Old School Operations
Revision 2
Updates / Additions and all.
The source is only for people without knowledge about C#. Don't download the source if you have no idea what C# is.
Compiled Source:
Compiled files for the people without knowledge over C#.
This is just the raw source, nothing as been customized, ex the /item command is not in this release nor any of the other features I added in the other files.
All credits to the CoEmu team for their hard work.
Updates / Additions and all.
- Melee Damage Corrected.
- Skills Added:
Stigma ~ 100% Works on Characters, But not Monsters Yet.
Penetration ~ Works if the player knows the skill, Doesn't Yet check if Dagger == Equipped.
Phoenix ~ Works if the player knows the skill, Doesn't Yet check if Sword == Equipped. - Monster AI Updated.
Addition to Collision prevent system:
- When Mobs get stuck behind another mobs, they can now become bored. and lose there agro against you. They will return to where they spawned.
- When Mobs get stuck behind another mobs, they can now become bored. and lose there agro against you. They will return to where they spawned.
- +1 Items, Ref, Uni, Eli and Sup Drop Rates are now configurable in Config.ini.
- StigLuresMobs in Config.ini added, set to 1 for Stig to lure mobs.
- Packet Checks to prevent Crashing.
- Attack Bug Fix, where auto attacking would stop alot.
- XP formula fixed .
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The source is only for people without knowledge about C#. Don't download the source if you have no idea what C# is.
Compiled Source:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Compiled files for the people without knowledge over C#.
This is just the raw source, nothing as been customized, ex the /item command is not in this release nor any of the other features I added in the other files.
All credits to the CoEmu team for their hard work.