[Release] Ferrarezi Web

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Pass: Onne


- 1.3.6

New config to use or not the chest extended at the site WebVault.
Guilds problem solved deleted in the ranking of the Castle Siege victories.
Fixed small error message Cron Job.
Added option to exclude a report filed definitively.
Added option to delete a registered bank in the deposit confirmation.
Added possibility to show game coins in the account summary page, using {} Credit_NOMEdaMOEDA tag.
Option to lock items with Harmony and sets Lucky in Webtrade.
Detailed list of online players in Manager (Users - Online players), including button to disconnect the player.
Added setting to show class requirements in items from the Item Shop of the list.
Added ability to charge $ on user tools. For no charge, put the value -1 in the currency setting.
Fixed multiplier for game currency, now working properly.

- 1.3.5 -

Added currency manager game, for sale via Credit Shop

- FULL LIST OF FEATURES (up to version 1.3.5)

-> Automatic and uncomplicated installation.
-> Simplified Initial Setup.
-> Automatic Update via manager.

-> Security:
---> HTTP Flood protection and DoS.
---> Protection XSS Attack.
---> SQL Injection protection in 3 layers.

-> Templates System:
---> Site 100% customizable.
---> Possible creation / adaptation of own layout.
---> Possible CSS change all the elements processed internally.
---> Possible creation of custom modules and components.
---> Possibility of creating modules with multiple impressions.
---> Possibility to use PHP code within the template files.
---> Settings to use AJAX for instant loading of pages.
---> Template Classic with full AJAX.

-> Language / translation files:
---> Possibility to change any text that appears on the site.

-> News System
---> Reviewed via Facebook and other social networks

-> Registration / Account creation:
---> Required or optional email confirmation.
---> Fully customizable (data register).
---> Confirmation "captcha" with its own algorithm to avoid spam and boots.
---> Check availability login by ajax.
---> Settings to give bonus coins in the register.

-> Login to User Panel by ajax.

-> Blocked Users list.

-> Password Recovery:
---> User type your login and e-mail, or login and sno__numb and receive the password by email.

-> Security Key System (sno__numb):
---> May be requested in WebShop, Webtrade, WebVault, and other areas, to increase security.

-> Interpreter .txt's the MU Server:
---> Interpreter name and calculated data (FULL!) Of ITEMS.
-----> 2.500+ lines of code.
-----> Interprets 100 items mixed in 0.4 seconds.
-----> Visual all customizable in CSS (go with the default aspect of main.exe "factory").
-----> Updates in real-time data item to edit in WebShop (HOT!).
-----> Serial Shows, Buyer, insurance and NO-Trade in the item description (all optional).

-> Notices System:
---> The site shows the user "You have XX warnings unread".
---> Custom Announcements, text and situations. Example: "Your account has been blocked." "Your deposit was confirmed," etc.
---> Ability to send notices to the user via manager.

-> Rankings:
---> Top Master Resets (current) / Resets (current, daily, weekly, monthly).
---> Top Guilds (score, sum of resets of members victories in Castle Siege).
---> Top Level / Master Level.
---> Blood Castle
---> Devil Square
---> Chaos Castle
---> Illusion Temple
---> Gens system
---> PK / Hero (automatic, without cleaning for counting pk)
---> TempoOnline
---> Duel
---> Various configurations (even several!).
---> Fast and ultra light processing (400% faster than the "competition").
---> Display links to character profile.
---> Real Placing the characters in cases of a tie.

-> Character Profile
---> Class Resets, MResets, Level, Points, Map, X, Y, Zen, Status, Guild, AccountLevel, Rank, ...). All data to show or not show are customizable through the template, according to the inserted tags, for example: {Name} {} {ResetCount Clevel} etc.

-> Reseller System:
---> Resale Registration via Manager (linked to a player's account)
---> Resale Panel via User Panel
---> Based on COMMISSION (% of sales)
-> System Scheduled Tasks
---> Delete VIP-Item items won
---> Remove VIPs and VIP overdue items
---> Remove expired locks

Users panel:

-> Awards by PagSeguro:
---> Generation, confirmation and addition of automatic credits.

-> Awards by PayPal:
---> Generation, confirmation and addition of automatic credits.

-> Change Password.
-> Security Key Change (sno__numb).

