Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2024
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I'm sharing this complete DMO files.

This includes:

- Full Source
- Editor Pack 01 and pack03
- Web files and site administration
-Source Launcher and other features

These are the Digital Shinka Online (DSO) files that were stolen by the GMs , I just bought it on Discord, seeing that many already have access to the file, I decided to share it, so it's up to each one how they are going to use it and if they are going to use it. The server has a lot of things working, mobs, dungeons, Digimon, hatch system, evo system, items and equipment, but the cashshop doesn't work.
I'm just sharing. If you make any modifications or improvements to the files, please share them with others so that we can make a public and playable server for everyone.
But the game is fully playable, and it is possible to play with friends or offline to have fun with some Digimon that would be impossible to buy on the original server.

Please leave a reaction or your liking to help. I spent my money on this and decided to make it public.

Inside the folder, there is a tutorial on how to install the database and log in. You just need to compile and play. Open VS and compile in this way


Captura de tela 2024-04-13 010912.png
First, open your Visual Studio and compile with you database server. Once it's open, you need to click the green play button at the top. You can click the "show more options" icon and switch to IIS Express. If that doesn't work, try using Mudblazerdemo.CRUD. If neither of these options works, click "Configure Startup Projects" and set it as shown in the image below. After doing this, try repeating the initial steps.
The login is dmoct and the password is: 123456.
What can I do in the admin panel: You can create accounts with GM level or as a normal player, edit mobs, drops, boxes, and the location of mobs. Basically, the panel has many features that facilitate database editing.
A bigs thanks to Thales1217, to share this with us.
A special thanks to xDarkninoxD who organized a list of items that need to be fixed.
- Cash Shop Needs to be DONE, as it doesn't exist;
- Trade completely bugged;
- Transcendence with some basic problems;
- Daily online hour event, completely bugged;
- Digimon Archive with serious errors;
- Clon with problems;
- Status of Digimons with problems;
- Most teleports have problems;
- Dungeons with problems;
- PVP server with problems (Does not load the map);
- Account Warehouse duplicating items with 999;
- Time items that expire with problems;
- All XAI's are already being received after they have expired;
- Party completely bugged (Partial fix);
- Monster cards with problems (Fix);

Edit 01/: I'm not going to answer stupid questions about how to do this or that, access to all files is there. You have the source, the client, the tutorials, just have a basic understanding, use logic please. Study the files. Look before asking something basic here.
Edit 02/: Admin panel tutorial and some fixes published. (17/06/2024)
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I am sharing this Complete DMO files,

This includes:

- Full source
- Client
- Editor Pack 01 and pack03
- web files and site admin
- DataBase

These are the DSO files that were stolen by the GMs. I only bought them on Discord, seeing that many already have access to the file, I decided to share it, so it's up to each one how they will use it and if they will use it. The server has a lot of things working, mobs, dungeons, Digimons, hatch system, evo system, items and equipment, but the cash shop does not work.
I am just sharing. If you make any modifications or improvements to the files, share them with others so that we can make a public and playable server for everyone.


Inside the folder, there is a tutorial on how to install the database and log in. You just need to compile and play.

I'm looking for a game to play to relieve boredom. And I came to see you. Thank you very much.
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When I run gameserver.exe, I get an error as below. I want to know the solution
Estou compartilhando esses arquivos DMO completos,

Isso inclui:

- Fonte completa
- Editor Pack 01 e pack03
- Arquivos da Web e administração de sites
-Base de dados
-Source Launcher e outros recursos

Estes são os arquivos DSO que foram roubados pelos GMs. Acabei de comprar no Discord, vendo que muitos já têm acesso ao arquivo, resolvi compartilhar, então fica a critério de cada um como vai usar e se vai usar. O servidor tem muitas coisas funcionando, mobs, dungeons, Digimon, sistema de hatch, sistema evo, itens e equipamentos, mas o cashshop não funciona.
Estou apenas compartilhando. Se você fizer alguma modificação ou melhoria nos arquivos, compartilhe-os com outras pessoas para que possamos criar um servidor público e jogável para todos.
Mas o jogo é totalmente jogável, sendo possível jogar com amigos ou offline para se divertir com alguns Digimons que seriam impossíveis de comprar no servidor original.

Por favor deixe uma reação ou seu like para ajudar. Gastei meu dinheiro nisso e decidi torná-lo público.

Dentro da pasta tem um tutorial de como instalar o banco de dados e fazer login. Basta compilar e jogar.

There is a version where the cash shop works perfectly. It seems that those who sell or distribute these files remove them from this area so that any private server opened is nonprofit.

That being said, this is not a bug; it simply involves missing files. Therefore, it becomes almost impossible to recreate them from scratch; otherwise, fixing this issue would be quite easy.
There is a version where the cash shop works perfectly. It seems that those who sell or distribute these files remove them from this area so that any private server opened is nonprofit.

That being said, this is not a bug; it simply involves missing files. Therefore, it becomes almost impossible to recreate them from scratch; otherwise, fixing this issue would be quite easy.
Here, we have the cash shop, but you need to fix the codes so that the warehouse receives the items and the tamer can retrieve them. This is a different from the other DMO files available out there. It is a more complete version that is currently available and now public.

I'm sorry. I don't know how to do that , I just built the DigitalWorldOnline.sln file
You need to make changes in this path.

Here is what I believe to be the client source code. Got it randomly a couple years ago, looks to be altered, so proceed with caution. Not sure if it has been released previously.

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The game server error has been resolved. However, the login screen is no longer progressing, And when I log in with my dmoct1 ID, the error "the account information provided does not match" appears
Thank you, and once again, I have something to apologize for, when I tried to access the server, there was an error as below
Thank you, and once again, I have something to apologize for, when I tried to access the server, there was an error as belowView attachment 262423
follow tutorial pt3.

Here is what I believe to be the client source code. Got it randomly a couple years ago, looks to be altered, so proceed with caution. Not sure if it has been released previously.


I think this client was made earlier. From the project, it seems to be from 2015.
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