL itemid="502008" />
<SELL itemid="502009" />
<SELL itemid="35" />
<SELL itemid="36" />
<SELL itemid="37" />
<SELL itemid="38" />
<SELL itemid="52" />
<SELL itemid="53" />
<SELL itemid="54" />
<SELL itemid="55" />
<SELL itemid="6501" />
<SELL itemid="6502" />
<SELL itemid="6503" />
<SELL itemid="6504" />
<SELL itemid="6505" />
<SELL itemid="6506" />
<SELL itemid="6507" />
<SELL itemid="8501" />
<!-- luckybag -->
<SELL itemid="400000011" />
<!-- AMMO KITS -->
<SELL itemid="526001" />
<SELL itemid="526002" />
<SELL itemid="526003" />
<!-- SMG -->
<SELL itemid="50034" />
<SELL itemid="50035" />
<SELL itemid="50036" />
<SELL itemid="50037" />
<SELL itemid="999966" />
<SELL itemid="10185" />
<SELL itemid="10194" />
<SELL itemid="10195" />
<SELL itemid="10000023" />
<SELL itemid="10000048" />

from filexoom
- strings.xml
- zitem.xml
- shop.xml

from megaupload
- zitem.xml
- shop.xml
- strings.xml

- model.mrs(its a bit suffed)
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Re: all items, plus some more!

OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I was waiting for this the WHOLE time! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Can someone also post the MODEL.MRS with everything?
Re: all items, plus some more!

Nice Job! But i get an error : Invaild ZItemChecksum(13317901), UserID(ba*****01) <<< my account...i placed it in the MatchServer BTW...please help :X when i replace it with the system.mrs file the server runs fine...
Re: all items, plus some more!

oooh its ijji -.- but if i run ijji i cant log in lol? *Sorry For Double Post*
Re: all items, plus some more!

... i get the same problem... butwhat do you mean with: when i replace it with the system.mrs file the server runs fine...
thanks! ???
Re: [REALSE]all items, plus some more!

-_-' Matraxv4... can you PLEASE explain how this works DETAILED... i keep getting an error in MATCHSERVER.EXE and what the HECK do you mean with: Did you put String.xml in the System.mrs ? please explain STEP by STEP how this works.. and also post the model.. if you do.. you will be a god!

-Thank you- and BTw.. Happy easter all! xD
Re: [REALSE]all items, plus some more!

-_-' Matraxv4... can you PLEASE explain how this works DETAILED... i keep getting an error in MATCHSERVER.EXE and what the HECK do you mean with: Did you put String.xml in the System.mrs ? please explain STEP by STEP how this works.. and also post the model.. if you do.. you will be a god!

-Thank you- and BTw.. Happy easter all! xD
Yes please we really need a TUT for this and i think we get the same problem!
Re: [REALSE]all items, plus some more!

wtf so i can tell you never read the tut on how to setup the server!

you know mrs.exe and that .dll you got from the setup page?
you will need it!
1.)click start, click run, type notpad then press enter
2.)type in notpad mrs.exe d system.mrs and save as unpack.bat(make shure it say ".bat" on the end and not ".txt") in the same place as the mrs.exe
3.) now copy system.mrs from gunz file put in the same place as the mrs.exe then click on the unpack.bat file wait 1 sec then a file will be made with all the stuff from system.mrs
4.) now open up that file REPLACE:strings.xml and zitem.xml
5.)click start, click run, type notpad then press enter
6.)type mrs.exe c system and save as pack.bat(make shure it say ".bat" on the end and not ".txt") in the same place as the mrs.exe
now click on the pack.bat file
7.) now you have updated system.mrs!, you done!

plz next time to make it ezyer on every one read the info on the page to setup your gunz server!
Re: [REALSE]all items, plus some more!

People with the invalid zitem checksum, make sure you are restarting matchserver after you are done putting the files in... I forget to do that a lot.
Re: [REALSE]all items, plus some more!

I'm having troubles with MatchServer.exe. I followed the directions, and after I started to get MatchServer up, I got a runtime error and the program terminated itself.

EDIT:After messing around with it, I realized that it only will work with the old zitem/shop.xml for some reason. Does MatchServer need to be updated?
Re: [REALSE]all items, plus some more!

hey maxtrax nice job been waiting for this for a while
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