• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Release] COEmu Source - Revision 2 - 2/19/07

Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
Revision 2
Updates / Additions and all.

  • Melee Damage Corrected.
  • Skills Added:
    Stigma ~ 100% Works on Characters, But not Monsters Yet.
    Penetration ~ Works if the player knows the skill, Doesn't Yet check if Dagger == Equipped.
    Phoenix ~
    Works if the player knows the skill, Doesn't Yet check if Sword == Equipped.
  • Monster AI Updated.
    Addition to
    Collision prevent system:
    • When Mobs get stuck behind another mobs, they can now become bored. and lose there agro against you. They will return to where they spawned.
  • +1 Items, Ref, Uni, Eli and Sup Drop Rates are now configurable in Config.ini.
  • StigLuresMobs in Config.ini added, set to 1 for Stig to lure mobs.
  • Packet Checks to prevent Crashing.
  • Attack Bug Fix, where auto attacking would stop alot.
  • XP formula fixed .
The source is only for people without knowledge about C#. Don't download the source if you have no idea what C# is.

Compiled Source:
Compiled files for the people without knowledge over C#.

This is just the raw source, nothing as been customized, ex the /item command is not in this release nor any of the other features I added in the other files.

All credits to the CoEmu team for their hard work.
finally someone / a team is getting somewhere with conquer priv servers :P soon there'll be releases to the grade of Qonquer i hope :)
Revision 2
Updates / Additions and all.

  • Melee Damage Corrected.
  • Skills Added:
    Stigma ~ 100% Works on Characters, But not Monsters Yet.
    Penetration ~ Works if the player knows the skill, Doesn't Yet check if Dagger == Equipped.
    Phoenix ~
    Works if the player knows the skill, Doesn't Yet check if Sword == Equipped.
  • Monster AI Updated.
    Addition to
    Collision prevent system:
    • When Mobs get stuck behind another mobs, they can now become bored. and lose there agro against you. They will return to where they spawned.
  • +1 Items, Ref, Uni, Eli and Sup Drop Rates are now configurable in Config.ini.
  • StigLuresMobs in Config.ini added, set to 1 for Stig to lure mobs.
  • Packet Checks to prevent Crashing.
  • Attack Bug Fix, where auto attacking would stop alot.
  • XP formula fixed .
The source is only for people without knowledge about C#. Don't download the source if you have no idea what C# is.

Compiled Source:
Compiled files for the people without knowledge over C#.

This is just the raw source, nothing as been customized, ex the /item command is not in this release nor any of the other features I added in the other files.

All credits to the CoEmu team for their hard work.
thanks CoEmu team and Ron.:poster_ss
Danger-bk, you have to make scripts to the NPCs that's why you can't talk to them...
Everything working nice but uhm..
It seems spawing doesnt work unless you use the /spawn button ?

And you cant attack those ?
Everything working nice but uhm..
It seems spawing doesnt work unless you use the /spawn button ?

And you cant attack those ?

Spawns work just fine :). Go to pgAdmin and under conquer database go to monster spawns. right click on it and view data. now just add a monster :) make sure you have the server down for this.
I also have that problem with the acmin commands, when i use /scroll it says "Usage: TheCity"

No other command does anything even tho i have put 8 in both flag sections.

On a lighter note, this server seems alot more stable, i havnt crashed yet and its been on for a good hour now.
I also have that problem with the acmin commands, when i use /scroll it says "Usage: TheCity"

No other command does anything even tho i have put 8 in both flag sections.

On a lighter note, this server seems alot more stable, i havnt crashed yet and its been on for a good hour now.

Use /scroll tc or /scroll ma, ect..