-> User Profile
---> Change real name
---> Mobile phone Amendment (platform integration for sending SMS)
---> Change avatar (profile photo)
-----> Configuration to enable or disable the imaging system
-----> Configuration to VIP level required to display the image
-----> Configuration for maximum width and height of the image
-----> Auto-resizes with proportion, change the format and optimizes any image
-----> A photo by account
-----> Support for animated gif
-----> Extremely light system
-----> Default Image for "no image" (noImage.gif in the template root folder)
-----> Default Image for "no vip" (noAL.gif in the template root folder)

-> Service / HelpDesk / Support:
---> Anti-flood.
---> Support for attachments (customizable limits and rules).

-> Virtual Chest (WebVault):
---> Download the game from the chest items for the virtual trunk and vice versa.
---> Unlimited items (or configurable threshold).
---> Super fast and convenient, various items per click, processing "jet".
---> Support for any version. Detects and adapts automatically.

-> Credits Shop (Purchase VIP plans and site of currencies):
---> Up to 5 types of coins

-> WebShop:
---> Full customization Possibility of user-made item.
---> Ability to add insurance to the purchased item.
---> Tons of settings values, limits, etc.
---> Up to 5 types of coins
---> Promotional Coupons, Discount% or fixed amount, and with a validity date of programming or maximum number of uses
---> System categories to organize your Shop. Endless possibilities. Nothing to have the mess of a shop for each currency or for each type of item, simply organize into categories.
---> Shows the last 5 shopping Player and other players above categories.
---> Historical Show full purchase the player.
---> Possible tracking the player purchased item.
---> Player can cancel procurement item that disappeared from the game (configurable).
---> User can remove shopping insurance (configurable).
---> New filter by COINS Manager in buying logs.
---> Ancient bracket with +5 and +10 increase in both possible types

-> Webtrade:
---> Sale and direct purchase.
---> Negotiations warning messages through site

-> Move Character:
---> Move the character selected for the Lorencia bar.
---> Useful for a player in trouble with maps (eg. Raklion) or stuck in GS_CS.

-> Rebuild stats points and Master Level / Skill Tree
---> Settings to account and rates levels.

-> Switch Nick
---> Settings fee and minimum AccountLevel
---> Filter for prohibited names
---> List of non-alphanumeric characters allowed
---> Use the procedure WZ_RenameCharacter (customizable)
---> Generates Logs

-> Master Reset
---> Settings to AccountLevel, currency and amount of bonus (fixed or reset), minimum resets to MR, etc.
---> Generates Logs
---> Settings: Minimum separate resets by Account Level, Demanding or not full stats for the MR (65000 points in all), User can choose to change all resets or just the minimum.

-> Resets Transfer
---> Updates the stats for DefaultClassType Level and 400 for both characters.
---> Settings: On / off, Account minimum level, currency billing rate, charge transfer value, separated by Account level, collection value for each reset, separated by Account level

-> Polls
---> Endless response options
---> Option for minimum VIP level to vote, and automatic expiration date of the poll
---> Option to allow voting from those who have made at least one donation / payment
---> Results in% (user sees only after voting)
---> Results Manager at present the total votes by the percentage

-> Bank Tutorials
---> Register of categories and sub-categories
---> Creation tutorials to provide on the site

-> Disconnect
---> Disconnect the game via the site and Manager.
---> Same user panel security system (optional sno__numb).
---> Compatible with JoinServer of Webzen and X-Team.

-> VIP-Item System
---> It works as a VIP plan for the player.
---> The user with the plan can purchase which and how many items you want, "for free" in Item Shop (WebShop).
---> Individual configuration items that may or may not be purchased with VIP-item plan.
---> Upon expiry of the VIP-level items all items are deleted from the play automatically.
---> Another easy way to make big money with your server.
---> Recommended only for MU SERVER X-Team Season6 or higher, for possessing Trade Protection of the items purchased with the plan.
---> Possibility to buy packages by plane.

-> System "NO Trade"
---> Compatible only with MU SERVER X-Team Season6 or higher, with TradeItemBlock = 2 setting.
---> Adds marking the item with insurance not to pass on Trade (configurable).


-> Access:
---> No Limit User Creation.
---> Control by access level.
---> Totally safe and protected in encrypted environment.

-> Service / HelpDesk / Support / Tickets:
---> Standard answers creation, general or individual.
---> Multi-admin. The team works.
---> Blocking users "boring".
---> Search by ticket number, by user, by date and / or IP.

-> News System:
---> Creating, editing, archiving and management.
---> Count views.
---> Full HTML Editor, and visual (WYSIWYG, TinyMCE).

-> Block System:
---> User Blocks per character or account.
---> Blocking period in days.
---> Reason and image (SS) of exposed on the site blocking.
---> Warns blocked by message.

