[REPACK] NEXUS Need for Speed World - Powered by SBRW Core

Junior Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2022
Reaction score
This is a need for speed world / SBRW repack... AKA: not entirely identical that was shared here before from others(therefore, my work is based on their work). I decided to share my heavily modded repack work that based on an older version, since it is hard to get a server for this game if you want to host it yourself. I did not finished my repack entirely, but i made some modifications in this game and the gameplay that it is entirely playable an unique - or somewhat like that XD. YOU WILL have/need to do some work and alteration with it, if you want to use this, since it is translated into hungarian and there is a lot of new language variable in the files, but sorry. I dont have an english version from this, you need to remove the translation from mod files, and use the original english or your language file from the OG client and add/or the missing variables to it (i dont have a list from it. Too much to keep a list of them) the modded translation in the mod file: SBRW\Webserver\www\nexus_mods.mods/Languages folder. If you want english again, get rid of the folder with winrar in mods file. SHA1 the file and edit index.json with new size and SHA1 value and you are good to go. But you'll have some missing labels ingame and you will see only variables that you need to add later on the language files. Sorry. But this is the way. currently.


For clarification if not so obvious: It works online/offline/lan/vpn. Just as you configure it.

NOTE: I wont add/remove/clean/change mods on demand. It is as it is. You need to deal with the change you want to make and translations, ect... i dont have time for troubleshooting for you.

Okay what is in this repack what is different from other servers and differs from the original in github and what is added/altered this is a FULL FLEDGED working server with client and all stuffs ready to use. You just need to setup it.

