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[Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano

Newbie Spellweaver
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
POST FILES ORIGINAL: https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...5-full-perfectzone-server-files-beta.1145215/

Elnegroxxx - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE Forums


Open the Folder (Tools/1 Database) - Run the MuOnline.SQL file , enter management studio and press F5 (Run script) to install the DB ;
3.-Open the Folder (Tools/2 ODBC) - run ODBC x86 and x 64;
4.-EDIT IP's and SQL User and Password

AllowableIpList.txt - DataServer IP
ChatServer.ini - IP
Connect ServerList.txt - IP
Data/Move/MapServerInfo.txt - IP

001Register/Config.ini - SQLPass
DataServer - DataServer SQLPass
JoinServer - SQLPass
Data/Script/ ScriptMain.lua - SQLPass
Data/Script/Custom/ ScriptStarterPack.lua - SQLPass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GENSDRankingCommand.lua - SQLPass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GENSVRankingCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GRALRankingCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GUILDRankingCommand - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingBCCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingCCCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingDSCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingDUELCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingITCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / ScriptUserInfo.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomEvent / Script_Roulette.lua - SQL Pass

5.- Generate the Client configurations with Encode.exe
Edit in Main.txt - "IP PUBLIC"
Run Encode.exe that will generate files. bmd
place all files. bmd in the following path:
Client Data/ Custom folder

5.5.- Go to Path MHPServer \ ToolsMHPServer \CLIENT TOOLS \- AH_INFO
line in ClientInfo.ini IpAddress = IP PUBLIC
Run GetClientInfo.exe
Copy the file Data\Local\ Antihack.bmd
And place it in the client's Data\Local Folder

6.- StartUp
Place the Server files in the address "D:\Server"
In case of any change, edit the StartUp.xml file in the 002StartUp folder

7.- Install XAMPP + php 7.4
Only activate: Apace , PHP, Program Languages
After installing, look in the XAMPP folder for the file, php.ini, the lines :
short_open_tag =Off - Change to On
; extension = pdo_odbc - Remove the ";" to activate it it would be So extension = pdo_odbc
and Save the Changes

Place the Web Folder files in the XAMPP\ htdocs folder
Install the Web Engine

8.- Edit the folder 003Launcher\ LauncherWebzen \LAUNCHER_INFO
Inside the folder there are Tutorials on how to create the updates
// URL for the updates. Example : " "
ServerURL = "http://"HOST IP"/ aLauncher / Updates /"
// URL for the Web Panel. Example : " "
WebPanelURL = "http://"IP HOST " /aLauncher/index.php "

and run GetLauncherInfo.exe
A LauncherInfo.bmd file will be created , inside the Data/Local Folder
Then copy that file to the same Client path

9.- Edit these files

GameMaster.txt Admins name and rank
Notice.txt - Edit news

10.- Commands

////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
/// Command for ADMIN
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
//     Id     String         Level     LVLGM     Description

