[Release] WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
(Support was given on the other thread, but was removed by a moderator.)

Hey RaGEZONE forums, I was just wondering if you guys would be interested in a pre-built WarZ server with the essentials installed including:
1) MS SQL Server 2008 R2 (Fully Configured)
2) IIS WebServer (Fully Configured)
3) The War Z Server (Fully Configured)

So, I am actually working on this right now and all you need to do is import the VirtualMachine to Oracle VitualBox! Simple as! :D

The VirtualMachine will do the following:
1) Start IIS server.
2) Start War Z database service.
3) Automatically run MasterServer.exe and SupervisorServer.exe
4) Create a game.ini that has the VirtualMachine IP (for your game client)

In the VM, I will include:
1) The War Z (Bin files for the server)
2) IIS and SQL Server

1) The RaGEZONE WarZ client (that gets the server IP from Game.ini)
2) Dual-core CPU @ 1.6GHz (Recommended: 2GHz)
3) 2GB of RAM (Recommended: 4GB)
4) Graphics card with at least 128MB RAM

In short:
This VitualMachine will be the server emulator you've been looking for (untill the amazing developers on here fix up a "One-Click Server")
It will have a fully configured SQL, IIS and WZServer setup read to connect to. :)

I have made this as a thank you to the entire community for their help throughout the development stage of the WarZ private servers and will upload it as soon as it is done. :)
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Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

Hey RaGEZONE forums, I was just wondering if you guys would be interested in a pre-built WarZ server with the essentials installed including:
1) MS SQL Server 2008 R2 (Fully Configured)
2) IIS WebServer (Fully Configured)
3) The War Z Server (Fully Configured)

So, I am actually working on this right now and all you need to do is import the VirtualMachine to Oracle VitualBox! Simple as! :D

The VirtualMachine will do the following:
1) Start IIS server.
2) Start War Z database service.
3) Automatically run MasterServer.exe and SupervisorServer.exe
4) Create a game.ini that has the VirtualMachine IP (for your game client)

In the VM, I will include:
1) The War Z (Bin files for the server)
2) IIS and SQL Server

1) The RaGEZONE WarZ client (that gets the server IP from Game.ini)
2) Dual-core CPU @ 1.6GHz (Recommended: 2GHz)
3) 2GB of RAM (Recommended: 4GB)
4) Graphics card with at least 128MB RAM

In short:
This VitualMachine will be the server emulator you've been looking for (untill the amazing developers on here fix up a "One-Click Server")
It will have a fully configured SQL, IIS and WZServer setup read to connect to. :)

I have made this as a thank you to the entire community for their help throughout the development stage of the WarZ private servers and will upload it as soon as it is done. :)

i love you... but seriously yeah i do need this :D and i would be forever grateful if you uploaded it.
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

i love you... but seriously yeah i do need this :D and i would be forever grateful if you uploaded it.

Hopefully the VirtualBox will be a good learning point too if you did the tutorals, but got no-where o_o
The VirtualBox is Windows 7 so it is going to be pretty big (including server files XD)

Nice tutorial , information for newbies.

I hope that is will help people :)

Glad to see there is some interest, I am almost done creating the VirtualBox - just need to make sure the launcher and client that I am using connects to the server on the VirtualBox :) (I think it needs SQLConnector XD)
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

i know how to use oracle VM ware thats not a issue but the issue is some warz guides were to vague for me.
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

This could be very amazing? Would this include lootspawns? :-)

The VirtualBox I am making will include the map that was released with DNC's education.zip :P
That is what I am currently using to I can say yes to that :P

At the moment, everything such as IIS and WarZ Server is working. I broke the database though XD so I'm working to fix that.
Should be ready for upload soon enough :3
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Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

The VirtualBox I am making will include the map that was released with DNC's education.zip :P
That is what I am currently using to I can say yes to that :P

At the moment, everything such as IIS and WarZ Server is working. I broke the database though XD so I'm working to fix that.
Should be ready for upload soon enough :3

im saying this again i love you.... you are amazing.
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

The VirtualBox I am making will include the map that was released with DNC's education.zip :P
That is what I am currently using to I can say yes to that :P

At the moment, everything such as IIS and WarZ Server is working. I broke the database though XD so I'm working to fix that.
Should be ready for upload soon enough :3

Epic, bro, epic. Read my pm please. :-I
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

would be cool if you could do that for vmware

I shall take a look into VMWare once I finish the VirtualBox version :P

On another note:
Good news! The WarZLauncher connects to the VirtualBox using the IPv4 address!
Now I've just got to install the WarZ Server and add it to start-up and install a serial key that will allow you to register :)

It will be uploaded with the WarZClient once finished! :D
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

i cant wait and you deserve a award for you hardwork.

Thank you :3
The developers who brought us the code and allowed us to create the servers have done the hardest work. I am just using what is ready available to me and putting it all together for everyone to learn from (and use for a private server :P)

Another note:
The SerialKey problem wasn't the Database, there was a problem with the API. I'm working on it now, once done - I shall begin to upload the VM for everyone to use! :D
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

Thank you :3
The developers who brought us the code and allowed us to create the servers have done the hardest work. I am just using what is ready available to me and putting it all together for everyone to learn from (and use for a private server :P)

Another note:
The SerialKey problem wasn't the Database, there was a problem with the API. I'm working on it now, once done - I shall begin to upload the VM for everyone to use! :D
You can't imagine how I'm looking forward to this.
Re: WarZ Server - Virtual Machine Image

Good news guys! It will be ready for upload once I get the WarZ server set-up and configured! :D

Look forward to it - this will be released very soon! (once it has finished uploading, of course XD) :D
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