removing things from shop

Jan 9, 2007
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hello all,
me and my friend have made a pserver but the military sword is bugged, +999 hp etc,
now we tried editing it in zitem and it didnt change we tried deleteing it from shop,zitem and strings and didnt remove so how do you remove items from shop
all help is very much appreciated
thnx in advance,
inorder to fix this, you have to edit the SERVER FILES.. You cannot edit the System.mrs files, (You will later but not right now)

Replace your Military sword with this.
	<ITEM id="13" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_13" mesh_name="katana02" totalpoint="0" type="melee"
		res_sex="a" res_level="10" slot="melee" weapon="katana" weight="10" bt_price="600"
		delay="349" damage="18" range="220" ctrl_ability="0" magazine="0" reloadtime="0" slug_output="false"
		gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF"
		image_id="0" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_13" />

Also, Take the Zitem from the server folder and put it in the system.mrs (unpack it then put it in and then re-pack it)
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