    7evo         22032//evo             - Evolui o personagem
    8     zen         132// zen <0~2000000000>     - Alter Zen
    30skin         18//skin < nome > <id>         - Alters skin do alvo
    31level         132//level < nome > <level>     - Altera o level do alvo
    32     dc         18//dc < nome >         - Disconnect the player
    33     ban         18// ban < nome >         - Block for player count
    34     clearinven     18// clearinven         - Clear all inventory
    35     drop         132//drop <type> <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> - Breed or specified item
    36item         132//item <type> <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> - Drop or specified item
    37     gpost         18// gpost < message >     - Send a message global         message
    38     hide         18// hide             - Ficar invisible ou visivel
    39     gmove         18// gmove < name > <map> <x> <y> - Move the player to the specified coordinates
    40     kill         18// kill < nome >         - Kill or player is connected
    41     track         18// track < nome >         - Follow or while connected
    42trace         18//trace < nome >         - Move the link to the GM coordinate
    43     summon         18// summon <id> <0~20>     - Summon a monster your coordinate
    44     notice         18// notice < message >     - Send a message message for all the GS
    45     cleardrop         18// cleardrop [distance]     - Remove dropped items from the map
    46     edit         132// edit < nome > < str > < dex > < vit > <jan> < cmd > - Edit the player 's attributes
    47     wcoinc         132// wcoinc < nome > < num >     - Adds WCoinC
    48     wcoinp         132// wcoinp < nome > < num >     - Add WCoinP
    49     gpoint         132// gpoint < nome > < num >     - Adds Globin Points
    50     bcopen         18// bcopen <minutes>     - Tempo (minutes) to open or Blood Castle
    51     dsopen         18// dsopen <minutes>     - Tempo (minutes) to open or Devil Square
    52     itopen         18// ilopen <minutes>         - Tempo (minutes) to open or Illusion Temple
    53     ccopen         18// ccopen <minutes>     - Tempo (minutes) to open or Chaos Castle
    54     itemx         132// itemx < type > <id> < lvl > < dur > < skill > < luck > < add > < exc > < anc > < quant > <minutes> - Breed to specified number of items
    55     dropx         132// dropx     < type > <id> < lvl > < dur > < skill > < luck > < add > < exc > < anc > < quant > <minutes> - Drop a specified amount of items
    56     makeset         132// makeset <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> < num > - Breed set as os parameters informed
    57     dropset         132// dropset <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> < num > - Dropa o set com os parameters informed
    58reload         132//         reload - Reload the GameServer configurations
    60     pklevel         18// pklevel < nome > < lvl >     - Alters the PK level of the character
    61mute         132//mute < nome > <minutes>     - Block or um chat personagem hair tempo in minutes
    62block         132//block < count > <0~1>     - Block ou unlock at specified count
    63     eventbag         18// eventbag < nome > <id>     - Opens a box EventItemBag for specific id (See EventItemBagManager.txt for each id)
    101     starelim         18// Start Elimination Event
    102     reset         18// Restart Event Elimination Event
    103     rquelim         18// Restart Question Elimination Event

////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
/// Command for Users
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
//     String         Zen         Level     Reset     Delay     Description
    move         0         0030// move <map>         - Move for a map
    post         5000000         50560//post < messages >     - Send a post
    str         500000         100030// str < points|auto >         - Adds points in strength
    agi         500000         100030// dex < points|auto >     - Add points in agility
    vit         500000         100030// vit < points|auto >         - Adds points in vitality
    Jan         500000         100030//Jan < points|auto > - Add     energy points
    cmd         100000         100030// cmd < points|auto >     - Add points in command
    pkclear         10000000         10010// pkclear             - Clear PK status
    fireworks         100000         100130//fireworks         - Launch fires artificial
    war         100000         000//war <guild>         - Declare war
    soccer         100000         000//soccer < guild >         - Declare war in battle soccer
    request         100000         000// request < on|off|auto >     - Activates or deactivates party or trade requests
    reset         0         000// reset [auto]         - Reset character
    mreset         0         000// mreset             - Master Reset the character
    store         100000         10000//store < bless|soul|chaos|wcc|wcp|wcg > - Personal shop with custom currency
    offstore         100000         10010// offstore             - Stay OFFLINE with open personal Shop
    online         100000         5000//online             - View Server Status and Online Users
    rstr         1000000         30050// rstr <pontos>         - Removes strength points
    ragi         1000000         30050// rdex <pontos>         - Removes agility points
    rvit         1000000         30050// rvit <pontos>         - Removes vitality points
    rene         1000000         30050//rene <pontos>         - Removes energy points
    rcmd         1000000         30050// rcmd <points>         - Remove command points
    infoplayer     100000         0030// infoplayer < nome >         - Displays player info

/////Commands to know the WEEKLY TOP
    top         200000         0060//top             - Shows a TOP 5 of Master Resets - Reset
    topbc         200000         0060// topbc             - Shows a TOP 5 of Blood Castle
    topds         200000         0060// topds             - Shows a TOP 5 of Devil Square
    topit         200000         0060// topit             - Shows a TOP 5 of the Illusion Temple
    topcc         200000         0060// topcc             - Shows a TOP 5 of Chaos Castle
    topduel         200000         0060// topduel             - Shows a TOP 5 Duels
    topduprian     200000         0060// topduprian - Shows a TOP 5         Duprian Family
    topvanert         200000         0060// topvanert         - Shows a TOP 5 of the Vanert Family
    topguild         200000         0060// topguild             - Shows a TOP 5 Clans

