[Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413

OK, i've hosted the server, it's better for show the different improvements.

If you want to test, you can register on
serverlist is accessible on

When you will create a character i've set the access_level to 100 so you can use the commands for walk around, spawn, teleport etc.

On this version you have :
-Kelsaik's Nest dungeon (accessible via teleportal on Vale of Spire)
-New city (Zulfikar Fortress, Kanstria)
-New NPC (Kaiator, Pathinder Outpost)

This is just a test, i need to have more work on it.

Awesome work men. Can you please share how you did it?
I have this server running for a few people and I will like to improve it as much as possible.
Thanks can't download from mega limits:8:

Skkont - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums
Skkont - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums
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Files will be a week on the file sharing service, then I will delete them.
I've a lot of work to actually, so no time to work on the server anymore.
Maybe at the beginning of July
possible NOT, more people are leachers, won't work hard & push github he's intellectual advise...

see, I hate when smart people showing their progress & findings here and then something happens in their lifes and all the good progress is lost because no code was opened to the world to work on. I dont get it why people should not take the code and improve it or start their own fork and improve on it. You can always merge forks and create a better fork and so on. Calling the last people on this DEAD thread leachers is just insane. Keep your code private and go on with protecting it from leachers, maybe Im gonna figure it out and everyone made progress on their own.

Take skylake as an example, the dev's architecture and code is maybe better than the original tera server arch, he started like 4 different versions of this project, what happened? he got scared of leachers and deleted his repo with his latest progress, its gone.

Guys Im here to try to preserve as much as I can, because I felt in love with this game. Keep in mind that in near future Tera could shutdown their servers because of more and more people leaving and then we have nothing but this progress.

Wouldn't you be happy to play legacy TERA dungeons with some friends in 8-10years when official TERA will shutdown their servers?

think about it.
Guys Im here to try to preserve as much as I can, because I felt in love with this game. Keep in mind that in near future Tera could shutdown their servers because of more and more people leaving and then we have nothing but this progress.

Wouldn't you be happy to play legacy TERA dungeons with some friends in 8-10years when official TERA will shutdown their servers?

think about it.
Totally agree with you. I've started to work on private server because i still want to play this game when servers will be gone.
And for the code, you can take a look on my github, everything is inside btw (maybe missing some commits)

I've worked with Narcis on skylake, i still have the source code on my laptop with the tools.
I don't know if he's still working on it or not. If not, i can share it.