[RELEASE] HaSuite - HaCreator 2.1/HaRepacker 4.2.3 (yes, HC is working now) WZ 

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2009
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[RELEASE] HaSuite - HaCreator 2.1.1/HaRepacker 4.2.4 (yes, HC is working now)

So awhile back I decided to tie the loose ends I left with the unfinished HC2, and now it's finally completed, including saving and everything you expect from a map editor. Also another opportunity to provide an official mirror for HaRepacker, which somehow always ends up being replaced with trojans no matter how many mirrors I make. Eh well.

(v2.1.1, x86/x64 compatible)
(Licensed under MPL 2.0)

Helpful stuff:

Important - Version support and Prerequisite
This version has been tested and is known to work on Windows 7, with MapleStory v83 running MoopleDev r120. It should also work with older MapleStory versions, up until v0.01/Beta (I have personally tested it on Data.wz-based clients, including Beta 0.40), and on newer versions up until Big Bang.
All versions after the Big Bang (~90) are not guaranteed to be supported; I know for fact that the current GMS version/whatever Extalia is using crash when loading. I am not interesting in adding support for them either (see roadmap for more details). If you have the time, you may implement the required fixes and open a pull request.

Why not support newer versions/why bother working on this if it doesn't support contemporary versions?
I personally think MapleStory has gone downhill rapidly starting with the big bang patch, which brought it to the point where it is no more the game I used to call MapleStory, but rather an entirely different game that I have no interest in. Also, in the race to support the newest versions, many complicated features must be added and little attention is paid to old features. v83 seems like a nice checkpoint to set as a reference version and try to implement to perfection.
The main reason I took the time and finished this project is not to do anything particularly useful with it, as I do not play MapleStory anymore and have no interest in it. However, I did feel like not completing the project has been a failure on my part, and I wanted to have a completed HaCreator for future reference.

Roadmap - where are we going from here
Since I do not have any actual use for this project, and I wish to invest as little time in it as possible from now on, and since I have implemented everything I had in mind, the code is from now on feature-frozen. This means that no new features, major code changes or improvements will be added - not by me, at the very least. With that said, I will stay around for a month or two to do basic maintenance, after which I will take my leave, hopefully for good this time.

In particular I want to bring HaCreator to a high UI quality - so if you encounter any bugs, crashes, weird UI mishaps (even simple things such as wrong tab ordering or hotkeys that do not do what you expect them to do), post here. As for HaRepacker, I will only fix major bugs/crashes; if you encounter any, post them here too.

List of features in HaCreator/Hotkey reference
-Opening and editing existing maps, including MapLogin
-Handling of all map elements as of v83 (tooltips, clocks, areas/swimareas), including all mapinfo nodes
-Copy/cut/paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V)
-User objects (drop an image file onto the map and have it automatically added as an in-game object)
-Saving (apparently not a trivial feature to have in a map creator)
-Saving and loading to/from a custom file format, *.HAM (based on JSON serialization). Note - you should load HAM files on the same maple version they were saved on, or risk crashes.
-Editing of map items' internal attributes - double click/right click on an item to see.
-Snapping of almost anything, tiles, footholds, ropes, "connect" objects, chairs, etc.
-Not relying on any external libraries such as DotNetBar/XNA (apart from .NET 4.5.x and Visual C++ Redistributable 2013, which you should install as always)
-Automatic backup of original WZ files and odin-style XML exporting when repacking
-Should work without Administrator/UAC (but you must be running as admin if you want HaRepacker to configure itself as the default file association for *.wz)

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Christmas came early this year *_* Thank you so much for all of your Ha release throughout the years, HaRepacker is by far the most used WZ utility I have. Interested to find out what HaCreator is like now, too! Sad to hear you're giving up on Maplestory, I agree on all points you made as to what Maple has become as opposed to what it was. HaRepacker has (and will continue to be) a great tool for a lot of people to stay on lower versions, and also be able to add new content to lively up the nostalgic gameplay.
This is just great: I can only imagine how many possibilities there are for custom features, now that making your own maps has become easy and efficient!
This is wonderful. In my opinion, HaRepacker and HaCreator are the two most significant tools ever made for Maplestory servers, so I'm really glad you decided to finish this up. Even if you never touch Maplestory ever again, this community is forever indebted to you.

And thanks for providing the source as well. Always great to have the option to learn a thing or two should I ever feel like poking around with it.
(for HaRepacker I will only fix major bugs/crashes).

Not sure if this is the right topic than to post bugs that is bothering me for a bit, since I am a major .wz editor for my server, but here goes.

1) When editing quest.wz any string edit completely corrupts the .img. Example, if you edit any text from say.img and save it, you can no longer open it because it creates an error. This makes editing quest.wz strings with the latest version of Harepacker not possible. There's an alternative version called "Harepacker modified" where this works, but I would like to use the official tool for all edits.

2) When importing a sound file in sound.wz and saving it the sound becomes super high pitched in-game, while in the editor itself its still fine. This even happens when swapping ID's which makes me think the saving itself corrupts the sound in-game once its modified. This makes adding custom sounds or sound swaps impossible. This bug also exists on the "modified" version. I want to fix the GM skill sounds because they are wrong by Nexon, but this bug makes it impossible.

3) When copy pasting notes sometimes it doesn't save it at all unless you change the whole note name once and back to how it was. I assume after copy pasting the editor doesn't know yet it fully exists until you make it acknowledge it exists by changing the name twice. This bug doesn't exist on the "modified" version. I can give more detailed examples if this isn't enough

Version of HaRepacker: 4.2.3
Version MapleStory: v0.62
Link to HaRepacker modified for comparing: https://forum.ragezone.com/f702/wzrepacker-harepacker-modified-776500/
:w00t::w00t: why this version don`t exist KMS ?
It supports KMS, try the 3 encryption options until one works (I think they currently use the 3rd one). I stopped writing the names of the versions because they all started switching from one type to another every version and I lost track.

Nice release.But the WzPngProperty don't support format 1026.
Never encountered it, send me the details on where you saw that (region, version, WZ file name, PNG path in the file)

Not sure if this is the right topic than to post bugs that is bothering me for a bit, since I am a major .wz editor for my server, but here goes.

1) When editing quest.wz any string edit completely corrupts the .img. Example, if you edit any text from say.img and save it, you can no longer open it because it creates an error. This makes editing quest.wz strings with the latest version of Harepacker not possible. There's an alternative version called "Harepacker modified" where this works, but I would like to use the official tool for all edits.

2) When importing a sound file in sound.wz and saving it the sound becomes super high pitched in-game, while in the editor itself its still fine. This even happens when swapping ID's which makes me think the saving itself corrupts the sound in-game once its modified. This makes adding custom sounds or sound swaps impossible. This bug also exists on the "modified" version. I want to fix the GM skill sounds because they are wrong by Nexon, but this bug makes it impossible.

3) When copy pasting notes sometimes it doesn't save it at all unless you change the whole note name once and back to how it was. I assume after copy pasting the editor doesn't know yet it fully exists until you make it acknowledge it exists by changing the name twice. This bug doesn't exist on the "modified" version. I can give more detailed examples if this isn't enough

Version of HaRepacker: 4.2.3
Version MapleStory: v0.62
Link to HaRepacker modified for comparing: https://forum.ragezone.com/f702/wzrepacker-harepacker-modified-776500/
Yes, this is the place to report bugs for HaRepacker too. What I meant was that both HaCreator and HaRepacker bugs can be reported here, but for HaCreator I will fix even minor bugs and UI glitches while HaRepacker will only get fixes for serious stuff. The way I phrased it really is misleading, though. I'll edit that soon.

1. This is actually a really serious bug, potentially affecting both HaCreator and HaRepacker on all Maple versions, and I am surprised nobody contacted me directly about this earlier. It corrupts the entire IMG if there is a unicode string with exactly 127 characters somewhere in it; you saw it in Say.img, because it has leftovers from the Korean server. I am assuming it plagued Chinese/Korean users on pretty much every WZ file, which is why WzRepacker noticed it and fixed it. It is fixed now.

2. Less serious, but still affecting both products because it is sourced in the method of writing sound objects in MapleLib. Also fixed.

3. I fixed that one because I know that problem type so it was quick to fix, but it's basically on the limit of what I consider important enough to fix in HaRepacker. There are probably a few more bugs of this type in HaRepacker. There used to be tons of them, HaRepacker's code is really vulnerable to these bugs because of a design mistake I made when I started programming it 7 years ago.

Anyway, I compiled the latest revision with all those fixes, test it and see if it works fine for you:

I only bothered compiling x64 since this is a testing release, tell me if you need the other one.

Also, I never heard of this WzRepacker before, but after looking it up for a bit I would not recommend using it. The origin is a shady chinese website and they don't supply source code, so there's a large chance it's malware. Oh, and it's also technically illegal, since by not providing source code they are violating the license that version of HaRepacker was released under (GNU General Public License v3).
Yes, this is the place to report bugs for HaRepacker too. What I meant was that both HaCreator and HaRepacker bugs can be reported here, but for HaCreator I will fix even minor bugs and UI glitches while HaRepacker will only get fixes for serious stuff. The way I phrased it really is misleading, though. I'll edit that soon.
Well here's an extremely minor "bug": Can't enter string names such as "MapLogin" while saving.
Any reason behind this? I'm just curious. Thanks. :D:

Edit: What if I used HaCreator to save it to a random map number, and then imported the XML with HaRepacker to rename it..? Hmm..
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Well here's an extremely minor "bug": Can't enter string names such as "MapLogin" while saving.
Any reason behind this? I'm just curious. Thanks. :D:

Edit: What if I used HaCreator to save it to a random map number, and then imported the XML with HaRepacker to rename it..? Hmm..
Definitely a bug, try this:

This version also changes some stuff in the settings storage, so you should delete your settings file (%APPDATA%\HaCreator\Settings.wz)

On a different note, even though I don't directly respond to every post, I'd like to thank everyone who posted here for all the kind words. Due to personal life constraints, I'm only available to read comments and post fixes on weekends (Fri/Sat). I assume this was the last bugfix for this week, so I'll check on this thread again next weekend.
What is the latest MapleStory (GMS) version supported by HaCreator? I am having issues with v1.62.

- Edit : I noticed a problem when extracting wz in HaRepacker : When something's name has ' : '
HaRepacker get an error and I have to close it.
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What is the latest MapleStory (GMS) version supported by HaCreator? I am having issues with v1.62.

- Edit : I noticed a problem when extracting wz in HaRepacker : When something's name has ' : '
HaRepacker get an error and I have to close it.

This is answered in the first post.

Important - Version support and Prerequisite
This version has been tested and is known to work on Windows 7, with MapleStory v83 running MoopleDev r120. It should also work with older MapleStory versions, up until v0.01/Beta (I have personally tested it on Data.wz-based clients, including Beta 0.40), and on newer versions up until Big Bang.
All versions after the Big Bang (~90) are not guaranteed to be supported; I know for fact that the current GMS version/whatever Extalia is using crash when loading. I am not interesting in adding support for them either (see roadmap for more details). If you have the time, you may implement the required fixes and open a pull request.
I love you for making Harepacker no longer need Administration rights - now I can work on .wz edits at work when I have nothing to do.

Problem #2 is confirmed fixed (the sound one) I had no chance yet to test #1 and #3 .


Bug 3 is not fixed, or not the one I meant at least. Here's how to trigger it:

1) Select an image let's say Commodity.img in etc.wz

2) Make 3 empty nodes, or more. Property type WzSubProperty

3) Click a sub property with content in it and open it

4) Ctrl + click the content and press ctrl + C (copy)

5) paste it in the new empty nodes. You get a prompt and everything looks fine, no issues.

6) Save the .wz

7)The new nodes are empty again, you will notice your copy pasting has been reverted. The .wz editor somehow didn't fully catch it happened, even though it displays so fine. Visual wise its working perfectly, but the saving doesn't save the changes. This forces me to use the wzrepacker where it works, but that one lacks hotkeys, making it still almost as tedious. I hope this one (even though its considered as minor) can be fixed. It will save me and a lot of other .wz editors a lot of time, because it also happens when importing new items.
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Opening Nautilus Harbor in HaCreator gives me this: Captur - [RELEASE] HaSuite - HaCreator 2.1/HaRepacker 4.2.3 (yes, HC is working now) - RaGEZONE Forums .
Opening Leafre crashes me.
After modifying the parallax to a much lower/higher X, Y on background objects sometimes they don't snap to the edge of the screen, so they are moved out of view where the user cannot click or view them.

Thank you haha01haha01! :canabis: I love HaCreator so much.

Perhaps there could be an option to format the XMLs? (Rather then being one line).
How about the ability to change BGM's? ReturnMap, and ForcedReturn? <3
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