    bank     100000         000/// bank -> Show the extract of your jewelry bank ( quantity of each jewelry )
    saq     100000         000///- / dep < jewelry > < quantidade > - Face or deposit of jewelry in the bank
    dep     100000         000///- / saq < joia > < quantidade > - Face or take out of joias from the bank

    tradejw     0         000//Change Jewel for Coins

    arrowin     15000         000// BuyArrows
    boltin     15000         000// BuyBolts

    spinru     1000         10000//Roulette Event
    quiz 100         10000//Answer QuizEvent
    offer 100         10000// Items Aution

    entertop     500000         30000//entrance to Theft Of Points Event
    enterpos     500000         30000//entrance to Points Of Survival


    entereli     500000         10000//Entrance to elimination event
    ans     100         000// answer elimination event
    eli     0         000// eliminate in elimination event


    zombie     1000000         30000//Entrance to Zombie Attack Event
    battle1000000         000//Entrance to Battle Royale

What does the REPACK contain?
Characteristics Season 5.5

Server configured to be used in English
Exp : 300x
Drop : 20%
Exp in Events
Creation of special characters at lvl 1
Gens Quest activated from 1 reset
Guilds 100%
MasterSkill basic S5
Minimap at the bottom (disabled with shift )
Items corrected the same for both the server and the client + Set Custom until Season 16 (only with excellent options )
Soul rate without luck : 35 %
Life: 65%
Harmony: 65%
Soul Rate with Luck: 55%
Chaos Goblin rates equal to how the client shows the percentages
CashShop - Items with option excellent , semi and full OK ( WCash obtained by donations/ Wpoint obtained by voting , referrals, resets , grand resets and mobs / GoblinPoint obtained every 3 hours online, per mobs )
VIP System - benefits in Exp and Drop , multiple trunks
Resets lvl 400 (decreases the level to reset depending on the type of VIP - Does not delete stats )
Master Resets at 50 reset (decreases the reset required depending on the type of VIP - erases skills and stats ) ( WCoinC WCoinP GoblinPoint reward with each MR)
ComboSkills in all classes - Check Data/ Skill /ComboSkill.txt for combinations
MuHelper Custom (Can be used to activate ComboSkill on all classes)( Disabled on event maps)
quest System ( Part of beginners and Quest in General OK the latter after the first reset )
Jewel Chaos are only obtained in events, and by completing the General Quest
Balanced ItemBags
Jewel Custom with 100% probability, players can acquire them when they get WPoint , to eventually make their own full set
Multiple rings with varied skins are obtained from an npc in devias
Weekly In-Game Ranking, viewed by commands (Manual Reload)
Character Balancing
Balanced spots for server medium
Ancient Sets in some events and Land of Trials
Higher chance of dropping items exe only in events
PK Free at Stadium
NONPK at Events BC, DS, Kalima
PShop Only in LorenMarket ( Custom Shop are activated after configuring the PShop and opening it - you sell for jewels or for wcoin , wpoint , goblinpoint )
You move to some maps after reset 1
Set Sockets OK Limit 3 options
Wait time in some modified skills
Custom Wings
Item Drop Configured for all items needed to find it during the game
Experience Table reducing experience between reset 1 and 50 onwards
Respawn Manager controls where players will be reborn upon death
3 VIP Levels - VIP is acquired with a ticket purchased at CashShop
Monster with modified STATS to make parts of the game more difficult
MapManager to edit characteristics of each map ( edited experience in event maps)
ItemOptionRate file to configure the options that will drop the items
Item WalletZen to Save Zen 10, 100, 500, 1000 kk
Gladiator glory Buff to the winner of the duels
LevelUpPoint : DW( 1), DK(1), ELF(1), MG(2), DL(2), SU(1)
Custom commands - review CommandManager.txt file and read description
Cam 3D (F11 AND F12)
NPC fully custom + Socket
Right click on jewels to create Bundle Jewel (for all jewels) and to unpack

EVENTS (With schedules for each moment of the day start one of them)

