Underneath add:
Add rules by adding a new
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule #: blah blah");
Tested and Works!
else if (strcmp(command, "ann")==0) // *** SEND A ANNUNCEMENT ***
if(Config.Command_Ann > thisclient->PlayerSession->accesslevel)
return true;
Log( MSG_GMACTION, " %s : /ann %s" , thisclient->PlayerInfo->charname, &P->Buffer[5] );
return pakGMAnn(thisclient, P);
Underneath add:
else if(strcmp(command, "rules")==0) // Rules Command by Matt
SendPM(thisclient, "Please follow the following rules to ensure you have a fun time on this server!");
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule 1: No hacking");
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule 2: Do not abuse any bugs in the game");
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule 3: Be respectful to all players and GMs");
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule 4: Do not beg for items");
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule 5: Do not harass any players or GM's");
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule 6: Do not abuse any bugs in the game");
Add rules by adding a new
SendPM(thisclient, "Rule #: blah blah");
Tested and Works!