[Release] Silver Iulian MonsterSetBase 1.0M

Loss is a relative term.
Sep 26, 2006
Reaction score

I made it for my 1.0M Version :sweatdrop
Some Screens :
Silvers - [Release] Silver Iulian MonsterSetBase 1.0M - RaGEZONE Forums

Silvers - [Release] Silver Iulian MonsterSetBase 1.0M - RaGEZONE Forums

Silvers - [Release] Silver Iulian MonsterSetBase 1.0M - RaGEZONE Forums

Silvers - [Release] Silver Iulian MonsterSetBase 1.0M - RaGEZONE Forums

Silvers - [Release] Silver Iulian MonsterSetBase 1.0M - RaGEZONE Forums

Contains Monsters For All Maps ...
Lorencia :
// ### Range spot
0    0    30    135    20    240    88    -1    25 // BullFighter
1    0    30    8    11    94    244    -1    20 // Hound
2    0    30    135    20    240    88    -1    20 // BudgeDragon
2    0    30    180    90    226    244    -1    20 // BudgeDragon
3    0    30    180    90    226    244    -1    20 // Spider
4    0    30    8    11    94    244    -1    20 // EliteBullFighter
6    0    30    95    168    175    244    -1    20 // Lich
7    0    30    8    11    60    80    -1    20 // Giant
14    0    30    95    168    175    244    -1    20 // SkeletonWarrior

//Lorencia Spots By Sinok
//Lorencia Spiders + Dragons By Sinok
3 0 10 178 127 178 126 -1 10
3 0 10 178 127 178 126 -1 10
2 0 10 178 127 178 126 -1 10
2 0 10 178 127 178 126 -1 10
Stadium :
// Stadium [ monsters ]:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
//Arena Monsters START 
71    6    5    6    87       16    98    -1    20    // Mega Crust Cage
143       6    5    7    34       15    43    -1      10    // Alpha Crust Cage
142       6    5    7    34       15    43    -1      5
139      6    5    6    70       15    79    -1      10    // Queen Rainer Cage
143      6    5    6    70       15    79    -1      5    // Queen Rainer Cage
139       6    5    7    52       15    61    -1      10    // Alquamos Cage
143       6    5    7    52       15    61    -1      5
143       6    5    25     70       34    79    -1      10    // Phantom Knight Cage
139       6    5    25     70       34    79    -1      10
142       6    5    25     52       34    61    -1      10    // Drakan Cage
143       6    5    25     52       34    61    -1      10    // Drakan Cage
138       6    5    25    87       33    97    -1      10    // Giant Drakan Cage
143       6    5    25    87       33    97    -1      10    // Giant Drakan Cage
138      6    5    25    34       34    43    -1      10    // Chaos Mobs cage
139      6    5    25    34       34    43    -1      10    // Chaos Mobs cage
143      6    5    25    34       34    43    -1      10    // Chaos Mobs cage
138      6    5    61    39       73    57    -1     10    // King Orc
139    6    15    45    73       49    92    -1     20    // Orc Archer
138    6    15    45    73       49    92    -1     10    // Orc Archer
137    6    15    45    73       49    92    -1     10    // Orc Archer
265      6    10    80    10       85    17    -1     20    // Necron
136      6    10    58    25       67    33    -1    10    // Chaos Mobs
137      6    10    58    25       67    33    -1    10
138      6    10    58    25       67    33    -1    10
70      6    20    61    95       50    115    -1    20    // King Orc
143      6    10    17    24       27    31    -1    20    // Spirit Sourcerer
142      6    5     42    34       52    44    -1    20    // Spirit Knight
139    6    5    38    10       41    7    -1     5    // Orc Archer
143    6    5    38    10       41    7    -1     5    // Orc Archer
139    6    5    21    11       25    7    -1     5    // Orc Archer
143    6    5    21    11       25    7    -1     5    // Orc Archer
138      6    5    82    66       98    107    -1     30    // King Orc
70      6    5    82    66       98    107    -1     30    // Orc Archer
69      6    5    82    66       98    107    -1     20    // Spirit Knight
265      6    5    82    26       97    52    -1     30    // King Orc
72      6    5    82    26       97    52    -1     30    // Orc Archer
142      6    5    82    26       97    52    -1     10    // Spirit Knight
143    6    5    82    26       97    52    -1     10    // DeathAngel
138      6    5    43    52       52    58    -1     10    // King Orc
139      6    5    43    52       52    58    -1     15    // Orc Archer
143      6    20    65    62       67    65    -1    3    // King Orc
139      6    20    65    62       67    65    -1    6    // King Orc
143      6    5     65    85       68    88    -1     3    // Orc Archer
139      6    5     65    85       68    88    -1     6    // Orc Archer
265      6    10    62    15       64    12    -1     10    // Necron
143      6    10    50    116       55    110    -1     10    // Necron
138      6    10    19    117       23    10    -1     10    // Necron
138      6    10    75    117       80    112    -1     10    // Necron
More i let u to find out :jc:

Credits :
  • MuDarkForest Team ( orginal monstersetbase)
  • Sinok ( lorencia spiders + dragons )
  • Silver Iulian ( ME :P ) I made some modifications to Monster.txt and MonsterSetBase.txt , i added some new stuff , i made it from 1.02 to 1.0M :SniperHea



Re: [Release]Silver Iulian MonsterSetBase 1.0M

What about:
338 1 "KundumDemon" 150 6800000

i don't see him and i don't see map 36(Kalima7)
that's because kalima 7 it isn't on 1.0M , but i let monster in monster.txt for those who want powerful mobs :sweatdrop
great 8/10

"nice", "great", "good", "impresive", "cool", "i like it", "go ahead", "10/10" or "8/10" in this case, "you are the best", "i am idiot and i am so stupid, God, that i can't beleave", "i am lamer". These are 95% of your posts. Mods must give you 1000 in additional to stop write shits. Lamer.