Blood Castle Max 5 Player
Chaos Castle Min 2 Player
Event with Bonus OK
Event with DropItems OK
Devil Square OK
DoubleGoer OK
CastleDeep OK
Golden ArcherOK
Golden Archer - LotteryOK
Illusion Temple Skills OK Min 2 Player OK
Imperial Guardian OK
Boss Invasions give Points to use in CShop
An invasion occurs in a dungeon , which is also a labyrinth
Kanturu OK
MossMerchant OK
Raklion OK
Crywolf OK
CS: for prove
Summon Scroll OK
Script_ItemAuction - Item Auction
Script_Quiz - Questions and Answers
Script_Roulette - Item Roulette
Script_Elimination (triggered by commands)
Script_PointsOfSurvival - In Arena
Script_TheftOfPoints - In Arena
Script_ZombieAttack - Silent Map​

New NPC Skins , Player , Sets , Maps


Screen(04_07-16_17)-0007 - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE ForumsScreen(04_07-16_23)-0019 - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE ForumsScreen(04_07-16_26)-0021 - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE ForumsScreen(04_07-16_29)-0050 - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE ForumsScreen(04_07-16_29)-0033 - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE Forums


In case the MHP does not let you in, eliminate the file verification

find the file in Server\MHPServer\Data\Checksum.list, delete everything there is, editing it with a notepad

I had created the checksum.list, so that they only had to create the CRC32 of the files like main.bmd

With this repack I am sharing my knowledge when configuring a muserver, there are some details to correct just for the part of the custom events in lua script, if someone helps to correct them and share them it would be of great help...

I will be taking note of errors that appear while they are configuration errors, we will correct them together.

thank you

If anyone places a server with these files, I make myself available to help with the test.


Nemesis ( Now Kiosani );
Luiz (Louis BR);
Antonio Filho
Luan from Hinetworks ;

Last edited:
POST FILES ORIGINAL: https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...5-full-perfectzone-server-files-beta.1145215/

Elnegroxxx - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE Forums


Open the Folder (Tools/1 Database) - Run the MuOnline.SQL file , enter management studio and press F5 (Run script) to install the DB ;
3.-Open the Folder (Tools/2 ODBC) - run ODBC x86 and x 64;
4.-EDIT IP's and SQL User and Password

AllowableIpList.txt - DataServer IP
ChatServer.ini - IP
Connect ServerList.txt - IP
Data/Move/MapServerInfo.txt - IP

001Register/Config.ini - SQLPass
DataServer - DataServer SQLPass
JoinServer - SQLPass
Data/Script/ ScriptMain.lua - SQLPass
Data/Script/Custom/ ScriptStarterPack.lua - SQLPass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GENSDRankingCommand.lua - SQLPass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GENSVRankingCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GRALRankingCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / GUILDRankingCommand - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingBCCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingCCCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingDSCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingDUELCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / RankingITCommand.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomCommand / ScriptUserInfo.lua - SQL Pass
Data/Script/ CustomEvent / Script_Roulette.lua - SQL Pass

5.- Generate the Client configurations with Encode.exe
Edit in Main.txt - "IP PUBLIC"
Run Encode.exe that will generate files. bmd
place all files. bmd in the following path:
Client Data/ Custom folder

5.5.- Go to Path MHPServer \ ToolsMHPServer \CLIENT TOOLS \- AH_INFO
line in ClientInfo.ini IpAddress = IP PUBLIC
Run GetClientInfo.exe
Copy the file Data\Local\ Antihack.bmd
And place it in the client's Data\Local Folder

6.- StartUp
Place the Server files in the address "D:\Server"
In case of any change, edit the StartUp.xml file in the 002StartUp folder

7.- Install XAMPP + php 7.4
Only activate: Apace , PHP, Program Languages
After installing, look in the XAMPP folder for the file, php.ini, the lines :
short_open_tag =Off - Change to On
; extension = pdo_odbc - Remove the ";" to activate it it would be So extension = pdo_odbc
and Save the Changes

Place the Web Folder files in the XAMPP\ htdocs folder
Install the Web Engine

8.- Edit the folder 003Launcher\ LauncherWebzen \LAUNCHER_INFO
Inside the folder there are Tutorials on how to create the updates
// URL for the updates. Example : " "
ServerURL = "http://"HOST IP"/ aLauncher / Updates /"
// URL for the Web Panel. Example : " "
WebPanelURL = "http://"IP HOST " /aLauncher/index.php "

and run GetLauncherInfo.exe
A LauncherInfo.bmd file will be created , inside the Data/Local Folder
Then copy that file to the same Client path

9.- Edit these files

GameMaster.txt Admins name and rank
Notice.txt - Edit news

10.- Commands

////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
/// Command for ADMIN
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
//     Id     String         Level     LVLGM     Description

