[Release]RoseCP v1.6 [BETA]

W000ttt AMAZING release thanks :D i will combine with my site :)
And im sorry for didnt mentioning your name at my topic.. which i requested to delete

but to the point Thanks for the release :D

FYI, I tried on 2 different machines to download that file, it said I could not download the item mall, which I wasn't, I was trying 1.6

I even logged in, but it still said Item Mall

Did I do something wrong?? Yea, I can be a noob today, long day at work already! ;)


Hey dyeprey, Can you explain why the online script don't work?
I tried my ip and I tried $hostname since where I host mysql I host my Rose Server.
Could you tell me why its not working? When I know its online? and I don't have a firewall.
The last three versions have done this.
The online script ip for the servers status must be so when a user visits the site the server pings a signal to or summit en so it see if the server is online but for the you must be hosting the website on the same computer as the server

Tell me if this helped or else explain your problem furhter
The online script ip for the servers status must be so when a user visits the site the server pings a signal to or summit en so it see if the server is online but for the you must be hosting the website on the same computer as the server

Tell me if this helped or else explain your problem furhter

ok well 2 things, one i have my site hosted somewhere else, so i need it to ping my home computer, where do i change that, and 2,
Warning: main(library/class.pagination.php) [ ]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Warning: main(library/class.pagination.php) [ ]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Warning: main(library/class.pagination.php) [ ]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Warning: main() [ ]: Failed opening 'library/class.pagination.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: genericeasypagination in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 47
i get this line of code when i go in the loged in area

Hey dyeprey, Can you explain why the online script don't work?
I tried my ip and I tried $hostname since where I host mysql I host my Rose Server.
Could you tell me why its not working? When I know its online? and I don't have a firewall.
The last three versions have done this.

is your server working/running? it should work fine. i did not change any code of that part.

btw. you need to host the website where your game server runs..

ok well 2 things, one i have my site hosted somewhere else, so i need it to ping my home computer, where do i change that, and 2,
Warning: main(library/class.pagination.php) [ ]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Warning: main(library/class.pagination.php) [ ]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Warning: main(library/class.pagination.php) [ ]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Warning: main() [ ]: Failed opening 'library/class.pagination.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 26

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: genericeasypagination in /home/dcmaster/public_html/cloudrose/v2/modules/admin/chars_mgnt.php on line 47
i get this line of code when i go in the loged in area

i suppose youre running the website on a linux platform?. does the game server runs on linux?.. anyway. just check the paths. remember that linux is very strict. case sensitive.
"Class" is not equal to "class".
Dyeprey, No its a remote website, but using mysql from my server lol, So Is there any recommendations you have for me so I can use it remotely?

use xamp and an include? lol
Critical Update v1.6

Dispatch "Very" Critical Update. Dowload and Replace your Current "library" folder.

sry i have a question: How i can make my CMS (RoseSite) online, with not configuration my router. PLZZ Help me! cause this homepage is a free homepage too and i dont know how i can make my homepage, too how this.
Alot of these Idea's were stolen from RoseOnlineCMS by Element, He has ALOT of things from CMS in his scripts and he calls himself a coder, And he dares to charge people for an Item Mall when he steals people's code himself, He doesn't deserve to be on a community forum he's only out for himself.
He needs to figure out Idea's of his own