[Release] Loft Site!

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
  • This is my first edites and release, hope i will help.
Ok Here are some info about it:
1.Based On Scutt WebPage
2.Server Status
3.Accounts Status
4.New BackRound Picture
90% of credits to scoot ;D

..:: ScreenShot ::..

..:: Download ::..

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nice work if its yours..
maybe gonna use it
Ducking idiot this is my site all you did was change the banner image, Jesus noob fail.

Oh and you changed the background to a grey color? Such hard work. This isn't a release you noob and you will get no credits from this.

Reporting thread
How the hell does this offend you? You released your work to the public, diegoalefru edited it, he credited you, and he even listed what exactly he changed. It's not his fault if he's credited for it because some idiot didn't take the time to read his post. There's nothing wrong with his post/thread.
Theres a difference between based on and, credits to Scott.

He changed a 10kb banner and made a thread about it thats the problem.
There's also a difference in asking someone politely to change a bit of what they posted and being a complete butt about something small.
If you're not ok with minor poop like this, then don't bother releasing your stuff.
@ScottDavey: I don't see anywhere on the release "You may not reproduce this work and release it in any way" or the like whatsoever. So until you start doing that, you may not go witch about person X editing the stuff a little and releasing the edited work.

Even if he is "noob", at least he is not saying the work is all his and is giving you credit for basing his edits off of your released website for the public.

Because they can edit it yes, But you idiots havn't relised that im talking about editing a 10kb banner file and releasing it.
That's a pretty god damn huge difference from what I see in the pictures, and it looks a lot cleaner than yours.
(I apologize for stretching the page).
I like the new one better. Btw, I like lofts too.
Ducking idiot this is my site all you did was change the banner image, Jesus noob fail.

Oh and you changed the background to a grey color? Such hard work. This isn't a release you noob and you will get no credits from this.

Reporting thread

Firstly he credited you, so its fine,

Secondly, he changed a hell of a lot so its barely even your work anymore,

And finally if you dont want your work to be copied and modified...........DONT RELEASE IT DIPSHIT
I love both templates been looking and only 1 row appears for each section.

Top Level
Name: test - Level: 135

Top Devil
Name: test2 - Pk Points: 21

Top Moneybags
Name: test3 - Gold: 1000042119

Top Bulker
Name: test4 - CPs: 999999999

how do i make it so more then 1 appears.

Top Level
Name: test - Level: 135
Name: test2 - Level: 100
Name: test3 - Level: 10

Like that please help me and can post on here ore PM me please.
The LIMIT clause controls how many values are displayed. Change the number in red to the desired amount.
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Firstly he credited you, so its fine,

Secondly, he changed a hell of a lot so its barely even your work anymore,

And finally if you dont want your work to be copied and modified...........DONT RELEASE IT DIPSHIT

I get the Ducking point but it's not hugely modified he changed a few text sizes, banner image and background image.

You think your god, but here's the thing. YOUR NOT
I get the Ducking point but it's not hugely modified he changed a few text sizes, banner image and background image.

You think your god, but here's the thing. YOUR NOT

What about his not?
The LIMIT clause controls how many values are displayed. Change the number in red to the desired amount.

Thank You for trying but there is no change to the page. If you can send me the file please do or if someone can please help me out.

Thank You.
Suppose you change LIMIT 1 to 5, I believe it's adding to the array, so you'd also need to add the extra values in echo"", since it's only displaying the first element in the arrays.
$res = mysql_query("SELECT CharName FROM characters ORDER BY Level DESC LIMIT 5;");
$res2 = mysql_query("SELECT Level FROM characters ORDER BY Money DESC LIMIT 5;");
$val = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$val2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2);
echo "<div style='top: 200; left: 550; position: absolute; z-index: 1; visibility: show;'>Top Level<br> <b>Name:</b> ".$val[0]." - <b>Level:</b> ".$val2[0]." <b>Name:</b> ".$val[1]." - <b>Level:</b> ".$val2[1]." <b>Name:</b> ".$val[2]." - <b>Level:</b> ".$val2[2]." <b>Name:</b> ".$val[3]." - <b>Level:</b> ".$val2[3]." <b>Name:</b> ".$val[4]." - <b>Level:</b> ".$val2[4]."</div>";
Try that and see if it works.

It doesnt work