    7evo         22032//evo             - Evolui o personagem
    8     zen         132// zen <0~2000000000>     - Alter Zen
    30skin         18//skin < nome > <id>         - Alters skin do alvo
    31level         132//level < nome > <level>     - Altera o level do alvo
    32     dc         18//dc < nome >         - Disconnect the player
    33     ban         18// ban < nome >         - Block for player count
    34     clearinven     18// clearinven         - Clear all inventory
    35     drop         132//drop <type> <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> - Breed or specified item
    36item         132//item <type> <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> - Drop or specified item
    37     gpost         18// gpost < message >     - Send a message global         message
    38     hide         18// hide             - Ficar invisible ou visivel
    39     gmove         18// gmove < name > <map> <x> <y> - Move the player to the specified coordinates
    40     kill         18// kill < nome >         - Kill or player is connected
    41     track         18// track < nome >         - Follow or while connected
    42trace         18//trace < nome >         - Move the link to the GM coordinate
    43     summon         18// summon <id> <0~20>     - Summon a monster your coordinate
    44     notice         18// notice < message >     - Send a message message for all the GS
    45     cleardrop         18// cleardrop [distance]     - Remove dropped items from the map
    46     edit         132// edit < nome > < str > < dex > < vit > <jan> < cmd > - Edit the player 's attributes
    47     wcoinc         132// wcoinc < nome > < num >     - Adds WCoinC
    48     wcoinp         132// wcoinp < nome > < num >     - Add WCoinP
    49     gpoint         132// gpoint < nome > < num >     - Adds Globin Points
    50     bcopen         18// bcopen <minutes>     - Tempo (minutes) to open or Blood Castle
    51     dsopen         18// dsopen <minutes>     - Tempo (minutes) to open or Devil Square
    52     itopen         18// ilopen <minutes>         - Tempo (minutes) to open or Illusion Temple
    53     ccopen         18// ccopen <minutes>     - Tempo (minutes) to open or Chaos Castle
    54     itemx         132// itemx < type > <id> < lvl > < dur > < skill > < luck > < add > < exc > < anc > < quant > <minutes> - Breed to specified number of items
    55     dropx         132// dropx     < type > <id> < lvl > < dur > < skill > < luck > < add > < exc > < anc > < quant > <minutes> - Drop a specified amount of items
    56     makeset         132// makeset <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> < num > - Breed set as os parameters informed
    57     dropset         132// dropset <id> < lvl > < dur > <skill> <luck> <add> < exc > < anc > <min> < num > - Dropa o set com os parameters informed
    58reload         132//         reload - Reload the GameServer configurations
    60     pklevel         18// pklevel < nome > < lvl >     - Alters the PK level of the character
    61mute         132//mute < nome > <minutes>     - Block or um chat personagem hair tempo in minutes
    62block         132//block < count > <0~1>     - Block ou unlock at specified count
    63     eventbag         18// eventbag < nome > <id>     - Opens a box EventItemBag for specific id (See EventItemBagManager.txt for each id)
    101     starelim         18// Start Elimination Event
    102     reset         18// Restart Event Elimination Event
    103     rquelim         18// Restart Question Elimination Event

////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
/// Command for Users
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
//     String         Zen         Level     Reset     Delay     Description
    move         0         0030// move <map>         - Move for a map
    post         5000000         50560//post < messages >     - Send a post
    str         500000         100030// str < points|auto >         - Adds points in strength
    agi         500000         100030// dex < points|auto >     - Add points in agility
    vit         500000         100030// vit < points|auto >         - Adds points in vitality
    Jan         500000         100030//Jan < points|auto > - Add     energy points
    cmd         100000         100030// cmd < points|auto >     - Add points in command
    pkclear         10000000         10010// pkclear             - Clear PK status
    fireworks         100000         100130//fireworks         - Launch fires artificial
    war         100000         000//war <guild>         - Declare war
    soccer         100000         000//soccer < guild >         - Declare war in battle soccer
    request         100000         000// request < on|off|auto >     - Activates or deactivates party or trade requests
    reset         0         000// reset [auto]         - Reset character
    mreset         0         000// mreset             - Master Reset the character
    store         100000         10000//store < bless|soul|chaos|wcc|wcp|wcg > - Personal shop with custom currency
    offstore         100000         10010// offstore             - Stay OFFLINE with open personal Shop
    online         100000         5000//online             - View Server Status and Online Users
    rstr         1000000         30050// rstr <pontos>         - Removes strength points
    ragi         1000000         30050// rdex <pontos>         - Removes agility points
    rvit         1000000         30050// rvit <pontos>         - Removes vitality points
    rene         1000000         30050//rene <pontos>         - Removes energy points
    rcmd         1000000         30050// rcmd <points>         - Remove command points
    infoplayer     100000         0030// infoplayer < nome >         - Displays player info

