Hello folks! I'm here to announce that I'm releasing everything I worked in that last 2 months for this game! I have still **2 big projects** coming out, but I feel it's ok to start releasing things at least in a almost-finished state:
kuroro-sds-dll-injector: Tool to inject DLL dependencies in `seiya.exe` files.
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kuroro-sds-dll: First step for who those want to make DLL injection possible in `seiya.exe` file. It already contains borderless Windows and some fixes for lua `GameApi` functions including the stars "nil" bug for the lyre interface.
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kuroro-vm-tutorial: Complete tutorial of how to create a new VM and securely deploy in the cloud. Includes useful scripts to make auto backups from mysql and gamedb, also with a lot of stuff you can use to secure your server.
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kuroro-bufregion-editor: Simple `bufregion.sev` editor (Works with all versions including lyre).
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sso-precinct-editor: Simple `precinct.sev` editor. Currently works only with the newsest version of precinct.sev files (v11) which why you probably want this if you're looking for getting new maps into old server.
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sso-task-md5-patcher: Contains instructions of how to edit tasks, and includes the full mapping of tasks.data files to use with 010 editor. Also contains a tool that patches `tasks.data` file to the game server can accept those changes.
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sso-elements-fmk: A Ruby Gem that can be used to programatically edit `elements.data` file. It's super useful if you want to query something, do a mass update or just dump everything into .csv or .json format.
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The next release will be a fully functional version of a new application called
Iweb-X and should be released probably in the next month. You can see image previews and some info about the features in the future reposity page here:
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Basically, you customize and mantain everything everyone ever wanted about your server with this tool!
Most of these things are well documented and I hope this can help new servers to go out quickier! I'm alreading receiving threats, so clone the repositories as fast as you can in case they achieve to put everything down or kill me!