  • Partially recovered freeroam pursuit police (Yes it is work... ish...). Pursuits are working on DEMAND: It means that you are not tied to any location anymore, you can crash into cops without any consequence BUT: there is a recovered pursuit mode that you can trigger at any point on the map. If you select it, the chase will start right where you are and immidiately. That is called the Instant Pursuit mod. This is the farthest i was able to recover the freeroam police functionality from the Old beta versions... (Dismantled and moved the parts of the code ect) The old events are still avaliable also on the maps though. The mod itself is Not perfect, and has untested features but (Eg:you can even create a multiplayer lobby for it too; however Multiplayer Pursuits in freeroam not tested yet absolutely(i mean ZERO testing XD)! But you can host a lobby for Single player pursuit, probably will crash and burn but in single player works exeptionally well)
  • COMPLETELY reworked levelup and progression and unlocking system, that elmiminates the P2W part of the game. It acts more like a single player game in this repack. What it means: I totally revamped the looting tables and progression method, for the races... It still needs polishing here and there, some parts are very random but usable good. You can get relatively early on the game an A++ car easyily, but you WILL need to keep the E-D-C-B type cars to progress in levels and get meaningful parts, (if you don't you will suffer a hell of a grinding progression so keep the older cars!!) Since you cannot get in certain events under a certain level. And the big stuff and the newer parts/items are only avaliable if you are participating on those class locked events. So you will NEED to keep slower class cars in the garage too for meaningful progression. Also, all carparts and Card Packs are unlocking by progressing further in the game with your driver level score. So you cannot get ELITE ULTRA-HYPER-godlike cardpacks on demand anymore on lower levels. There is some events that randomly drop elite parts but the rest will be in card packs unlocking according to your driver level.
  • NO more SP(Premium) points or premium money. EVERYTHING can be achieved ingame money, even premium stuff... it is not P2W it is grind 2 win now. If something says it costs SP it can be purchased on money... Despite what the text says.
  • Anti-Farming mod: There is a 6 hour limit for the currently rolled races, after that, the system will reroll the avaliable races to prevent farming on a certain event. There is more than 185 events in the database. Always a 4-8 is selected in each class and classfree races according to level.(Editable in MYSQL Events)
  • Natural HEAT decay mod: The bounty on your car will expire in about 1-2 days depending on your wanted level. Even, if you dont touch that car, it will slowly wear off the police heat. Not just after certain amount of races, it is progressing by your OS's system clock.
  • Fixed Gem collecting event. Can be completed once a day now.
  • WAY faster and more challanging AI cars for all i mean ALL events exept meeting places and multiplayer(the engine not capable to add ai with more than one players presence. It cannot be done... so no PVPE it is PVE or PVP. Cannot be both, exept team escape ofc) XD. If you are the pack leader and you are crashing or just making a small mistake you can easily found yourself at last position XD Be aware Also i must point out that ai is somewhat dumb so they will do mistakes crash into traffic ect, take advantage on those mistakes. This is what is all about!
  • The game rewards you for 2-3-4th places also. So expect, that you will lose some races XD
  • Team escape playable alone with AI.
  • Team escape HUD fixed from Overlapping texts.
  • Pursuit HUD fixed.
  • Custom Freeroam server to be compatible with the web based live map.(Included in webserver)
  • Top menu HUD Changed.
  • All visual carparts(Premium and events) are unlocked(costs money ofc)
  • All Event related items in store, like neon, parts, licence plates ect... unlocked.(For money ofc exept vinyls)
  • Tougher Police mod. The police is not shitting around anymore. They will kick your butt for good even on heat level 1... i mean, it is not that hard or impossible, but you WILL NEED to have at least one instant cooldown amongst your quick skills for higher heat levels... XD and you will sweat like a pig to get lose them especially after heat level 2 and + XD So brace yourself. Ye be warned! (Still no helicopter ingame, but you won't miss it... belive me XD you will sweat blood XD)
  • Automatic holiday world events(Haloween, Christmas, Moon New year ect...) Events need coding though... only the scenery changes automaticly yet.
  • Free vinyls to apply on your car(Vinyls are not dropped in events anymore, they are free and unlimited.) the only things are dropping in events: Passive skill mods, Car Parts, and Skill "ammo"
  • Night-day dynamic time fixed... one Ingame day from is about 6 hours now. 90 min morning 90 min midday 90 min dusk, 90 min night. Real time.
  • 4K Sky textures mod
  • Detailed roads with reflections mod applied.
  • Mods for adding new cars.(by default is ~125 car avaliable)
  • Visual nitro and effect improvements ingame.
  • Car physics altered. More... shall we say realistic car slowing down
  • Added 99-100% Hungarian translation.(If you change language, or revert to english there will be missing lang keys, that you need to add manually)
  • Various icon fixes and mods from other sites/mods
  • Custom billborad textures(mostly hungarian memes, you can change them as you see fit.) ALL MODDING TOOLS that i was able to get is in this pack too, in modding folder!!
  • Randomized daily rewards for gem collecting event. It is randomizing prizes 30 minutes repeatable.
  • You can set shutdown timer for clients if you have a much larger scale, if that time is up the client will be kicked to give place for others... event is adjustable in mysql events.
  • The leaderboards Resets by default in every Jan 1st in every years.(Clensing)
  • Shitload of custom music mod :D (Various kinds, you cannot make a compilation that everyone likes so you can change the musics with modding if you dont like it XD)
  • Added a far larger scale of traffic into the game - i always thought that Tricity too empty so.... I added traffic mod and a lot of cars fro mmost wanted(For example the log carriers and trucks and some other stuff)
  • EVERY race/event has traffic in the game. Exept that eg.10 events that hardcodedly turned off traffic.
  • Single player/LAN friendly repack. This is an MMORACE still, but you can do ANYTHING in SP just like in MP. You get the same prices and same progression with ai just like with real people.
  • Most wanted HUD
  • Totally reworked Tri-City map ingame and on livemap. Even the minimap.(Thx for my friend Emily for that She has a LOT of work in the new maps)
  • Menu ingame and logo fixes.
  • Better HD reflections with higher rate of refresh
  • Enabled some missing events.(The unplayable buggy ones stayed turned off though.)

Web interface includes:
  • BETA version of web interface. Not everything is working and some features are missing yet (like the store or the login system and/or the Driver searching but other things are... works-ish... web music can be turned off in the top right corner slider bar(not permanent though))
  • NFS 3 HP - ish inspired look-a-like interface
  • 3D webpage (you'll see what i mean... i recommend at least chrome and/or Firefox) IT WONT WORK ON MOBILE DEVICES!!
  • Custom Client downloaders
  • A Basic Beta Web based Race table laderboard
  • A Basic Beta FBI most wanted leaderboard
  • News and announcement system(you can login separately)
  • Cloned CDN file system(Containing the untouched vanilla client too) for downloads thru web.
  • LIVEMAP that shows you when you are ingame on freeroam map in the browser.(I Modified the freeroam server to accept the connection from this script.)
  • Built in dokuwiki that can be read ingame in the help system (editable see credentials).
  • Custom Avatars for the Drivers - Generated with Stable Diffusion AI.
  • Custom Client downloader and launcher(MOdified the graphics a bit and the code that you can edit the download domains)
  • The server entirely works offline too it is modified to disconnect to any other SBRW servers!

