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[release]Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Perth, Western
new sword(Demon Bringer)
model files(put into weapon\katana file)

 <ITEM id="400502" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_400502" mesh_name="katana14" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="22" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="12" bt_price="400"
  delay="350" damage="20" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="-5" ap="-5" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400502" />

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400502">Demon Bringer</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400502">A sword which was taken from the Giant Skeleton. It is extremely strong, but also cursed.</STR>

NEW ROCKET!(Goblin King's Rocket)
model files(put into weapon\rocketlauncher)

 <ITEM id="400501" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_400501" mesh_name="rocketlauncher07" totalpoint="0"
  type="range" res_sex="a" res_level="23" slot="range" weapon="rocket" weight="30" bt_price="400"
  delay="1100" damage="45" ctrl_ability="50" magazine="4" maxbullet="16" reloadtime="3"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" limitspeed="90" limitwall="1" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0"
  magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_rocket_reload" snd_fire="we_rocket_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire"
  desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400501" />

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400501">Goblin King's Rocket</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400501">A rocket which was discovered from a Goblin King's dead body. The design is very unique.</STR>

no files needed! there already in you man and woman mrs files!

  type="equip" res_sex="m" res_level="15" slot="hands" weight="6" bt_price="400" hp="3"
  ap="12" maxwt="-2" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400505" />
 <ITEM id="400506" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_400506" mesh_name="eq_hands_skeleton" totalpoint="0"
  type="equip" res_sex="f" res_level="15" slot="hands" weight="6" bt_price="400" hp="3"
  ap="12" maxwt="-2" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400506" />

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400505">Demon Hand (Men)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400505">A glove with an unknown dark force. It feels a lot heavier than it looks.</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400506">Demon Hand (Women)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400506">A glove with an unknown dark force. It feels a lot heavier than it looks.</

<SELL itemid="400501" />
<SELL itemid="400502" />
<SELL itemid="400505" />
<SELL itemid="400506" />
How about the hat?
How about the spiked club and the old-rusty-looking sword?
Re: Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

Thanks for the release xD

No man.mrs here had skeleton gloves for men :(
Can you help me uploading it? Just women one worked fine x.x
The rest is fine... I even got Skill Ring and Lucky Ring working, and the cat and rabbit ears, too.

Edit: Nevermind, I solved it by myself xD
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Re: Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

hey max uhh your dds file for the weapons dont work...i put it in my model/weapons file and still i dont see the weapon..did i do something rong??
Re: Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

Cat and Rabbit: http://forum.ragezone.com/gunz-releases/release-bunny-cat-ears-222850.html

Skill Ring and Lucky Ring:
		<ITEM id="159759" name="Skill Ring" totalpoint="0" type="equip" res_sex="a"
		res_level="25" slot="finger" weight="3" bt_price="100000" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0"
		iscashitem="false" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" xp_solo_bonus="20" xp_team_bonus="20"
		xp_quest_bonus="20" bp_solo_bonus="20" bp_team_bonus="20" bp_quest_bonus="20" duplicate="false"
		color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="Increases experience and bounty by 20%." />
	<ITEM id="159760" name="Lucky Ring" totalpoint="0" type="equip" res_sex="a"
		res_level="0" slot="finger" weight="0" bt_price="100000" hp="0" ap="2" maxwt="2"
		sf="0" iscashitem="false" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" 
		duplicate="false" xp_solo_bonus="10" xp_team_bonus="10"
		xp_quest_bonus="10" bp_solo_bonus="10" bp_team_bonus="10" bp_quest_bonus="10" 
		color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="A ring that possesses many different mysterious powers. Only one can be equiped at a time." />

And here are two swords from IjjiGunz too.
(Get katana14.elu/katana14.bmp.dds and katana15.elu/katana15.bmp.dds from IjjiGunz Update1.mrs/Model/Weapon/katana, and put them at your Model.mrs/weapon/katana)

Update weapon.xml in your model.mrs with the following tags:
	<AddWeaponElu name="katana15" weapon_motion_type = "1" weapon_type = "1" >
		<AddBaseModel name="katana15" filename="model/weapon/katana/katana14.elu" />
	<AddWeaponElu name="katana16" weapon_motion_type = "1" weapon_type = "1" >
		<AddBaseModel name="katana16" filename="model/weapon/katana/katana15.elu" />

And put these tags at zitem.xml:
	<ITEM id="159763" name="Wooden Ancient Sword" mesh_name="katana15" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
		res_sex="a" res_level="70" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="10" bt_price="20000" delay="309"
		damage="28" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
		gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="1" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
		image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="This old wooden sword has been used by ancient senseis in Japan. Today, it's rare." />  
	<ITEM id="159764" name="Rock Bat" mesh_name="katana16" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
		res_sex="a" res_level="70" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="10" bt_price="20000" delay="350"
		damage="28" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
		gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="1" cr="0" pr="0" lr="1" color="#FFFFFFFF"
		image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="A Rock Bat. Strong and fast, used by ancient fighters. It gives you resistante against Lightning and Fire." />

Uncle Hakurah, why is katana14.elu as katana15 in my weapon.xml?
A: Because MAIET used the katana14 meshname for the skeleton katana (The Demon Bringer). Change it to anyother meshaname if you want to.

Hope my releases helped you xD

Almost forgot :P :
<!-- IjjiGunz Swords -->
	<SELL itemid="159763" />
	<SELL itemid="159764" />
<!-- IjjiGunz Rings -->
	<SELL itemid="159759" />
	<SELL itemid="159760" />

Uncle Hakura, do the;
xp_solo_bonus="20" xp_team_bonus="20"
		xp_quest_bonus="20" bp_solo_bonus="20" bp_team_bonus="20" bp_quest_bonus="20"
tags work in my client?
A: Yeah, they do. It was tested and the exp and bounty in both cases (quest and normal game modes) was 20% higher.
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Re: Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

new sword(Demon Bringer)
model files(put into weapon\katana file)

 <ITEM id="400502" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_400502" mesh_name="katana14" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
  res_sex="a" res_level="22" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="12" bt_price="400"
  delay="350" damage="20" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
  gadget_id="0" hp="-5" ap="-5" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
  image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400502" />

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400502">Demon Bringer</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400502">A sword which was taken from the Giant Skeleton. It is extremely strong, but also cursed.</STR>

NEW ROCKET!(Goblin King's Rocket)
model files(put into weapon\rocketlauncher)

 <ITEM id="400501" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_400501" mesh_name="rocketlauncher07" totalpoint="0"
  type="range" res_sex="a" res_level="23" slot="range" weapon="rocket" weight="30" bt_price="400"
  delay="1100" damage="45" ctrl_ability="50" magazine="4" maxbullet="16" reloadtime="3"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" limitspeed="90" limitwall="1" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0"
  magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_rocket_reload" snd_fire="we_rocket_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire"
  desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400501" />

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400501">Goblin King's Rocket</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400501">A rocket which was discovered from a Goblin King's dead body. The design is very unique.</STR>

no files needed! there already in you man and woman mrs files!

  type="equip" res_sex="m" res_level="15" slot="hands" weight="6" bt_price="400" hp="3"
  ap="12" maxwt="-2" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400505" />
 <ITEM id="400506" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_400506" mesh_name="eq_hands_skeleton" totalpoint="0"
  type="equip" res_sex="f" res_level="15" slot="hands" weight="6" bt_price="400" hp="3"
  ap="12" maxwt="-2" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_400506" />

<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400505">Demon Hand (Men)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400505">A glove with an unknown dark force. It feels a lot heavier than it looks.</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_400506">Demon Hand (Women)</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_400506">A glove with an unknown dark force. It feels a lot heavier than it looks.</

<SELL itemid="400501" />
<SELL itemid="400502" />
<SELL itemid="400505" />
<SELL itemid="400506" />

I try to add those item,but in game i Get only all "nomsg",then in NEW GLOVES code are u sure if is correct??Man don't have <ITEM id=" .......

What can be depend nomsg probem??
Re: Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

wow, you dont know what your doing....

did you even add every think?
i dont think you did!
Re: Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

OK um can some 1 help me i downloaded the katana and i should put it in model folder make a new folder named wepon put it in there then were do i put the code? i put it in zitem and it keep saying plz check for updates. ow help
Re: Ijji Gunz "new" Items!

Oh damn!

It's enoughly explained, if you didn't understand it's because you don't have a brain!

Model ALREADY has a Weapon folder, if you're blind, too. Some codes go to weapon.xml, that is in model and some go to zitem, it's explained in the thread where to put every code!

Dude, get a brain!