[release] Simple zitem Item Gen and Description Gen

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
All in all I got about 5 minutes of work put into these.

They are basic but do save you time, take a gander...

If i opened these files then i got this error:
Komotost - [release] Simple zitem Item Gen and Description Gen - RaGEZONE Forums
Got the same error downloaded the dll still got it or I puttet it in a wrong place?
Just download this:

It will update all your library files and you shouldn't get an error like this again.

Ontopic the program is quite nice but it could use a simpler open file method.
dude fok you or ill flame you always when i see you
:) this sounds kwl. Im at college so i will ask

Dose this realy Gen the .xml for a ziteam iteam...if so dose it do it from the iteam part dds/elu file???
Got the same error downloaded the dll still got it or I puttet it in a wrong place?

Also, mind just saying "fuck" the next time? We're all adults here (I presume). The word just isn't really offensive anymore. Besides, using another alphabet to replace another alphabet in the word is just plain dumb.

Oh and nice program you got there :police: