[Repack] KalmaX Files

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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
This repack is base from the community repack on this site.

Server Supports:
G70 Gold Armor weapons (GM)
G70 (mage only) gray/purple armor & weapon (GM)
EE Speed
Archer/Mage/Knight High grade ring/belt/trinket set
Starter Pack NPC in Narouth (G1 weapons removed from shops)
New Death Valley town
10+ Custom Mosters (Sparn in valley area)
Quest/Event item NPC's in Temp Fort
Mixing In Temp Fort
Custom Flags (AFK,Guild Recurting,Sin)
Custom Map Flags & NPC clothes
ALL Skill NPC's Put in Temp Fort
Nice Drop rate
Good but fair EXP
PVP Area for PVP needs
Kalcash NPC
Admin Panel (by Boarderkoen)

and more xD

New file password (Config.pk & e.pk) = KALMAXAX#6969

Server Files (Keylogger scare removed)

Patch 1.0

Patch 1.2

Ok I spent a lot of time on this server but im just sick of running it :/ So enjoy and all I hope is that this repack will help people in the ever growing world over private kal servers :)

I wont be supporting this forum, just make of it what you want, last time server was up running with these files it was 100%..

Just a good deed.

Just like to say a mass thanks to CptKenpachi for all the support yo gave me! you show me the way and I wouldn't have done it without your support :) I will miss working with you mate :(

------------------------ [ UPDATE ]

Gold G70 ID's

Mage: 3000 to 3004
Archer: 3005 to 3009
Knight: 3010 to 3014

Custom Mage armor (MaX) made my self
3015 to 3018 (no hat as I never used them xD )

4000 to 4004

Working Config.pk
http://forum.ragezone.com/attachments/f315/36763d1171529199-repack-kalmax-files-config.rar LINK FIXED

My current RageZone account is now llMaXll
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GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZ, pffffffffff i jus got the valley sign working too baaaaaaah, oki np, was fun working with ya m8

wud join you and ur server agen anytime jus call :p

<--- MrJames Sucks to here this max, was my favourite server and i know ill have trouble finding another good server!

Dwarfpicker what is ur server? can you post the site link please
<--- MrJames Sucks to here this max, was my favourite server and i know ill have trouble finding another good server!

Dwarfpicker what is ur server? can you post the site link please

Think I might pop on there too :)
This is real helpful - Thanks , But i make files and do things with SQL and when i go to connect i cant , what do i do wrong , i made IP mine exturnal and internal ... Can you please help - this server is much better compaired to mine :)
yea lots of mine and gaz sweet time went into this :p, but coz he loves u , he gaves u this as valentines day pressie lol...........

try forwwarding ur ports on ur router, and use ur own IP adress, in ur internet connections protocol if its needed.

control panel > network connection > ( whichever connection ur router is) >properties > Internet protocol (TCP/IP) > double click > set up Ur IP there, make sure ur default gateway is ur routers IP ,

( i.e if u type ur routers adress into ur web browser bar it directys u to the settings..
Ok well when i use the Updater and i do condition i get this error : Windows Socet Error : The requested name is valid and was found in the database , but it does not have the correct assicoated data being resolved for (11004), on API "Async Lookup"
But if anyone has a clue why i get that error please tell me i tried what you said CaptKen but it just kept making error noise over and over
I hope we can get a small tutorial cuz allways if i start server and log in with any files i tried i have no items ingame
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