-> User Information:
---> Search by login, e-mail, IP and / or characters with given full or partial.
---> Consultation / account data Change Plan VIP, maturity, currency values.
---> Characters Query (name, level, resets class).
---> Confirmed donations History.

-> Financial System
---> Bank Register, forms of deposit, and deposit data with custom mask (eg X.XXX.XXX.XXX).
---> Deposit confirmation sent by players with detection of repetitions.
---> Standard or Custom Messages (at the time) in case of errors, advised by email and / or message.

-> WebShop:
---> Purchase history by user or date, complete.
---> Cancellation shopping with refund of the amount paid.
---> Configuration% for return to purchase insured and uninsured.
---> Organization of items for sale by categories.
---> Items available come straight from Item.txt (same server).
---> Items Package Management
---> Checkbox to track whether or not the items automatically on purchase history (performance)
---> If you do not automatically track, a button just to track a particular item
---> Button to add / remove to a safe purchase (without charge or refund)
---> System categories and sub-categories
---> Parameters for sale of the item:
-----> Insurance (y / n), Sell Limit, Maximum Amount for purchase, Server Max. Opt. Excellent, minimum and maximum Level, Add Option Maximum, Skill (s / n), Luck (y / n), Ancient (s / n), Harmony (s / n), Level 380 Option (s / n), Max. Socket Opts, Max. Level Socket, Sockets Empty (y / n), Currency, Value basis.

-> Credits Shop:
---> Up to five types of coins and three types of VIP.
---> Package currency multiplier for deals x2, x10, x10000, etc.
---> Packages may have VIP and coins at the same time.
---> Creating, editing, activation and management of available packages.
---> Ability to create and sell game currency by the site, in R $.
---> Endless coins possibilities for any type of server: CashShop, PCPoint, etc.
---> Database, table, and customizable columns.
---> Configurable to only sell if the play is out of the game (requirement of CashShop and PCPoint X-Team, for example).

-> User communications
---> Messaging for a user, by warning / message of the website, email or both

-> Dupe Finder
---> Are duplicate items in chests, characters, and WebVault Webtrade.
---> Cloned items removed, leaving only one of each (optional).
---> Remove ALL cloned items (optional).
---> Blocks accounts with possession of cloned items (optional).
---> Generates full report of the duplicates found.
---> Extremely fast because it uses CPU, RAM and lodging of the file system (just SQL).
---> 100% accurate and reliable.

-> Event Calendar
---> Manager
-----> Creating and Editing with configurable access level
-----> Event Schedule
-----> Automatic Award to indicate the winner
-----> Event configurable limit per day
-----> Possibility to define the award for scheduling (with maximum preset).
-----> Automated interface for maximum awards for currency.
-----> Ability to delete a registered event.
-----> Additional Field to define the venue (room / map).
---> Site
-----> List of upcoming events
-----> List of past events, showing who won
-----> Remaining time counter for each event
-----> More complete information on upcoming events list (/ Events).

-> System:
---> Full interface for site settings. All settings are made via the Manager, no need to edit files on the server.
---> License Status.
---> Site Version.
---> Automatic Update with one click.

Merry christmas Ferrarezi
Last edited by a moderator:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score

I Use webhosting , help me please
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
This is a source of initial web , it still depends on the Ferrarezi Servers to install. It is necessary to make changes to installer.php so she can work.

Download these files and change their licenses so that you can install as normal .

"Installer.php" L78
function Download()
    global $globalFile;
        if($_FILES['installer']['name'] != "last_stable.zip")
            echo "<h3>Please, master, keep the file name last_stable.zip!<br />
            You sent my the file ". $_FILES['installer']['name'] .".<br />
            Upload last_stable.zip, please! =)</h3>";
            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['installer']['tmp_name'], "last_stable.zip"))

        echo "<h3>I'm trying to download the install package from Ferrarezi Servers...</h3>" . str_repeat(" ",4096);
        echo "<div id=\"progress\">Progress: 0%</div><script>var ProgressDiv = document.getElementById('progress');</script>" . str_repeat(" ",4096);;
        $remoteFile = 'http://www.leoferrarezi.com/muweb2/fullver/last_stable.zip';
        $ch = curl_init();  
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $remoteFile);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, TRUE);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER,FALSE);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, TRUE);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,TRUE);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, FALSE);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, 256);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, "DownloadProgress");
        $updateFile = curl_exec($ch);
        echo curl_error($ch);
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
change the lines in installer.php and nothing... :/
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
Please send the licence.php to installing the web