Planned features that NOT YET in this pack yet but it is being worked on:
  • Money fine if you are caught by police (you will need to pay the damage you cost to the state) -> NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ANYTIME SOON! MYSQL RECORDS ARE NOT USEABLE CURRENTLY IN THIS WAY!
  • Freeroam cop trigger if you are hit a cop to start Instant pursuit. (I am planning this feature will be toggleable; but i didn't found the way yet to enable this only the instant pursuit mode.)
  • Online store (To buy stuff, but with ingame money only)
  • Auction house (For player interactions to be able to buy sell stuff in web)
  • Web based XMPP client integration with login system thru token login
  • Detailed profile page
  • Driver and Player search page
  • Custom cars adding - i dont have a complete tutorial in this yet. So i cannot do it -.-'
  • Adding the X and X1 and X2 addon classes for cars with Ultra performance and elite.
  • Adding 200+ new maps/races in GPCORE as an addon.
  • Adding tuned cars as AI opponents
  • Mobile compatible web interface.(Currently wont work on mobiles.)
  • Ingame Voice Chat thru web
  • Fixed help system
  • Helicopter in highest Pursuit levels.
  • Car crashes in freeroam. It is possible now too, but it is disabled for this repack for a reason.
  • Guild and territory part on livemap and in database rewrite.
  • Livemap events db fix (they are turned off for now since it is not in sync with database.)
  • Fix login announcement/news screen ingame (currently- not working you need just to close it upon login)

Regarding bugs:

There are few, yes. About 6-7 comes to my mind suddenly,(the game is crashes sometimes for example if you are teleportin a LOT in the world and after you try to go in the garage, but it is happens just in few hours... you need just restart the game and you can play on normally.) i wont write all down, but you will encounter them... Few bugs just to know these bugs are RARE. but happens sometimes there are some other bugs too not mentioned here but nothing game breaking, so dont cry me a river about it XD :
  • Not often, but happens now and then... one or two skill is stucks during race or pursuit... it is either happening cuz of lag or connection error, but this will consist until the end of the actual end of the started event. After that; it is all back to normal again.
  • To refresh the newest avaliable card packs, you need to relogin to see the unlocked changes. (for rotating random maps, you do not need to quit, that is processed by the system realtime also the parts in the store.) This is requied since the card packs unlocks as you gain levels in this repack; but the game not refreshing the avaliable cards only when you are re-loggin in..
  • There is a bug when you are see the spawning in vehicles in the distance. OR the spawned in vehicles causes a big mess. (traffic gridlock ect) This is the engine's fault. But not soo bad. Also adds a bit of a salt for the races/world....
  • Not every addon car reacts as should to traffic magnet. Some vehicles will not turn on the victim. This is random wich one will or not...
  • The multiplayer races sometime are buggy, especially with the Team Escape one... it happens that the respawn is not counted well, or the track distance is counting up instead of down... despite this the gameplay stable and all race can be completed.
  • There is 2 things with the stages... there are few beta tracks enabled that has missing edge and misses few guideline arrows or they are pointing backward, in this case watch closely the minimap since in some cases you can "derail" and just freeroam in the otherwise empty city... There is 1 or 2 track like this is enabled in the events but if you are cautious, the map still completable. The AI knows their way.
  • The second thing is the "untouchable" skill... i did turned off but despite my efforts the game engine drops it sometime wherthere is enabled or not... this skill is bugged, cannot be buyed or owned even if the system gives you that. If you get that as a loot, consider that your only reward for that race, is just your xp; since it wont work. At all. This is a rare occasion too.
  • There is a small global light flicker at every daytime change. Not always visible but it is there.
  • When your heat is decaying by the mod, the heat level displayed is just an erm..."guidleline" since the game cannot visualise the folat values on the heat meter.... like 4.3 or 2.6 ect... but if you start a pursuit, the heat always rounded down to the nearest value so if your heat is 3.8 your heat at the start at the end will be 3.0 and if 2.2 your start value will be 2 ect ect...
  • When you are finish a Team Escape event the central police woman voice in the radio announces that you were caught... This is not true XD its an error in the audio System.

