• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Release CSRO1.239 [csro1.240R] server file + DB + client + tool

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hello, the community is dead, I have studied these files for many years. I decided to post it. SRO is dead and can no longer survive,
I hope that after the document is published, I hope to benefit the community.
This version of the document, the developer's copyright belongs to qq909047432
Tencent QQID: 909047432

After the V1 document is released, please do not ask me any questions about 1.239. I will not provide any CTF, arena and CH skill WATER_HARMONY solutions

Is there a hacker backdoor for this file: there is no hacker backdoor

Is there any bug in this file: No bug exists

How many character levels does this file support: 140

How many skills does this file support: 160

Has this file ever been a private server:YES

Silk shopping virtual mall: no collapse
1 - Release CSRO1.239 [csro1.240R] server file + DB + client + tool - RaGEZONE Forums
2 - Release CSRO1.239 [csro1.240R] server file + DB + client + tool - RaGEZONE Forums
This file is V1 version [CTF and Arena are not supported]
This file is V1 version [WATER_HARMONY skill is invalid in CH skill series]

Server file + DB:

NPC_Editing tools:

Client decryption tool:

Full client:

After the document is released, please do not ask me any questions about 1.239. I will not give any CTF and Arena and CH skills WATER_HARMONY solution

In the future, I will release the V2 version, which has the CTF and Arena [Original Ownership], the CH skill WATER_HARMONY is completely normal [the original file has no errors],
you say no bugs and all fixed but i get this error:
local overlap job exception!! : CServerProcessOverlap
thath happen when start shard manager any solution ?
hehehe so this is the csro - r original server files with some modification
better then isro r server files in that case csro - r broke as hell