[Release]KevinMS wedding style v2

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
this wedding u can see the text in boxes and u need to acept to get married.

1. its been tested
2.get a wedding ticket premium for cathedrall. then go to bonnie in chapel and get in. after that if u want pet wedding talk to debbie but she will need another wedding ticket to go to photos. if its a human wedding talk to priest and acpet and everything tell ur bride or husband to do so . then u only need to pay an onyx apple. to go photos. after that talk to elvis go to hunting . then talk to hunter and leave wedding. ill be upgrading.. trying to develop rings.. :D

forgot for noobs paste all npc files in scripts/npc thank you.

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

erick33321 - [Release]KevinMS wedding style v2 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Then you admit you stole from me...

I already know juciyMS stole it from me and edit it...

I didn't steal jack from you ... Someone PM'd me and asked for it and I let them use it.

You want to know where I got it from? I got mine from a WoW server you idiot. And let me guess the next thing your going to say is that your the owner of that server too F7

And this wedding is nice, but I think I'll wait till the rings actually work.
I didn't steal jack from you ... Someone PM'd me and asked for it and I let them use it.

You want to know where I got it from? I got mine from a WoW server you idiot. And let me guess the next thing your going to say is that your the owner of that server too F7

I feel your pain. Somebody tried to steal my wedding scripts too. Got as far as other repacks using my wedding scripts (PCMaple) without knowing that no credits were given to me. So now i'm working on a newer wedding that'll be more improved. Problem is i'm having trouble finding somewhere to test it and fix out whatever needs fixing.

PS - the NPCs are a little buggy. Warping you before you click yes or no and ok and stuff.