/////Commands to know the WEEKLY TOP
    top         200000         0060//top             - Shows a TOP 5 of Master Resets - Reset
    topbc         200000         0060// topbc             - Shows a TOP 5 of Blood Castle
    topds         200000         0060// topds             - Shows a TOP 5 of Devil Square
    topit         200000         0060// topit             - Shows a TOP 5 of the Illusion Temple
    topcc         200000         0060// topcc             - Shows a TOP 5 of Chaos Castle
    topduel         200000         0060// topduel             - Shows a TOP 5 Duels
    topduprian     200000         0060// topduprian - Shows a TOP 5         Duprian Family
    topvanert         200000         0060// topvanert         - Shows a TOP 5 of the Vanert Family
    topguild         200000         0060// topguild             - Shows a TOP 5 Clans

    bank     100000         000/// bank -> Show the extract of your jewelry bank ( quantity of each jewelry )
    saq     100000         000///- / dep < jewelry > < quantidade > - Face or deposit of jewelry in the bank
    dep     100000         000///- / saq < joia > < quantidade > - Face or take out of joias from the bank

    tradejw     0         000//Change Jewel for Coins

    arrowin     15000         000// BuyArrows
    boltin     15000         000// BuyBolts

    spinru     1000         10000//Roulette Event
    quiz 100         10000//Answer QuizEvent
    offer 100         10000// Items Aution

    entertop     500000         30000//entrance to Theft Of Points Event
    enterpos     500000         30000//entrance to Points Of Survival


    entereli     500000         10000//Entrance to elimination event
    ans     100         000// answer elimination event
    eli     0         000// eliminate in elimination event


    zombie     1000000         30000//Entrance to Zombie Attack Event
    battle1000000         000//Entrance to Battle Royale

What does the REPACK contain?
Characteristics Season 5.5

Server configured to be used in English
Exp : 300x
Drop : 20%
Exp in Events
Creation of special characters at lvl 1
Gens Quest activated from 1 reset
Guilds 100%
MasterSkill basic S5
Minimap at the bottom (disabled with shift )
Items corrected the same for both the server and the client + Set Custom until Season 16 (only with excellent options )
Soul rate without luck : 35 %
Life: 65%
Harmony: 65%
Soul Rate with Luck: 55%
Chaos Goblin rates equal to how the client shows the percentages
CashShop - Items with option excellent , semi and full OK ( WCash obtained by donations/ Wpoint obtained by voting , referrals, resets , grand resets and mobs / GoblinPoint obtained every 3 hours online, per mobs )
VIP System - benefits in Exp and Drop , multiple trunks
Resets lvl 400 (decreases the level to reset depending on the type of VIP - Does not delete stats )
Master Resets at 50 reset (decreases the reset required depending on the type of VIP - erases skills and stats ) ( WCoinC WCoinP GoblinPoint reward with each MR)
ComboSkills in all classes - Check Data/ Skill /ComboSkill.txt for combinations
MuHelper Custom (Can be used to activate ComboSkill on all classes)( Disabled on event maps)
quest System ( Part of beginners and Quest in General OK the latter after the first reset )
Jewel Chaos are only obtained in events, and by completing the General Quest
Balanced ItemBags
Jewel Custom with 100% probability, players can acquire them when they get WPoint , to eventually make their own full set
Multiple rings with varied skins are obtained from an npc in devias
Weekly In-Game Ranking, viewed by commands (Manual Reload)
Character Balancing
Balanced spots for server medium
Ancient Sets in some events and Land of Trials
Higher chance of dropping items exe only in events
PK Free at Stadium
NONPK at Events BC, DS, Kalima
PShop Only in LorenMarket ( Custom Shop are activated after configuring the PShop and opening it - you sell for jewels or for wcoin , wpoint , goblinpoint )
You move to some maps after reset 1
Set Sockets OK Limit 3 options
Wait time in some modified skills
Custom Wings
Item Drop Configured for all items needed to find it during the game
Experience Table reducing experience between reset 1 and 50 onwards
Respawn Manager controls where players will be reborn upon death
3 VIP Levels - VIP is acquired with a ticket purchased at CashShop
Monster with modified STATS to make parts of the game more difficult
MapManager to edit characteristics of each map ( edited experience in event maps)
ItemOptionRate file to configure the options that will drop the items
Item WalletZen to Save Zen 10, 100, 500, 1000 kk
Gladiator glory Buff to the winner of the duels
LevelUpPoint : DW( 1), DK(1), ELF(1), MG(2), DL(2), SU(1)
Custom commands - review CommandManager.txt file and read description
Cam 3D (F11 AND F12)
NPC fully custom + Socket
Right click on jewels to create Bundle Jewel (for all jewels) and to unpack

