[Release] ROSESupport

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
This is just a little release of mine, enjoy!

Remember to put it in the same folder as your server files.
Remember to configure where your server files are before using.
Remember to install the .net framework 2

Features BETA 1

o Auto restart your server while your away.
o Start your server at the same time instead of clicking them one by one.
o Manually start your server one by one.

Features BETA 2

o Add accounts

Features BETA 2 Fix

o Added DLL to Zip.

Features BETA 3

o Works with new database

Future Features
o Code optimization.
o Requested features.

Ideas are accepted!

Creator: Arcdemon
Version: BETA 3
Comments: This was created by VisualGaming, All Rights Reserved.

This was mainly made because I needed a program to help me start my server quick and easy and restart it quick and easy too. Anyway, I decided to release this and that is why it's here today. Enjoy!

Note: This program may or may not have many add-ons in the future. It all depends on if I need them. Requests are slightly encouraged.

If you have problems post them on the thread.


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Hmm, Lemme check it out. I'll get back to you A.S.A.P.

EDIT: Error Solved. It's because you didn't configure your LoginServer.exe

in the configuration. Click Servers -> Server Editing -> Configure all Servers and in the first 3 textboxes, write in order there location. I'm gonna make it more user friendly in Beta 2.

I'm working on Beta 2 as we speak.
I don't think it is possible because you need to configure ROSE with TriggerDetect.exe to stop the Send/Don't Send Error. I'll only be able to do it if I knew where TriggerDetect.exe wrote it's data.
Can you rezip this and reupload? It says file is damaged. I downloaded 3 times and not working. Thanks :)
I'm done Beta 2 so I'll upload that instead.

New Features

o Add accounts (Configure it in the configuration window)
o Some errors made user friendly.
I forgot to add a DLL needed to connect to MySQL sorry. I'll add it now. Everything should be ok now.
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DLL Added, sorry it wouldn't let me edit my post for some reason.
thks for this ^^
i have one question where can you put username for the account i want to create?
i got : column doesn't match value count at row 1 when i try to put -> id 100 pasword 123456 acces level 100 or anything else
Weird I didn't have that problem tomiz and the "The application failed to initialize proplerly (0xc0000135)" error is weird too. I'll look into it, I promise this will be fixed.

"The application failed to initialize proplerly (0xc0000135)" error Solved: Download the .NET Framework

Tamiz's Error: Unsolved. Working On it.
my account table look like this, if that can help :

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for accounts
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `accounts` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `username` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `password` varchar(32) default NULL,
  `accesslevel` int(11) default '100',
  `lastip` varchar(15) default '',
  `lasttime` int(11) default '0',
  `lastsvr` int(11) default '0',
  `lastchar` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `email` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `nb_donation` int(11) default '0',
  `donation` varchar(255) default '0',
  `active` int(11) default '1',
  `active_key` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `zulystorage` int(11) default '0',
  `online` int(11) default '0',
  `platinum` int(11) default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

and thks again for this nice tool i like it :p
Yes that helped a lot! You have 2 extra colums than my version. I don't have online or platinum.
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