in appserver's server.ini make sure master_server's ip is
check your account db, db, logdb settings
in gameserver's server.ini
public_ip ->>> well what it sounds like, it is needed if you want to make the game server online otherwise write there
make sure master_server_ip is,
make sure that accountdb, db, logdb settings are correct
Loginserver's server.ini ->>> make sure master_server ip is
again accountdb, db, logdb settings are correct,
at the bottom set auth_url to
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
public ip to
and set keypwd
in masterserver's server.ini the same, check accountdb, db, logdb, auth_url to, key_pwd to what it is
in xampp first run the one called setup_xampp only after that start the control
download navicat premium, in that connect to sql server, the same way as you connect with the sql server management studio
open rz_accountdb->dbo->tables->rz_gt_server, write all the ip-s to your online ip or depends on which one you want to use
after that rz_accountdb->dbo->tables->rz_gt_world and change ip-s the same way and it should work