EVENTS (With schedules for each moment of the day start one of them)

Blood Castle Max 5 Player
Chaos Castle Min 2 Player
Event with Bonus OK
Event with DropItems OK
Devil Square OK
DoubleGoer OK
CastleDeep OK
Golden ArcherOK
Golden Archer - LotteryOK
Illusion Temple Skills OK Min 2 Player OK
Imperial Guardian OK
Boss Invasions give Points to use in CShop
An invasion occurs in a dungeon , which is also a labyrinth
Kanturu OK
MossMerchant OK
Raklion OK
Crywolf OK
CS: for prove
Summon Scroll OK
Script_ItemAuction - Item Auction
Script_Quiz - Questions and Answers
Script_Roulette - Item Roulette
Script_Elimination (triggered by commands)
Script_PointsOfSurvival - In Arena
Script_TheftOfPoints - In Arena
Script_ZombieAttack - Silent Map​

New NPC Skins , Player , Sets , Maps


View attachment 259343View attachment 259344View attachment 259345View attachment 259347View attachment 259348


In case it does not start after starting the antihack, you have to edit the file that is in the path and edit it with notepad
and search

"Data\Custom\ServerGroup.bmd" "0xE90928D5"

and change it to

"Data\Custom\ServerGroup.bmd" "0xEC25E535"


With this repack I am sharing my knowledge when configuring a muserver, there are some details to correct just for the part of the custom events in lua script, if someone helps to correct them and share them it would be of great help...

I will be taking note of errors that appear while they are configuration errors, we will correct them together.

thank you

If anyone places a server with these files, I make myself available to help with the test.


Nemesis ( Now Kiosani );
Luiz (Louis BR);
Antonio Filho
Luan from Hinetworks ;

Muito bom !!!
Very good !!!
Does the crywolf works good for you, i got dc when try to connect ?
Does the crywolf works good for you, i got dc when try to connect ?
Elnegroxxx - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE Forums

Didn't I touch anything in the settings? apart from what was written in the post?
It doesn't give me any errors... it is one of my favorite events and the one that is best prepared by the mob configurations
Elnegroxxx - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE Forums

Didn't I touch anything in the settings? apart from what was written in the post?
It doesn't give me any errors... it is one of my favorite events and the one that is best prepared by the mob configurations
I did change ports to my custom what all should be correct, is there any special place where the ports need to be changed for Gscs or what you thing is the issue, i have used on other files same ports and they are open and ready to connect ? Also just tryed and yeah its working on default ports.
the anti hack keep closing my client. I did the change on the file .list. But after load the ani hack the main not open.
:rolleyes:find the file in Server\MHPServer\Data\Checksum.list, delete everything there is, editing it with a notepad


  • Checksum lis - [Release]REPACK MU Server Season 5.5 Full (PerfectZone SmileY) 99% bugless by adriano - RaGEZONE Forums
    Checksum lis.webp
    11.5 KB · Views: 32
Greetings, I am reorganizing the files to update the repack again. In the meantime, you can check what works on this BETA TEST server.

Hello I am getting a MediaFire error :(

Something appears to be missing…​

The key you provided for file access was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire.
I believe I have found a bug playing the beta
Maybe someone have this files and can reuplad or send me? Please