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[Release] Blade & soul Revolution(mobile) server+client

Experienced Elementalist
Nov 8, 2014
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Restore .bak databases(mssql) restore .sql databases(mysql) change the sql password "libi@123" on MainServerConfig.xml start the server using the Launcher.exe or directly.

here are my

you know how to config apk app?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 29, 2019
Reaction score
Restore .bak databases(mssql) restore .sql databases(mysql) change the sql password "libi@123" on MainServerConfig.xml start the server using the Launcher.exe or directly.

here are my

I use your configs,but i can't run it.the mainserver will shut down.Should I edit some other files?
Initiate Mage
Jan 19, 2018
Reaction score
The file is incomplete, someone did not upload the complete file.

not just the apk, also need some API
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 7, 2014
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It's very easy to start
1.edit apk lib/libUE4.so 010editor open it
search Unicode Change Your ip Bytes are consistent
2.Create web server
8888 and 8080 port
Import file
edit 8888/serverlist.xml Change Your ip ,File encoding Must be UTF-8
3. obb file use Android0723-testobb\app\src\main\assets\main.obb.png Rename to main.11910.com.jlonline.revolution.obb
copy to /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/com.jlonline.revolution/
Newbie Spellweaver
May 17, 2007
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  1. Install Windows server 2019.You can use any version you want - this doesn't really matter.
  2. Install SQL Server 2019 Express - Community Edition Download link: *At least 2017 version - older version won't allow you to restore database.
  3. Install SQL Server Management Studio Download link:
  4. Install Apache and Mysql. You can you packets,like phpstudy or similar. As this based on chinise - i put a link for this one,but i warn you - its only in china and you can't change language in it. phpstudy Download link: You can setup its separatly - you need a apache and mysql. Important note - YOU CAN"T USE NGNIX for this setup - its won't work. Default mysql user name and password - root and root. You can keep them or change. I point to it later in this guide.
  5. Open SqlServer 2019 Configuration Manager-SQL server network configuration-sqlexpress protocol tcp/ip enabled
    Double-click the tcp/ip ip address and change the ipall tcp port at the bottom to 1433
    This is almost standart settings,so no futher explain about this part.
  6. Open SQL Server Management StudioWindows loginSecurity-login name-sa double click to change the password to libi@123
    Right-click link-Properties-Security Server authentication Open SqlServer and Windows authentication application
    Restart service Open SqlServer 2019 Configuration Manager SqlServer service -SqlServer(SQLEXPRESS) Restart If you have clear install you can use default password - so you don't change it later.Default password is libi@123 Its ok if you have different password - you can change it later. I point to this later in this guide,same as for mysql part.
  7. Ok,so preparation part done,so lets unpack server files. There you go Download them.(also you can use older server files,if you have them downloaded before,they actually the same). Unpack 2.rar(this is server files) and 3.rar(this is database)
  8. Open SQL Server Management Studio SqlServer authentication login Login name sa Password libi@123 (of course if you use default - if not put you own password instead) Restore database Right-click the database-restore database-source-device-select filebnsm_accountdb_trunk_individual.bak Need to restore one by onebnsm_gamedb_trunk_individual.bak bnsm_statistics.bakbnsm_tooldb_full_190607.Bak
  9. In sql management studio go to Database bnsm_accountdb_trunk_individual and Change 1 row of table dbo.tb_server_group_list to external network ip-------
  10. Mysql create databasebnsmg_logdb_trunk Import sql bnsmg_logdb_trunk.sql (you can use any tool for it,i prefer navicat)(you find it in google) The other is the account database, which is not necessary for now
  11. Ok,lets do config now. Go to server,which is was from 2.rar. Go straight to Asia/config folder. Open MainServerConfig.xml with text editor. If you use you own password for either mssql or mysql this is time to set them.
