First you need is an SYSTEM DNS. how to do this?? see the small tut at the end of this post!!!
This tutorial is made for people that have problem with the php registration sites. What you need for this is IIS [Internet Information Service] this can be found at the microsoft site or on your windows xp cdrom. And you need ASPRunner Pro 4.1 Link:
Other questions??? Ask and i will try to help.
Credits go to me and no one else for this Tutorial
Credits also for the makers of the programs
, i didn't make it LOL
And dont post stupid thinks like ASP and IIS are not save. Or PHP is better. I just try to help people that cant work with php!!!
Creating/Connecting the Database
This tutorial is made for people that have problem with the php registration sites. What you need for this is IIS [Internet Information Service] this can be found at the microsoft site or on your windows xp cdrom. And you need ASPRunner Pro 4.1 Link:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
1>Download and install ASPRunnerPro 4.1
After Installation Run ASPRunnerPro 4.1
2> Select ODBC DNS Then press next
3> Select Your DNS of the Gunz Database and put in the login and password. Press next
4> Now check the box infront of dbo.Accounts
5> At the master options select table dbo.Accounts and primary key AID and at Detail Foreign key also AID [Screenshot 1] Press next twice
6> now your in Choose pages step 5 of 12 Look at the second screenshot and take the setting over of it press next again
7> take over the settig of screenshot 3 and press next
8> check the box Create login page and select Username and password from database
Table is dbo.Accounts
Username field is UserID
password field is Password
Now press the User login Setting button
check the boxes:
*New user registration page
*Remind password page
*Change password page
Now press Choose fields, make sure that the selected fields are UserID Password and Email and press OK
Now your back at the User Login Settings now change the Email settings.
*User email field is email
The rest of the settings your own email settings press OK
Now Press Advanced and select Users can see and edit their own data only And select in the User Table OwnerID field UserID and Main Table also UserID
Wanna add admin login??
check the box Add admin user that can see and edit all user data and select Admin UserID your own UserID
Press Ok again
Press twice Next
9> Now you can change the language setting and Style of the page
then press 3 times next
10> Choose the virtual directory for iss or make and new one
Change the directory or map where the files be put in and select the website URL
11> Press build
12> If every thing went alright your can now select vieuw in browser and then you see the login and registration page you just created.
*Q1 WTF? I cant see mine site.
A1 make sure that iis is running and you have put in the right virtual map in step 10
*Q2 Can i make other pages?? ex. Caracter make or change pages?
A2 Yes you can. This is an very easy to use program so try at your own.
*Q3 Can other user1[not admin] change the account setting of user2?
A3 No
Other questions??? Ask and i will try to help.
Credits go to me and no one else for this Tutorial
Credits also for the makers of the programs

And dont post stupid thinks like ASP and IIS are not save. Or PHP is better. I just try to help people that cant work with php!!!
Creating/Connecting the Database
Open Server Management Studio Express* (SMSE). Within the Object Explorer Panel you will notice the 'Database' folder, right click it, click 'New Database...'.
A 'New Database' form will open, and in the text input type 'GunzDB' and click OK, your database has been created.
The next thing you are going to want to do is restore the Database. Click File> Open> File... and locate your GunzDB.sql file and open it. You are going to have to connect to the database engine, the settings are alright so all you need to do is click 'Connect'. Now right click on 'File' and allow the 'SQL Editor' tool bar to show.
In the toolbar there is a drop-down menu with the 'master' database selected, click on the arrow and select the 'GunzDB' database and click the button next to the drop-down menu, 'Execute'. A message showing 'Command(s) completed successfully.' should notify you that you have done this all correctly.
Creating the ODBC
Click Start> Run> and in the windows input type 'odbcad32'. You should already be in the 'System DSN' tab so click on 'Add'. Another window should pop-up. You'll have to scroll all the way down to the bottom and select 'SQL Server' then click 'Finish'.
Another window/form will pop-up needing information for your new Data Source. For the name, type 'GunzDB', for the description you may type whatever you like, but for the SQL server you which to connect to, you must go back into SMSE*, look in the SQL Editor tool bar and click the 2nd icon which will disconnect you from data engine. Now click the 1st icon which will re-connect you, but make sure to copy the 'Server name' this time, then click 'Connect'.
Now having that in hand, you can go back to creating your ODBC and in the 'Server' text input, paste in your server name. Click next since the settings are currently fine. Now in the next part, click on the tick box and select 'GunzDB' from the drop-down menu and click 'Next' and finally click 'Finish'.
If you would like to check your data source, click 'Test Data Source...' in the window or you can just click 'OK' to finish. Now to completely finish it, click 'OK' again
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