[Release]Server and client BC Translations

Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Wicked Garden
Hola peoples. Last couple of days been working on a couple translations.
Translated GM> output on the server for when the bless castle event starts and ends. No longer is it just korean symbols.

The server is also the Lost Temple edition of KPTServerV2 so it is latest edition to my knowledge.

Also note, the server I have uploaded has a 100% success rate on all aging, so you might want to make note of that if thats something your worried about.

As for the client, the client is the 1850 edition, based from rPT client. I took out all the rPT stuff, and Edited the "BlessCastle Master." apparently when you went shopping for better defense for your castle it was all still in Korean, so I went ahead and fixed that. More than likely the translations are not right on or close, but whatever it's not in Korean.

Something you might want to note is that I am not good with hex editing at all so screw up's might be an obvious sight.
If translations or relases of such related to these files have already been posted then I grant you my apologies.

Credit goes out to all who have worked on the client and Server. rPT, Sandurr, Shagpub, X, whoever else out there.

P.S. - I would be obliged for any information out there to learn where or how to start editing/translating Puzzle King.


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removed client from attachments, going to scan now...

Hmmm win32:crypto virus... picks up on avast if I have it packaged.
If it's unpackaged then avast foesn't pick it up, but antiVir does.

I'll look into it. Originall got the 1850_font.rar client from "nguyenbason"
I've posted a Manual fix that you must do yourself inside this text file incase you don't want to redo the features you have already added to your current server. I've also included a link to the infected client inside the text file to download at your own risk, if your capable of disinfecting it please do so.


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Then I guess wherever you got the file, was already infected... because the one posted here... is getting caught by avast at .

I'm going to continue trying to disinfect it, or rewrite it, but really I am not too worried about the virus itself, only avast is picking it up.
Check at that jotti virus scan site I posted in my previous post to ensure the file is clean, then post the client please. Also some people have been asking how I found my translations, so I am also writing a step by step guide on how I did so.
Then I guess wherever you got the file, was already infected...
i got it from rpt . I dont know why :(
POSSIBLY INFECTED/MALWARE (Note: this file was only classified as malware by scanners known to generate more false positives than the average scanner. Do not consider these results definately accurate. Also, because of this, results of this scan will not be recorded in the database.)
Well it's strange but when I run PT in OllyDGB and try to execute it, I get all of these errors telling me the .dlls aren't working and that gameguard isn't a 32-bit executable. And when I get to the part where Babel is shown etc, the program gets terminated. Any help here?
Hey all, this is just and Updated post. I updated the server with a new translation.

this translation is for those of you who have the new SQL.dll file working on your server. It replaces the Korean auto message showing the expiration date of your account. Instead I replaced it with. "Hello and Welcome. Enjoy your stay and have fun!!!" I will be updating the guide soon shortly so you guys can hex this yourself if you want without the need to downlaod a whole new server if you wish not to do so.