There is a LOT of places i got stuff from i wont denying it(NOR i will remove anything by myself so do not even bother to write me in that subject.),Sources are xyz.nfsmods, sbrw servers almost all of them few files here and there, and sites, mods, and anything that i was able to think of and was able to make it useful, i even used AI art, and Chatgpt, and lot of mods made by me. My goal was to create a portable-ish standalone lan working server that wont work from any thirdparty sites, servers. And it is done. You can spread it, repack it, redistribute it. All i ask is that make your alterations avaliable too. dont be greedy and selfish. I cannot make this happen all i ask is your kindness and honor towards this files. This is a good game and everyone should be able to use it.

What is in the Archive folders:
  • AdoptOpenJDK10 - The server jars uses this version portable java
  • core - the hearth of the server the game core itself
  • freeroam - Modified freeroam server
  • Modding - All tools and stuff used for making changes to the server that i was able to put my hand on.
  • MYSQL8018 - MYSQL database for the game.
  • openfire - Login and chgat system for the game it is a modified XMPP server
  • race - Race matchmaking server
  • Redis - Temporal database for memory, used to fix the friend system The server works w/o it, but it lacks the friends then
  • Sentry - Sentry for the server, it is not uised currently, it can be setup.
  • Webserver - Webpage side, by default the program uses 88 and 444 ports. Webserver contains the client downloader and the CLient files itself in complete CDN format with all of the requied addon files.
  • Modified SBRW client for downloading the client itself. it is in the SBRW\Webserver\www\Client\
  • SBRW\Webserver\www\Client\Launcher-Installer.exe - English client
  • SBRW\Webserver\www\Client\Launcher-Installer-HUN.exe - Hungarian Client

Installation Tutorial: Check: Credentials-tutorial.txt in the archives after extraction. To edit MYSQL i use HeidiSQL or Navicat newer versions. You will need to know your own domain/lan ip adresses to make this work. Or set everything for for single player, your choice.

2 - start-sbrw-Serveronly.bat
The bat files will start to close any remaining previous server apis and then starts up. It is also erase your complete temp folcer on C appdata local at startup since thorntail makes a lot of garbage files sadfully... so this is mandatory.

Accounts: There are NO premade accounts in this server. You need to create it to yourself in the launcher... you can create admins in mysql but i do not know any admin commands in chat so... i did not needed that one... the column is "isAdmin" Set to 1 if you want admin user.

Repack Download and mirrors(you only need one file from these link these are mirrors):

Password for extract: illunclogmynosetoyourdefinitiveway

English patch:
Download this:
and extract to the webserver\www root and overwrite the index.js and the nexus_mods.mods file. It will revert the language to english, but be warned there will be missing language labels!! (it will show the variable names)

After copy, restart the client(NOT THE SERVER client is enough), and it will patch out the hungarian translation from the mods and your client!

NOTE: After the tutorial and first start, you need to download the client from your localhost web server(it will run on localhost:88/444 or you can get it from the webroot www\client folder the english client.) and install it, and start the launcher. After this you will need to give a location for your client, and the launcher will download and assemble the client to you from oyur localhost, sliced pieces from the webroot. It will apply the nexus_repack mods too. You can mod the game yourself too all you need is an sha1 hasher(i use totalcommander) and winrar to make modifications in the game with mod patch method, and you can easily distribute it with the launcher to your community. The launcher and the main project is made by SBRW team. I think they are made an excellent work creating theese files despite their attitude. Big thanks for them.

Disclaimer and note of ignoration for "those" people:
This repack is containing NUMEROUS i mean LOTS AND LOTS OF modifications that is obtained by myself or from other servers that are lingering around. Other mods; i made myself. I aknowledge the work of others, but since they are behaving like huge asses in the community when you are asking for help and always keeping the good stuff for themselves and even putting crappy crypto mining functions in the codes and the webpage side ect i DON'T CARE that what files has this specific repack. This repack is unique - mostly - and vastly altered. The community will hate me that i share this with you but i dont care, this is a damn good game. And i have a lot i mean a LOT of work in this. I dont do any profit from this all i have is just the passion towards this game. The rest haters/braggers(about their better versions), you can just Sodoff... If you have a better solution dont brag about it here, share it right now, or get lost from the thread. No one likes bragging brats. Yes there is newer versions of thsi server and yes there are most likely other files for use this. I did stick with this. Live with it.

