Replacing Servers

Replace T4C Ancient Crystal Realm With T4C Fantasy?

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My vote went to "Don't replace it".

But if it's inevitable, then you make the decision in the end. Or maybe you could give players who are on Ancient Crystal who worked hard for their chars, have a "good enough" character to start on Fantasy.

Just my 2 cents..

i know my opinion doesn't count much, but i went with replace it. it will give you a nice fresh start goku, you can rethink all your addons and stuff. Nova, ive played on ancient crystal before and no offense, but nobody on that server worked too hard for their characters. it was made so that players wouldn't have to work too hard to make good characters, correct goku?
You Have Half Of It Right, I Want You To Work Hard On Your Characters But I Also Want You To Enjoy Your Stay And Not Work Too Hard, Understand?
I Voted To Replace It Because I Can Already Tell Its Going To Be A Big Success. The Public Release of T4C Fantasy Will Come Out In June 2007.
Think About It, Before You Vote Think About The Fact That Converting To T4C Fantasy Will Mean Losing All of Your Accounts, I Have To Wipe The Database, I Could Run Dual Servers But My Brother Won't Let Me Use His Computer.
It's your call eventually Goku. I just offered my opinion on it and it's for ur consideration.

If there's a decision about replacing the whole DB with a new one, then i'll consider stopping my new mage on Ancient Crystal. lol.
More Votes Went To Replacing It Even Without My Vote So T4C Fantasy Is Now Public And Is Now Available. ENJOY!