    <Database>        <AccountDB connection_string="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=bnsm_accountdb_trunk_individual;User id=sa;Password=123456;Timeout=30;Min Pool Size=60;Max Pool Size=80;"/>        <World world_no="1">            <GameDB connection_string="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=bnsm_gamedb_trunk_individual;User id=sa;Password=123456;Timeout=30;Min Pool Size=60;Max Pool Size=80;"/>            <LogDB addr="tcp://" user="root" password="123456" dbname="bnsmg_logdb_trunk"/>        </World>    </Database>
    Change password to one you set.You don't really need to change anything else,but i still recommend to set ip to your machine ip,since localhost might give errors sometimes. For ip change you need edit them this files GateServerConfig - look for master_ip and standby ip LobbyServerConfig - look for master_ip,standby ip and OperServer ip PlayServerConfig - look for lobbyserver ip.
  12. Start the server\bnsm\Bin\Asia has a launcher.exe run and then start A total of five services Can't start, flash back, install vc++ runtime library Or the database tcp port is not open. Anyway, it is a problem with the database and runtime.
  13. Ok,now unpack 剑灵革命教程.rar You find 8080 and 8888 folder and text file. You don't need this text file.
  14. Config you webserver to route vhosts to 8080 and 8888 and direct them to corresponting folders.Open 8888 folder and edit serverlist.xml You need to edit ip to your ip. Save it. Make sure that its encoded set to utf-8. (important notice - its set to utf-8 bom - but its don't correct - so change it to utf-8. Ok,server part is set,so you can run it and test. Make sure you have access to you web. Its important.
  15. Ok,so we go to client part. You need to unpack 剑灵手游_修改过.apk - you can use 7zip or winrar for that. Open lib/arm64-v8a/libUE4.so with hex editor and search for unicode Replace it with you own ip. Make sure they are same in size - they need to be aligned. You can use any ip,as long as it have same 14 digits overall(This is with dots included). Don't try with ip that have more or less - its won't work,since it just broke offset.
  16. Now take modded file and replace it in apk,upload it to you phone\emulator and install it.
  17. Run game for the first time. This won't work,but after you dropped to desktop go to Android/obb/com.jlonline.revolution/ and copy main.11910.com.jlonline.revolution.obb inside it. I uploaded this too.
  18. Ok,you done. Now you can run it and this will work. You can use any login without password,its lack of verification,so its don't check for passwords anyway.
  19. Also,to open the game for the second time, delete the entire files folder under android/data/com.jlonline.revolution Without doing this is won't loaded.
  20. Ok,you done. Have a nice play. There also some info - i just put it here. Obb package modificationUse the MT manager to edit or decompile the APK file.There is a DownloaderActivity file under com\jlonline\revolution. Change the two addresses inside to your OBB download address (the first line103 and the second line620. It is garbled)Then change the OBBData file under the path, modify line18 to have a const-wide v4, 0xe360b1a3L. Change e360b1a3 to e3609dd0. This is the obb packet size verification.3. Pack and sign the installation. You don't need to make anything from last part if you don't plan to make open server for this. Anyway hope it tutorial help to some ppl.
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
May 8, 2011
Reaction score

  1. Ok,you done. Have a nice play. There also some info - i just put it here. Obb package modificationUse the MT manager to edit or decompile the APK file.There is a DownloaderActivity file under com\jlonline\revolution. Change the two addresses inside to your OBB download address (the first line103 and the second line620. It is garbled)Then change the OBBData file under the path, modify line18 to have a const-wide v4, 0xe360b1a3L. Change e360b1a3 to e3609dd0. This is the obb packet size verification.3. Pack and sign the installation. You don't need to make anything from last part if you don't plan to make open server for this. Anyway hope it tutorial help to some ppl.

is there any tool to "garbled" the URL?
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2020
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Can you tell me how you changed the language of the riki apk? I'm Korean but I can only play in Chinese language. If you know how to change the language, please let me know
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 22, 2021
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Re: [Release] Blade &amp;amp; soul Revolution(mobile) server+client

can i get a google link or maybe a torrent link to files please i realise mega hav change alot for free users so i cant use it to get stuff anymore

i lost my old account put i am not a newbie lol

been here since 2004