Have fun, download, until it last!

Update: Added some screenshots.


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-.-' Yes. Both. Read the thread XD Literally there it is with red color man.
Logan Any discord where you keep updating these files? is look pretty cool.

Thank you for share
Well, no... not really, i am doing this on my own, so if i have an update it will be posted here... :\ I might make a community if there is a demand for it but it wont be on DC... it will be something else.... :D (I dont trust DC at all)

Update: Added some screenshots to the main post.
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Logan hi pal i everythig setup as tutorial but still server offline, but websites and mysql are workin :O
any idea? :O

image_2024-04-15_184356625 - [REPACK] NEXUS Need for Speed World - Powered by SBRW Core - RaGEZONE Forums


  • image_2024-04-15_184434303 - [REPACK] NEXUS Need for Speed World - Powered by SBRW Core - RaGEZONE Forums
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Core.jar not running :D

Refer to the tutorial txt.... Credentials-tutorial.txt
you need to do every single step to make it work.

Edit parameters in soapbox ->parameters mysql table, and you should use the mentioned two batfiles in my post.... YOU NEEED TO edit the mysql parameters to make this work. You will need a heidisql or a navicat latest-or mysql8 compatible one.

core mostly crashing if there is no:
- Openfire
- or mysql misconfigured

Also use this two:
2 - start-sbrw-Serveronly.bat

Edit them to reflect your SBRW folder location. This pack is not an extract N play version :D You need to edit all things mentioned in txt... sorry... :D

Game consist of this services and they are relying to each other:
- Core - > The gameplay itself, the soul.
- Matchmaking race server - > Lobby for multiplayer games
- Freeroam - > the players in this "world" when they are not in a race Event....
- Openfire - Login, and users and chat. Core highly depends on it.
- MYSQL - > backend for core. And OF

Also watch if the core starts up before than Openfire, that is a problem too!!! You need to start up core AFTER openfire booted up, that is why there is a countdown in every service.
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Core.jar not running :D

Refer to the tutorial txt.... Credentials-tutorial.txt
you need to do every single step to make it work.

Edit parameters in soapbox ->parameters mysql table, and you should use the mentioned two batfiles in my post.... YOU NEEED TO edit the mysql parameters to make this work. You will need a heidisql or a navicat latest-or mysql8 compatible one.

core mostly crashing if there is no:
- Openfire
- or mysql misconfigured

Also use this two:
2 - start-sbrw-Serveronly.bat

Edit them to reflect your SBRW folder location. This pack is not an extract N play version :D You need to edit all things mentioned in txt... sorry... :D

Game consist of this services and they are relying to each other:
- Core - > The gameplay itself, the soul.
- Matchmaking race server - > Lobby for multiplayer games
- Freeroam - > the players in this "world" when they are not ingame.
- Openfire - Login, and users and chat. Core highly depends on it.
- MYSQL - > backend for core.

Also watch if the core starts up forst than Openfire, that is a problem too!!! You need to start up AFTER openfire, that is why there is a countdown in every service.

Working, was my fail, not change that mysql :D :D :D


  • image_2024-04-15_190117730 - [REPACK] NEXUS Need for Speed World - Powered by SBRW Core - RaGEZONE Forums
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One other thing ENGLISH ONLY Mod:
Download this:

and extract to the webserver\www root and overwrite the index.js and the nexus_mods.mods file. It will revert the language to english, but be warned there will be missing language labels!! (it will show the variable names)

After copy, restart the client, and it will patch out the hungarian translation from the mods and your client!
One other thing ENGLISH ONLY Mod:
Download this:

and extract to the webserver\www root and overwrite the index.js and the nexus_mods.mods file. It will revert the language to english, but be warned there will be missing language labels!! (it will show the variable names)

After copy, restart the client, and it will patch out the hungarian translation from the mods and your client!
what kind of program you are using for edit .mods files?
Pure, unadulterated Winrar. XD And Total commander SHA1 hash function - The launcher needs SHA1. And exact size from there too :D like 196633936 from the mod file...

