[Release] KalOnline Server Protect (KOSP)

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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2006
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The KalOnline Server Protect (KOSP) it the follower of my old project "KalOnline HackShield". KOSP Protect you server of few hacks (KalHackIt ...) and KOSP have a few Server features AddOn's.

The current available features of KOSP:

  • 1hh Protect by Sword Change
  • 1hh Protect by Attack Cool Down
  • Move Change Protect
  • Skill Use Delay (config.pk cool down)
  • Connection Floodprotection
  • IP ACL List
  • KOSP Advanced Control (Online Player list / Blocklist ...)
  • Working "/block" and "/unblock" commands
  • New "/moveto" command (So you can teleport you to some one)
  • Protect kick and block function
  • Animal EGG Exp rate
  • Weapon upgrade and make mix chance rate
  • Status server so you can show some information about online player on your website
  • Max allowed attack points protection
  • Trade Hack Protection with trade hack message for the victim
  • Lag Protect (Protect the Client of KOSP from kicking or banning by a mistake aroused from a Lag)
  • Command "/blocklist" (Show the blocklist in game as notice)

Here is the link to the Online Installter of KOSP:

If you got a "Exception Error Message" while installation then check you firewall or better shutdown you firewall while install of KOSP...

Features in the current development version (None):

  • Nothing

Features in the current beta test version (None):

  • Nothing

Update [20. March 2007] KOSP version (0.11.40-0312):

  • Max allowed attack points protection
  • Trade Hack Protection with trade hack message for the victim
  • Lag Protect (Protect the Client of KOSP from kicking or banning by a mistake aroused from a Lag)
  • Command "/blocklist" (Show the blocklist in game as notice message)

Update [15. March 2007] KOSP version (0.11.41-0318):

  • Add the animal skill attack in to the KOSP Protection

Update [4. May 2007] KOSP version (0.13.44-0333):

  • New KOSP Online Installer
  • New KOSP Automatic Updater
  • Add a Skill Using Delay Protect (Too known as config.pk cool down hack)
  • Add variable parameter {Online} for the KOSP login message
  • The Hack Logger show now too the Player Class and Level
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So the new release is now available :P Some one has already install KOSP Proejetc there got a update link after server start all other ppl need to download the KOSP Online Installer ...

What is new?!
  • KOSP Command access level
  • Animal Exp base multiplicator by monster kill
  • Animal Exp base multiplicator by waiting interval

when i install KOSP i get bind error and when i try to login i cant press login(nothing happens when i press login after i typed my id and pw)

Resize you Image next time !
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when i install KOSP i get bind error and when i try to login i cant press login(nothing happens when i press login after i typed my id and pw)

Hmm ... It is not a problem from KOSP ... Check up your port configuration because the bind error code is calles address is already in used....


The new release is coming later with few new option :P Flood and Max Connection Protect too a egg even command and event time instance so you can set the start and end time for the egg exp event ...


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@kal0wnz it is a wrong thread -.-' Only i can say check yours configurations files becaue any service or porgramm used the port which you needed -.-*


And the new KOSP release is now available with follow features:

25. February 2007 - KOSP (V.
 * Add Connection Flood Protect and Max Connection peer IP
 * Add a Animal EXP Event Command (/animalexpon and /animalexpoff) there used the AnimalExpEventBaseRate as base multiplicator
 * Add a Auto start/stop for the Animal EXP Event
 * Add a new Log option for log a Player with IP
 * Add a option for Support Anti Hack System 3 from TamaGo (On own danger)

If you used already KOSP on your server then you got the download linkt after restart :P For all other here again the KOSP Online installer :D


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in my server i have "mainserver.exe" not " MainSvrT.exe " so is that different ?
i got my files from the DopeStart repack
Thanks alot
in my server i have "mainserver.exe" not " MainSvrT.exe " so is that different ?
i got my files from the DopeStart repack
Thanks alot

NOOR not the file name is important but rather the file size ... If the file size from you "mainserver.exe" wrong then you got a Error message from the KOSP Installer ... Type in you mainserver.exe in the Open DIalogbox or rename you mainserver.exe file into the MainSvr.T.exe ;)
if i start eggexpevent the result is 0 exp for the eggs and if i turn it off again nothing changes even if i get new eggs either cheated or bought ones i get no more xp for them..... any suggestions? i looked in the db but no solution there...
thx in advance
if i start eggexpevent the result is 0 exp for the eggs and if i turn it off again nothing changes even if i get new eggs either cheated or bought ones i get no more xp for them..... any suggestions? i looked in the db but no solution there...
thx in advance

Humm ... Whats for option your are set for "AnimalExpRateByKill" and for "AnimalExpEventBaseRate"?! Or you got constant 0 Exp too without the Animal Exp Event?! Humm thats is strange -.-* Some one here got this problem too?

The formel: Exp = ((Normal Egg Exp * AnimalExpRateByKill) * AnimalExpEventBaseRate) ...

Please tell me back something about you configuration also maybe you got 0 exp after using the animal exp event command?!


