• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Release] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
Heya all !

You are waiting for a next revision? Why don't use my worldserver.exe :)

Here is the list of fixes :
  • Candle Ghosts are implanted
  • Stat anti-cheat function (reset stats bonus...)
  • Respawn time fixed (mobs doesn't respawn immediatly)
  • A little fix for refining (SQL update)
  • Party level can go over lvl 50
  • MP/HP recovery
  • Lowering CPU usage
  • PK Mode (little addon in your config.ini, you can put your server on PK)
  • Passive skills bonus
  • Better dodge system
  • Damage based on mob color
  • Drop data fixed (more mats are dropped)
Ok, now a little guide how to install :O

Step n*1

Download the files :

Step n*2

Delete in your mySQL this two table :


and run new.sql !!

Step n*3

Edit your config.ini and add a new line at the end like that : "pkserver=0" put 1 if you want a PK mod ^^

Then launch your new worldserver.exe and enjoy :)

Credits :

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Re: [.exe] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

Wow, thanks. Can you put the source code here?
Yes :) Two minutes and I add it ;)

Link for the sources :

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Re: [.exe] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

The "original" one is sh*t xD

You know it's just a program done it from the STB ^^

Use mine you will have a loy of more better drops :)
Re: [.exe] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

1 more question is it possible to turn youre world server language to english?
because i think its french now when i type /who2 etc.. it displays some french like text

Yes but not all monsters will drop or will they?
Re: [.exe] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

About language it's in french ^^

But edit Ggcmds.ccp from the sources and compile :)
Re: [.exe] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

Ah yes ^^

Every mobs from Junon drops ;)

I'm working with vaalor on Luna and Eldeon :)
Re: [.exe] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

What exactly did he fix besides a fucked up database, And nothing? It uses 98%CPU instead of 44% now LOL

Thanks for killing our CPU's and giving us stuff like a PK Server?
Re: [.exe] Latest WorldServer.exe (Lots of fix)

It is dual core btw, The server hosting it, AMD 2Ghzx2, Geeze, Over 1GB ram too.
Though you made the problem worse you tell me to get a dual core? Get a brain.
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