The mod itself AFAIK is uses some kind of LZA compression or what but with winrar you can edit it without worries...

If you modify anythin inside the mods, even a single byte, the mod needs to be re-hashed, the hash value to be added in the index.js and the size, save, copy, and launcher will take care of the rest :D
Pure, unadulterated Winrar. XD And Total commander SHA1 hash function - The launcher needs SHA1. And exact size from there too :D like 196633936 from the mod file...

The mod itself AFAIK is uses some kind of LZA compression or what but with winrar you can edit it without worries...

If you modify anythin inside the mods, even a single byte, the mod needs to be re-hashed, the hash value to be added in the index.js and the size, save, copy, and launcher will take care of the rest :D
thank you just try to find out how to edit English_Global.bin :D
Its in the modding folder: labrune


Also the tools are for this type of manipulations:
"NFS Shift Audio Extractor v0.1" - > Audio tool.
NFS-Aaron - > Car adding editor.
NFS-Attribulator - > Decodes all racing files and encodes them.(gpcore and attrib and event files for races)
NFS-Binary - > Extracting base files from various nfs games.
NFS-CarToolkit -> Car editing tool
NFS-CfgEd - > Car editing tool
NFS-Disculator - > Extracting files from nfs game console versions.
NFS-EALAYER3 - > Decoding encoding music
"NFS-GlobalC Tool" - > For adding custom cars.
NFS-Hasher - > Hasing custom language and other file values with this.
NFS-Hypercooled - > Map editor, but currently not working with World sadfully.
NFS-Labrune - > Language editor. It needs the texture bin too
NFS-ModManager \___ For mod packing i did not used them anyhow...
NFS-ModPackager /
"NFS-TexEd 1.7" - \___ Texture editing tools
"NFS-TexEd Beta" -/
NFS-TOOL-Source-Codes - > Some tools source code.
NFS-Vinyl - >Vinyl editor
NFS-Vtled - > For editing race core files like gpcore or race bins and other settings ingame
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Yea with this, pack you can modify almost everyhing, i only would want a newer hypercooled version :D For editing the main map... But they are not giving out for anyone(not even entirely ready i guess, but it would be world compatible) the Hypercool that i attached not works with World only carbon and mw

Oh regarding the Instant Pursuit anywhere, check this picture on how to activate:


  • IP - [REPACK] NEXUS Need for Speed World - Powered by SBRW Core - RaGEZONE Forums
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Yea with this, pack you can modify almost everyhing, i only would want a newer hypercooled version :D For editing the main map... But they are not giving out for anyone(not even entirely ready i guess, but it would be world compatible) the Hypercool that i attached not works with World only carbon and mw
did you check nightriderz world there have a new racing map, do you know they are make it?
I dont know a much about them since i am not playing on their servers XD

Edit: Added some buglist into the the main post. These are not game breaking, just they are present... on rare ocasions.

Edit i post here a little bugfix for the nexus_mods.mods turned out that i forgot to apply the Multiplayer hud fix to the latest modpack so here is the file that need to be modded in the mods directory:
It fixes the incoming dangers texts and warnings in multiplayer. Like this:
1713273698492 - [REPACK] NEXUS Need for Speed World - Powered by SBRW Core - RaGEZONE Forums

If you won't apply this mod, the red text will appear under the current driver names.. It fixes that error.
If you want to fix it, just with winrar add the correct gfx file to the modpack itself:
nexus_mods.mods\gfx\ and overwrite the file there, and rehash the nexus_mods file with SHA1 and edit index.js on the webroot and add sha1 and the exact size. Restart Client.

There is 2 Team escape event (Event ID 380 and 390) that is bugged - crashes the game to desktop. You cannot even go on single player. Just remove them from the database: soapbox->events ID 380 and ID 390. Just remove the line(Enabled is not good since the ranzomizer will turn back on all of it.)


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Logan Sorry to bordering you again, did you know what hash or how is save password in DB? because MD5 not working ( trying do login system on website :D )
It is SHA1. Buuuut the launcher itself can create password and accesses, but if you need you can hash pass with this: