[Release] HOT Original Soundtrack (Bgm.mrs)

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Rock, Hip-Hop and Trance, HAND PICKED! They'll certainly boost your game adrenaline, also new character select screen music, score music (when game ends), and lobby music.

This is for PRIVATE USE ONLY, I swear to god, if you use this in a private server that is NOT private, as in ALLOWED TO EVERYONE, I'll SUE YOUR ASS till the last penny, if you want to use it other then private purposes, ASK ME FIRST, and obviously, give me the credits I diserve after! Thanks.

This means that if people in Daemons Ring, Legacy Gamers etc. want to put it, PM me first, just that :sweatdrop

Also you better believe that I'll win the lawsuit cuz two of my sisters are lawyers, and my father is general of the army a.k.a. army lawyers a.k.a. good game!

Yes my private server is VERY PRIVATE, 20 personal friends, most real life.

if you use this in a private server that is NOT private, as in ALLOWED TO EVERYONE, I'll SUE YOUR ASS till the last penny
I lol'd

Not a fan of much of it besides the character select music
Actually I bought every album, and it's for private use, I didn't ask a penny for it, it's not stealing =(

I can scan proof =(

And that obviously was a joke but I would be pissed. =\
yes iron maiden is commercial until you know more about the metal scene you might as well not say anything but nice music files i have the same groups playing on mine lol but i dont use maiden i use dragondorce

hmm ok every band you named is commercial, exept iron maiden
iron maiden isnt badly commercial, i mean, if you take a look at like Green day wich was a very good punk band before they get gay commercial and take out American idiot
Put Akira Yamaoka - Kill God, Akira Yamaoka - Betrayal, Akira Yamaoka - Ain't Gonna Rain, Akira Yamaoka - Kill You.
It's reeeeeaaaaalllyyyy kick ass music. It's brainkicking music. ^_____________^