[Release]virustheking's downloads

Junior Spellweaver
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
WYD-Server with some tool and launcher/updater:

The GateBugFix ( Only for Brasil Client ):

The AnctPatch ( Any Clients):

The !NEW! AnctPatch ( Any Clients ):

The English Patch ( Any Clients):

Exp changing tool ( with some notes ):
If you want to use it, put it to TMSRV/run/npc folder. If you get error witht he editmob_ko, just take off the filelist.txt and wydxp.exe.
Attached to my post, credits to Negata
Simple Register Site ( with little guide ):
Attached to my post, translation and some fix by me
Serverlist.bin editor:
use one of these for URL(link):

i prefer the 1st one
Attached to my post, credits to astrogod
Attached to my post, all credits to me ;)
WYD IP Changer for changing IPs very fast:
The program is made by me, to use, you must setup .NET Framework 1.1 or better
FateWYD Client:
The most of mesh, ui changes and the gatebug .exe fix made by me, other .exe changes made by Negata

If you use this client, dont patch it with anything, because its the "latest" client around.
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Re: !ViRuStHeKiNg's Downloads!

If im thinking good you tried to patch a chinese client with GateBugFix. I told, only usable with Brasil client =.=
Re: !ViRuStHeKiNg's Downloads!

You're wrong. I download the Fully patched 6.13 English Client ( Based on 6.13 Brasil ), I thought if you post it, it must work rightly..
Re: virustheking's downloads

I'm sorry virus, now your client is running ok.

But still got a problem. The servelist.bin is not proper. I tryed to do what you explained in your guide, but id didn't work.

Try to post a serverlist.bin generetor here xD
Re: virustheking's downloads

virustheking try use MuServerStartUP to start the WYD Server i have try this and works fine you only need to configure it to start the BISRV DBSRV and TMSRV, its have memory free tool on it.
Re: virustheking's downloads

I tried MuServerStartup, but as i thought, it doesnt worked...MuServerStartup :bomb:
i try to Re-Config the .exe :SniperHea

P.S.: we dont need that startup, because WYD server need low amount of system/virtual memory and CPU ;)
Re: virustheking's downloads

Sorry dude, my antivirus is detecting some programs and files with trojan... its that normal? It just block they to make the download, i ll have to disable the antivirus to make and run my server all the time? =//
Re: virustheking's downloads

Avast antivirus, i think thats ok for now, but my pc become very lazy...

humm i know that here is not the right place to ask this but, can i ask how i use this serverlist editor? ive tryied but its no use with no knowledge... the other things too, i was this searching like a 3 weeks now just to know how to do a perfect server, im new in this but i have searched a lot of things and basic my problem now is: i cant conect to the server(error in serverlist) because "i dont know how to conf. it" and maybe other things, and i dont have that pack of asian language to install in my pc(my windows is original but i dont have CD and i dont know how to do without that)

basicly that are my problems, sorry to make noobs things before explain this all, now u all know my problens and know that i WANT do my best to make a good server(but im new in this, i need somes tutos to beginers but i wont found it in net =/)

ok now thx for that thread, i become less noob with that thx...
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