Too the newst version is coming soon but im need more time because im wrote a new core too a other updater and online installer :P

The features in the new version are:
  1. IP ACL List (Allow and Deny IP's)
  2. Online Playerlist
  3. Command logger (Who used a command)
  4. Realtime Chage Option (Login Message ...)
  5. GM Login as hide ;)
And more :P


# Set the Animial Exp base multiplicator by monster kill (Default 1)
AnimalExpRateByKill = 999

# Set the Animal Exp base multiplicator by waiting interval from three minutes (Default 1)
AnimalExpRateByTime = 999

# Set the Animal Event Exp details
AnimalExpEventBaseRate = 999

this are my settings although this is one of maybe 25 different ones. i tried between 20 and 999 some constellations out. first thing is my "exp by waiting interval" stays still at 1 and if i play without the event all works fine and without probs but as soon as i start the event i get 0 exp. the line "ancient animal exp is increased by..." doesnt even appear,also if i turn event off it stays same. i have to delete the char or make a new one and then it works again. really weird thing -.-:scratch:

but thx for reply^^

# Set the Animial Exp base multiplicator by monster kill (Default 1)
AnimalExpRateByKill = 999

# Set the Animal Exp base multiplicator by waiting interval from three minutes (Default 1)
AnimalExpRateByTime = 999

# Set the Animal Event Exp details
AnimalExpEventBaseRate = 999

this are my settings although this is one of maybe 25 different ones. i tried between 20 and 999 some constellations out. first thing is my "exp by waiting interval" stays still at 1 and if i play without the event all works fine and without probs but as soon as i start the event i get 0 exp. the line "ancient animal exp is increased by..." doesnt even appear,also if i turn event off it stays same. i have to delete the char or make a new one and then it works again. really weird thing -.-:scratch:

but thx for reply^^


Hummm thats are very high animal exp rate im think to high rofl -.-*

For example:

The normal Animal Exp as Example (6) x AnimalExpRateByKill are the base Animal Exp rate your are set. For your configuartion (6 x 999) = 5994 Animal EXP wow ... And now if your start the Animal Exp Event then was your Base rate multiplicate with the AnimalExpEventBaseRate then you got (5994 x 999) = 5988006 Animal Exp omg ... I think thats are to high ... arg


KOSP got now a new Online Installer with a new Automatic Updater ;) Some ppl here used already KOSP you must reinstall KOSP again because the Installer and Updater from KOSP work with a new Core...

Here the link to the KOSP Online Installer:

I hope some bugs was now fixed in KOSP Core too in the Online Installer ;)

Now you can find a ip acl list for allow and deny ips for your server :D Too you can find a "KOSP" Menue with reload function but too a Online Player list ;) But im must here say the Online Player list is not to 100% done -.-*

Have fun


nice work again mate^^ and also nice idea to put ur label in it when starting the mainsvr. but why cant i use the /teleportto command? do i have to change it in the config or what?
nice work again mate^^ and also nice idea to put ur label in it when starting the mainsvr. but why cant i use the /teleportto command? do i have to change it in the config or what?

Emm you must only change the correct access level in the KOSP configuration file to used the teleportto command. The default value is "11" and same access level you need on you character (Admin column in your Player table)...

KOSP read the admin access level direct from the main server ;)


The KOSP Version 0.4.12-0160 is now available ;) Start the KOSP Automatic Updater to get the news KOSP version.

The command "/teleportto" is on moment disable because the command can crash you server -.-' Too im add two new features in KOSP ;) The first new features is you can set a kick time period if some on used a illegal hack... The player got a normal KICK after hack using but if he want again to login then he got again a new message and a kick in the time period... The second feature is a new Protect option (Attack Cool Down). Protect Attack Cool Down checkt all Hit's on different monsters ;) Thats is a feature from my old project "HackShield" but now better :D

Have fun


nice but check every hit ?

doesn't that use lots of cpu/ram ?

Thats is a good question ;) KOSP managment a attacker table if you used this Protect option from KOSP also need KOSP a little CPU time :P

I think the KalOnline Main Server processed only one user action i same time ...

Client -> Action -> Network Stream -> KalOnline Main Server (KOSP Data Process) Main Server Process -> Network Stream -> Client

MainSVr CPU usage (AMD Athlon 64 3500+):

Online Player:  ~215
CPU:              ~14% 
RAM:              ~58 MB


KOSP version "0.5.12-0183" got now a new features (A KOSPT Status Server) and maybe want some on to used it :P You can over a local php or asp script send few commands to the status server and you can got so few real time information about the KalOnline server. Example you can send follow commands to the status server...
  1. player_online (how many player are online)
  2. gm_online (how many gm are online)
  3. player_list (show all online player with in game name)
  4. gm_list (show all online gms with in game name)
The release is coming later ;)


I know later is good :P But the release dely was im rewrite the Status server Base for the future (Im want to use the Status Server features for more then one option) like for remote administration or something :P One moment you can connect to the status server over telenet or web script base... To get the new KOSP version used the KOSP Automatic Updater ;)

The configuration option:
# Status Server (Default false)
StatusServer = false
StatusServerUser = admin
StatusServerPassword = admin
StatusServerHost =
StatusServerPort = 20001

If you want to used the Status Server for Server information on your website or something then set the option "StatusServer" to true...

Follow Status Server commands are available:
player_list show all player with name
gm_list show all gms with name
player_online show how many player are online
gm_online show how many gms are online

Here is a php example:

 function Send_KOSP_command($cmd)
  $host = "";
  $port = 20001;
  $user = "admin";
  $pass = "admin";

  $fp = @fsockopen($host, $port);

   // Send login
   fwrite($fp,"login $user $pass\r");
   // Set mode
   fwrite($fp,"mode web\r");
   // Send command
   fwrite($fp, "$cmd\r");
    $result .= fread ($fp, 1024);
   return $result;
  return NULL;
 $Status = Send_KOSP_command("status");
  $PlayerOnline = Send_KOSP_command("player_online");
  $GMOnline = Send_KOSP_command("gm_online");
  $PlayerList = Send_KOSP_command("player_list");
  $GMList = Send_KOSP_command("gm_list");
  echo "Player Online: $PlayerOnline<br>";
  echo "Player List: $PlayerList<br><br>";
  echo "GM Online: $GMOnline<br>";
  echo "GM List: $GMList";
  echo "<font color=red>Offline</font>";

Have fun :D


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